Teacher Resources

Intructional Tools 22-23

Want to know what tech tools are already available for you to use? Check out this list of district purchased tools.

CHTT_Instructional Technology 22-23: Certificated Staff


Securly chromebook management

Getting Started with Securly

This Google doc has the instructions given to Tech Liaisons! This got me up and running, although some features are still unavailable!

We hope to post some video walkthroughs and other resources soon!

PlayPosit + Schoology SRVUSD 101

Try PlayPosit!

Do you and your students enjoy EdPuzzle but wish there were a wider variety of activities or question types?

PlayPosit might be a good fit for you! Check it out!

How to Create a Digital Notebook with Google Slides by Shanna Gagnon

Digital Notebooks

Shanna Gagnon and Joanna Condon put together step-by-step instructions and a how-to video for teachers who would like to utilize Digital Notebooks!

Pear Deck Resources

Check out this how-to video made by Devan Manning!

If you'd like to experience what Pear Deck presentations are like for students, you can:

  1. Go to joinpd.com

  2. Sign in with your Google account

  3. Use the join code: KCI DGF (this is new and not the same as in the video)