Studio Directions, Rehearsal, Recital, Video Recordings, & Meeting Space Rentals

Handicap accessible space for rehearsals, readings, auditions, meetings, recording sessions, & recitals with free street parking & bus line access

Rental Fees: Non-Profit Organizations - $30/hr For Profit Organizations - $40/hr

Equipment: Yamaha Conservatory C–3 grand piano, Kurzweil PC 88 Keyboard, stand, and Roland amplifier, 50 padded banquet chairs, 6 Manhasset music stands, a Wenger plexiglass conductor's stand, folding stands, stand lights, restroom with handicap accessories, meeting table & chairs, broadband & wireless internet

Guest Capacity: 45-50 guests

Dimensions - 14 ' x 26 ', & ancillary spaces, center height 10', 8' tapers

Insurance: Our site is insured, but renters and visitors must carry their own insurance and assume all liability while on the property. Please send in advance a list of guest names, expected arrival time, and their contact information. Hours of availability: Various times & days - contact our office to make reservations.

Contact us: Contact the Emmy Winning “Prairie Mother” Mrs. Barbara Hedlund

9AM-9PM CST |Tel: 217-384-0874 |No FAX | E-mail:

Directions to 1st Choice Music Services, Cellobration Studios, VCello Music Publications

505 Eliot Drive, Urbana, IL 61801 (Free street parking)