Import Cal's Bell Schedule

Have you ever woken up and wondered if it was an odd or even day? Did you have to make an appointment months in advance and you'd rather miss one day than the other? Then import one (or more!) of three different calendars into your favorite app.

There are two options here:

  1. You can import the ics file into your calendar...

  2. Or you can make changes to a csv file in a spreadsheet program and upload your own personalized calendar.

I have representative screenshots of each calendar below. If you want to import the calendars as is, then use the ics files. If you want to make changes to the events (changing "1st Period" to "Statistics," say), then you want to follow the instructions for the csv (spreadsheet) file below these examples.

Odd/Even Days Only

This calendar will add "Odd Day," "Even Day," or "Minimum Day" as an all day event on your calendar as seen below. If you just need to know what day it is, and not have to worry about the bell schedule, this will work for you.

Bell Schedule 1st - 6th

This calendar will add the bell schedule for 1st through 6th periods. I have representative pics below. If there's a student holiday, I have left those days blank. Unfortunately, I haven't found a way to change the names (more on that below), so if you're OK with "1st Period" and so on, this one's for you. Click on the images before for a bigger picture.

And if you know a way to change the names of many events at once in any calendar program (Google, Apple, Outlook, or what have you), please let Mr. Allen know.

Bell Schedule 1st - B

This calendar will add the bell schedule for 1st through B periods. I have representative pics below. If there's a student holiday, I have left those days blank. Unfortunately, I haven't found a way to change the names (more on that below), so if you're OK with "1st Period" and so on, this one's for you.

And if you know a way to change the names of many events at once in any calendar program (Google, Apple, Outlook, or what have you), please let Mr. Allen know.

You might be saying, "What if I wanted to have my actual classes instead of '1st Period' and so on?"