stemgirlz 09/17/2016 & 9/24/2016 IFTTT and Swift--Doylestown

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2 Saturdays in Sept:

11:00 am to 12:30 pm

Introduction to IFTTT and Swift programming

G2 Computers--Doylestown, PA

4363 West Swamp Road

IFTTT allows you to write short programs called Recipes that allow for tasks to get automated. Basically they are the 2 step programs, using one step as “Trigger” and another step as “Action”. When something happens on one channel, it triggers an action.

Confused? Don’t be, it will all make sense when you start working on it.

SWIFT: Swift 3 is used to write or create apps for Mac OS X and iOS devices. Apple designed Swift explicitly to get the fastest and most efficient performance from devices, and Swift 3 expands upon its already impressive feature set. Another big aspect for Swift is that it's no longer just about iOS and OS X development. Since Swift went open-source, a version has appeared for Linux computers. This has opened up Swift to server developers, as well as app coders.

Registration $100

Computers with appropriate software will be provided, please do not bring your own computer to these sessions.

Snacks and juice boxes will be provided.

Due to our space limitations, we ask that you only register your child if you are positive they can attend. There will be no refunds. Maximum class size 8, minimun class size 4.

Permission slips for girlz

We have gone paperless! For the current school year you must fill in the webform and submit it before you attend the Workshop. You can fill in the Permission Form here. If we do not have you on file as completed this document, we cannot grant you entrance.

Background checks for Volunteers

Adult Volunteers must get Background Clearances. Please read the instructions carefully. Any questions contact


Click here for Eventbrite Registration