
Modernising our transit needs to be a priority because effective transit is part of our successful future.

We need to evaluate the Regional transit pilot project and see where that is going. Regional transit better connect municipalities and move students around to post-secondary places. I believe the Niagara Region should take over all transit in the region.

That being said, we will need better transit that is sustainable, convenient, and makes a profit.

Now that we built a new $20 million transit station, in the middle of nowhere where we will be parking old conventional buses, we need to gradually transition into a modern energy-efficient transit fleet. We need some hybrid buses and a few electric buses in inter-meshing areas where tourists and locals travel. We are the electricity city and we could produce our own electricity to run these electric buses. Our conventional buses should be gradually replaced with half-the-length buses for routes with lower readership.

During the transition period to more energy-efficient transit, the current buses could be converted to bio-diesel & a supply contract arranged.

The last round of route changes made transit readership even lower and transit is contributing to keeping us poor in this city.

It is now imperative that we work with the community on how to improve the current buses routes. The current routes are out-of-touch with the riders. Transit has lost rider confidence and many people have become frustrated with Niagara Falls Transit. We need to restore that confidence with better routes and modern sustainable transit.

WEGO buses need to be more energy-efficient and the service could be improved to better serve our valuable visitors.

Niagara Falls or The Niagara Region have the ability to build a state-of-the-art transit system (which should include an LRT) that serves local's and traveler's public transportation needs and makes this a better place to live.