Dog Tear Stains - How to remove dog tear stains naturally

How to remove dog tear stains.

The best way that I have found to remove dog tear stains is by using a flea comb. This is a little trick my vet taught me and it works excellently!

Comb the gunk and tear stains away! A flea comb can be used to remove tear stains and the gunk that accumulates on the hair / fur under the dog's eyes.

Take the flea comb and comb down the dog's snout under the eyes. Comb from just in front of the eye. Comb away from the eye in the direction of the dog's nose while holding the dog's snout in your hand. Of course you need to be very careful around the dog's eyes!

More information about flea combs and to purchase a flea comb go to the following link: Flea Comb Information - Purchase Flea Comb