Analysis Gallery of some STAR data sets

    • e060517 corresponding to data sets: e060517spont and e060517ionon
    • e060817 corresponding to data sets: e060817spont, e060518citron, e060817terpi and e060817mix
    • e060824 corresponding to data sets: e060824spont and e060824citral
    • e070528 corresponding to data sets: e070528spont and e070528citronellal

The package comes with a "vignette" (a special type of R meta-file) allowing you to automatically regenerate some of the above HTML files.

Take a look at the (short) notes on the smoothing spline based intensity estimation before looking at the corresponding analysis files.

Antoine Chaffiol did all the experiments and associated spike sorting giving rise to these data sets. Details (in French) about these recordings can be found in his PhD thesis.