
Funded research projects (from 2015)

Funder: United Nations Consultancy (ONU) Running from January 2023 to July 2023.  With Vinicius dos Santos Cerqueira (IPEA, RJ) and Thiago Martinez (Ipea, RJ).

Funder: CNPq 04/2021 (Produtividade em pesquisa). Running from 03/2022 to 02/2025.

Funder: CNPq (CNPq/MCTI/FNDCT Nº 18/2021 - Universal), running from 2022-2025. With Kelly Gonçalves (IM-UFRJ), Guilherme Lopes (CEFET-MG).

Funder: Faperj (E_27/2021 - Auxílio básico a pesquisa APQ1), running in 2022 and 2023.

Funder: University of Warwick’s EPSRC-funded GCRF Accelerator Account Fund, running from 01/12/2019 until 31/07/2020. With J. T. Alves (ANS Brazil, IHI Africa).

Funder: University of Warwick, running from 01/09/2019 until 30/08/2020. With Martine Barons (AS&RU, Warwick University).

Funder: Institute of Applied Economics (IPEA) (Government - Econometrics), running from Nov-2016 to Nov-2017. With V. Cerqueira. 

Funder: CNPq Brazil, PQ 2013-CNPq (311441/2013-0), running from Mar-2013 until Dez-2015.

Member of funded projects