SYLRDB: Sonic Youth Live Recording database is a listing of the existing recordings of Sonic Youth concerts. Its goal is to provide to fans and collectors a comprehensive database of all the surfaced and circulating sources for each show with additional informations like the kind of recording, the equipment used, the length of the surfaced tape and more.

There is four category of recordings: Aud (Audience recording), Sbd (soundboard recording), Amt (Amateur shot) and Pro (Professional shot).

All the “Unconfirmed source” are source that have been seen on various trade list or are suspected to existing.

A big thanks to Chris Lawrence for his website and to John Loughney for providing me so many information about existing recordings.

Also thanks to: Martin van Rappard, Moshe Levy, Jim Hirte, Emmanuel Tremblay, David Power, Jennifer Benningfield, Sebastin Eckes ....