State of the art

This section of the VCM website has two aims. First, to provide an adequate introduction to the state of the art in the field of vegetation classification methods. Second, to hold discussions of unresolved and/or controversial issues. All the subpages are organized similarly:

    • First, there is a review of the available approaches, including definition of concepts and pointing to more detailed bibliographic sources. Even if it is impossible to adequately review all the approaches taken in the field of vegetation classification, at least it provides an introduction to many subjects.
    • Second, a discussion section allows mentioning controversial issues.
    • Third, there is a list of all the bibliographic references used in the two previous parts.
    • At the end of each page collaborators/mantainers of the VCM website can add their comments in order to correct or improve specific aspects of the content.

Readers of this subsection of the VCM website are also encouraged to comment on what is written here, provide new information or bibliographic sources by contacting any of the maintainers (see list in About this website).