2017-18 Fall Preseason Session

Four Points Viper Wrestling fall preseason session begins September 5. See below for details.

Reservation List:

Space will be limited. To reserve a fall preseason session spot for your wrestler(s), please email Coach Gochberg. mgochberg@gmail.com Registration and payment instructions will be sent to those on the reservation list. Registration List closes on Mon, Aug 7.

If not a current Four Points Viper Wrestling member, when replying please also include wrestler name, weight, Date of Birth, school attending in the new school year, grade in school in the new school year, previous wrestling experience (if any), and USAW number (if any). Please feel free to forward this email to any interested wrestler.

Fall Preseason Session Highlights:

* Start Date: Tues, Sept. 5

* End Date: Thurs, Oct 26

* Young Beginner practice sections -- 3:45-4:45 (Tues/Thurs)

* Competitive practice sections -- 5:45-7:15 (Tues/Thurs) and 4:45-5:45 (Wed)

Registration Fees and Other Costs:

* Fall preseason session: $320 (new wrestlers), $270 (continuing wrestlers).

* $40 USA Wrestling membership (once per school year)

* Wrestling shoes and practice gear

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Let's wrestle.

Coach Gochberg