
Disclaimer: The musings on these pages are largely to help me sort through the various plot ideas for these stories. Many of them either do not make it into the actual stories or else do, but are heavily modified. I'm currently trying to overhaul the site to keep things up-to-date while continuing to show the evolution of the ideas from start to finish.

A very strange crossover idea, to be sure, but with a little thing called time-travel, it can be managed. I'll admit, I've never been particularly fond of time-travel. It's so often depressing, not to mention confusing as heck. But when it's the only thing that can get the job done, what can you do but use it?

This website is mostly in existence as a reference for me and a way to figure out the intricacies and possibilities of this fanfiction idea as it continues to unfold with more and more twists and stories. Meanwhile, the current time-travel stories can be found at Lucky_Ladybug's Library. Other related stories are linked to from this site.

Also heavily involved in this crossover is a oneshot character from an episode of Cannon. That show's titular character also eventually plays a part, albeit a supporting one. I don't want this bizarre verse to get too crowded with too many main characters, especially ones not from The Wild Wild West. That's one thing that often happens with crossovers and is one reason why I rarely have anything to do with them. But this idea doesn't seem to want to be quiet, so one way or another, welcome again to my strange mind.

~Lucky Ladybug