Frequently Asked Questions:

Who should I contact about donating an item that I wish to include in the Auction sale?

Items for sale in the auction have included, livestock, handmade quilts, used automobiles, handmade furniture, paintings, embroidery, etc. If you have similar items you would like to donate for auction day please contact us via our Contact Page and we will get back with you to discuss your donation and next steps.

How can I make a monetary donation directly to the World Hunger Auction organization?

Visit our Donation Page to make a secure electronic donation via PayPal or Credit Card OR via mail.

How do you determine how to distribute the funds?

As a way of being pro-active in promoting the peace position of the Church of the Brethren, the organizers of the auction wanted to fund projects in areas prone to civil uprisings because of hunger. As a result, the funding was directed to projects in Latin America countries. Responding to later calls to address domestic projects, the committee created a formula which is designed to give a portion of the money to Roanoke Area Ministries, the Heavenly Manna food bank, and Heifer International programs in the United States.