
Spike train plot of e060517spont_3

Short summary of e060517spont_3

A spike train with 216 events, starting at: 0.401 and ending at: 59.675 (s).

The mean ISI is: 0.276 and its SD is: 0.408 (s).

The shortest interval is: 0.009 and the longest is: 2.331 (s).

Renewal test of e060517spont_3

The best model with 2 parameters is: invgauss.

Its estimated parameters values and associated se are:

Model comparison for e060517spont_3

Cross-Intensity with neuron 1 as a test train

gssanova0 fit summary (pre-binning bin width: 0.008):


gssanova0(formula = Count ~ Time, family = "poisson", data = df, maxiter = 60)

(Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)

Working residuals (weighted):

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max

-0.6957163 -0.2416423 0.0213955 0.2204336 0.5693115

Residual sum of squares: 48.51536

Deviance residuals:

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max

-2.5656670 -0.8201512 0.0700838 0.6952396 1.6234861

Deviance: 50.72252

Null deviance: 53.01851

Penalty associated with the fit: 0.5258383

Number of performance-oriented iterations: 13

Smoothed and "classical" cross-intensity plots:

Cross-Intensity with neuron 2 as a test train

gssanova0 fit summary (pre-binning bin width: 0.006):


gssanova0(formula = Count ~ Time, family = "poisson", data = df, maxiter = 60)

(Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)

Working residuals (weighted):

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max

-0.7031263 -0.2632831 -0.0629259 0.2481645 0.9361176

Residual sum of squares: 89.00935

Deviance residuals:

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max

-2.631714 -0.834018 -0.197258 0.713740 2.662121

Deviance: 87.93802

Null deviance: 97.274

Penalty associated with the fit: 1.749906

Number of performance-oriented iterations: 14

Smoothed and "classical" cross-intensity plots:

Generated on: Tue Oct 28 17:02:13 2008 - R2HTML