Gathering Together

 We are gathering in-person every Sunday!

United Church of Lincoln

COVID Statement

May 16, 2023 

“Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”

~Matthew 22:39

“. . . whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

~Matthew 25:40

These verses remind that, as individuals and as a loving community, we must remain ever vigilant and persevere in our efforts to do what we can to keep each other well.

We understand that some may feel the need to wear a mask at worship, and and/or be more sensitive to social distancing. We honor those decisions.

If you are not feeling well, or know you have been exposed to COVID, we strongly encourage you to isolate yourself until you are symptom free.

Together, as the UCoL family, we can continue to extend the loving spirit of being a welcoming and caring faith community, concerned with the spiritual and physical well-being of any, and all, who come through our doors.