What to do, my partner is sick H1N1, my Apartment little

Post date: Sep 14, 2009 7:38:30 PM

Grippe A : je fais quoi si mon

conjoint l'attrape ?

source (F): fr.news.yahoo.com

Keep 1 meter distance


Wear a mask FFP2.

A simple cough you are sick.

The particles come "by Air".

Speaking could be enough.

Aeration keeps particles out

of home. One room after the

other at closed doors, so you

not spread the virus around.

Remote controls, windows,

computers phone regulary to

clean with alcohol.

Don't accept food cooked

by your sick partner.

If your home is big enough

separate 1 bathroom for

the sick person only.

source (F): fr.news.yahoo.com