
Green Drinks

Green Drinks is on Thursday 4/28/11 at Glas Green Coffeehouse at 4:30 - 6 pm.

Green Drinks is a cooperatively sponsored event by Glas, the Green Coffeehouse and Sustain Door. It is a regular monthly social/salon style meeting of folks who like to converse about sustainability-related issues, gathering informally without agenda and on an open house basis during the Glas happy hour from 4:30 – 6:00. Participants may bring a discussion question to pose. It is open to anyone who is concerned about local living economy, environmental preservation, social justice, community building, etc.


Contact: Dick Kaiser, Sustain Door, 920-854-3254

The Transition Town movement is the subject of this month's Green Drinks sustainability networking meeting. Green Drinks will be held at Glas Green Coffeehouse on Wednesday, July 28th from 4:30-6pm.

In less than four years, nearly 1000 communities worldwide have committed to the Transition Town process. We will discuss its potential locally. As an introduction a film of a talk by founder of Transition Colorado Michael Brownlee will be shown. Brownlee outlines how communities can best respond to changes in the world economy, coupled with declining oil reserves and extremes in climate change.

Green Drinks, sponsored by Sustain Door, Inc. and Glas Green Coffeehouse, located at 67 W. Maple St., Sturgeon Bay, is a monthly social gathering dedicated to encouraging sustainable practices throughout the county. Light refreshments served. Drinks and food available for purchase. Seating is limited. Open to the public. More info at 920-854-3254.

Green Drinks Sturgeon Bay is part of an international network of local salons of its kind (see Sustain Door, the local non-profit organization whose mission is to promote the social, economic, and environmental sustainability of Door County using The Natural Step framework and process, conducts the regular monthly gathering informally, without agenda. Green Drinks Sturgeon Bay takes place during the Glas happy hour, at which time the establishment offers $2.00 lattes and cappuccinos.