Pre- and Post-Trilogy Stories

Various oneshots and blurbs, some still a bit experimental, but better ingrained in the main stories as they ended up than the original concept blurbs are.


Scars Mostly flashbacks to Snakes' earlier life, but the ending scene takes place near the end of Deadly Codename. Snakes thinks on what happened to him that scarred his face, as well as other important incidents in his life.

Two Nobodies on the Road to Somewhere A collection of 31 vignettes and drabbles about Snakes and his ex-wife Chita McCarthy (my character), written for a month-long challenge at the Livejournal community 31 Days. Most take place in the past, although Snakes narrates from the present-day, and the final piece takes place in the present. Most of the tale is accurate according to the two previously written pieces where Snakes talks about Chita; however, I have changed a couple of plot points when I felt the story would work better that way, and I consider this version the "official" and "canon" version of the story.

Pay My Respects to Grace and Virtue This is a Maverick story. Bret Maverick recounts the first time he met Snakes.

Give My Regards to Soul and Romance This is a Maverick story. Bret Maverick runs into a very discouraged and desolate Snakes in a saloon.

Send My Condolences to Good This is a Maverick story. With Bart Maverick critically wounded, cousin Beau takes shelter in an old barn. But when they run into a character known as Snakes Tolliver, have they left the frying pan for the fire?

You Can't Teach a New Dog Old Tricks Snakes has an encounter with Firmin Crotty from The Night of the Amnesiac.

So Long to Devotion This is a Maverick story. While Beau Maverick meeting Jack Vandergelt III could be thought of as a bizarre case of The Prince and the Pauper, this venture immediately turns deadly as Jack is being sought after by Lucrece Posey's crime syndicate. Snakes Tolliver is the one assigned to bring him in, which only further complicates matters due to his friendship with Beau.

The Night of the Double-Dealer Colonel Lupita Gonzalez of the Mexican Secret Service is out to destroy Lucrece Posey's organization, mostly through its Latin-American link. But the best way to get at the organization is by using a snake in the grass, and perhaps nothing will go quite as planned.

Hell is Relative The experiment that I tried when I started liking the idea of Lucrece loving Pinto for real. It takes place during The Night of the Poisonous Posey, and was referenced in Time Travel when I decided the idea would work and I wanted to make it part of my main stories' canon.

Wave Goodbye, Wish Me Well This is a Maverick story. The Maverick boys each react differently to the news of Snakes' death.

The Platform of Surrender Based on a dream. Snakes tries to help a couple of kids when they wander into a house Little Pinto and Cyril are haunting.


The Sweetest Gift Will be expanded later. Snakes' thoughts during the climax of The Deadly Codename, as well as afterwards, and how two key women in his life treated him so differently.

I'll Show There's Another Side to Me After being released from the hospital following the events of Deadly Codename, Snakes goes to the Oak Bridge Golf Club to offer apologies for the past and a question for the future.

Is Your Heart Still Beating This is a Maverick story. Snakes returns to his own time to tell Beau he's alright. There is still pain and hurt to be worked through, but overall Beau finds himself believing the incredible story Snakes tells.

Light Comes At the Darkest Moment Coley and Lafe are in the past, visiting Coley's mother, when they meet a very unwelcome old enemy. I might not consider this one canon for my verse, but I really enjoyed writing it anyway.

Misplaced Snakes' thoughts on how he feels like he's part of two eras at once. Although it says here that Snakes only ever met Bret Maverick, I have retconned that in other stories because it was just too intriguing to have him meet the other Mavericks too.

Morning Visit This is what Snakes' apartment looks like. Yeah, basically, this was just a way for me to design the place, and by extension, explore a bit of Snakes' character.

Reasons of Existence This was written before I did the climax for Deadly Codename, but I had it in mind nevertheless. Snakes has taken up professional gambling again, as he decided to do at the end of Deadly Codename, and encounters someone else who is lost and trying to decide what to do with his life. He ends up involved in some rather crazy and bizarre scheming to travel through time and rescue a lost friend from death. It was my first attempt to write Snakes doing something unselfish, but I don't imagine he would yet tell his new acquaintance about previously trying to save the world, so now that I did some slight tweaking, it could still fit in after Deadly Codename instead of before or in place of it.

The Price to Pay Continuing Snakes' interaction with Duke Devlin from the previous fic. They discuss Duke's attempts to revive the dead and if it will be worth it if it works.

Replay The third Snakes and Duke piece, with rather gratuitous hurt/comfort.

Now I Think I'm Never Going Home The fourth Snakes and Duke piece, wherein Snakes tells Duke of a failed romantic relationship. Based on the song Fliptop Twister by Rockapella, slightly tweaked to fit Snakes in the Old West.

Close Your Eyes, Clear Your Heart This is a Yu-Gi-Oh! story. Duke has finally managed to reverse time and bring back his dead friend, but will it last? Snakes, no longer remembering Duke due to the time reset, joins the adventure in the sixth installment and remains a major player throughout the rest of the story.

It Hurts Me Just Right This is a Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? story. ACME's Dying Informant has to get some information from Snakes, who is derisive of what he and the other agents do, yet at the same time he oddly seems to respect it.

The Impact of Fiction Snakes discovers the fictional character Sunset Shimmer and how he can relate to her on several levels.

Jewels Pinto, Lucrece, and Cyril are looking for a large amethyst, but something goes terribly wrong. Very much Pinto/Lucrece.