H7N9 Bird Flu transmitted from chickens to Humans In China

Post date: Apr 27, 2013 7:46:54 AM

source: medicalnewstoday.com

April-27 2013

Wet Market Poultry Transmitting H7N9 Bird Flu To Humans In China

Researchers have confirmed that the A H7N9 bird flu virus, which began in February 2013, was transmitted from chickens at a wet poultry market to humans.

Forty percent of the pigeons as well as 20 percent of the chickens were tested positive for H7N9.

H7N9 virus causes high fever difficulty breathing

The researchers noted a similarity between the symptoms of the H7N9 bird flu virus and the H5N1 bird flu virus, in which infected patients develop high fever and have difficulty breathing.