
Spike train plot of e070528spont_4

Short summary of e070528spont_4

A spike train with 1015 events, starting at: 0.057 and ending at: 60.441 (s).

The mean ISI is: 0.06 and its SD is: 0.095 (s).

The shortest interval is: 0.004 and the longest is: 1.031 (s).

Renewal test of e070528spont_4

The best model with 2 parameters is: invgauss.

Its estimated parameters values and associated se are:

Model comparison for e070528spont_4

Cross-Intensity with neuron 1 as a test train

gssanova0 fit summary (pre-binning bin width: 0.002):


gssanova0(formula = Count ~ Time, family = "poisson", data = df, maxiter = 60)

(Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)

Working residuals (weighted):

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max

-0.64555325 -0.20538531 -0.00356754 0.18318564 0.68420107

Residual sum of squares: 218.7773

Deviance residuals:

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max

-2.5049657 -0.7173409 -0.0119903 0.5897894 2.0907514

Deviance: 224.0646

Null deviance: 227.5920

Penalty associated with the fit: 1.047447

Number of performance-oriented iterations: 15

Smoothed and "classical" cross-intensity plots:

Cross-Intensity with neuron 2 as a test train

gssanova0 fit summary (pre-binning bin width: 0.001):


gssanova0(formula = Count ~ Time, family = "poisson", data = df, maxiter = 60)

(Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)

Working residuals (weighted):

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max

-0.54530355 -0.15387904 -0.00941756 0.15225419 0.81796539

Residual sum of squares: 484.9795

Deviance residuals:

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max

-2.7204229 -0.7086853 -0.0424031 0.6759732 3.2619579

Deviance: 488.2832

Null deviance: 496.4556

Penalty associated with the fit: 2.133292

Number of performance-oriented iterations: 23

Smoothed and "classical" cross-intensity plots:

Cross-Intensity with neuron 3 as a test train

gssanova0 fit summary (pre-binning bin width: 0.001):


gssanova0(formula = Count ~ Time, family = "poisson", data = df, maxiter = 60)

(Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)

Working residuals (weighted):

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max

-0.51840672 -0.11451663 -0.00339604 0.11589540 0.52944639

Residual sum of squares: 462.4695

Deviance residuals:

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max

-3.2208339 -0.6568816 -0.0191465 0.6357415 2.7777989

Deviance: 469.1338

Null deviance: 480.554

Penalty associated with the fit: 2.32791

Number of performance-oriented iterations: 34

Smoothed and "classical" cross-intensity plots:

Generated on: Tue Oct 28 17:07:23 2008 - R2HTML