Dog Itch Guru - Tips to minimizing dog itching - The itch free dog?

I have been amazed at how little our dog Tofu itches now! I really think I have figured out how to minimize dog itching for just about any dog. I rarely use any commercial flea treatment anymore. The only time I use a commercial flea treatment now is when I am going to have someone watch Tofu for us.

This is a work in progress - I want to share tips for success and help dog owners to minimize dog itching problems.

The tips and tricks I use are all located in the web pages I have already created, however, I want to summarize my approach to managing and minimizing dog itching on an ongoing basis.

CHECK BACK LATER - Until then please read:

Home Remedies For Dog Itch – THE MIRACLE CURE FOR ITCHY DOGS! (A Comprehensive Guide)