
Statement for Laurie Japan please translate and post on the blog


Hello Everyone,

The legal situation and entanglements with trademark issues and company names is resolved. As agreed on Tuesday, I am selling the rights to the business name Rocky Mountain Mystery School to Gudni. I have the legal right to continue using the name Rocky Mountain Mystery School until August 31, 2007. In addition, I have full legal rights to use all program names and marketing and teaching materials of either Rocky Mountain Mystery School or Triolite Foundation programs if they were created before December 2005. After December 2005 I have the use of my materials and Gudni has the use of his materials. I will provide each of you with a copyright release form to allow all of you access to these materials without fear of legal consequences. Let us know what you need!



在週二(譯註: 5/29/2007)我把商業名稱-落磯山脈神秘學校RockyMountain Mystery School)賣給了Gudni. 在2007年八月三十一日之前,我仍有權繼續使用這個名字.更進一步,我有完全的法律權力來使用,在2005年前由RMMS或由Triolite基金所創造的所有的課程名字與教學講義.在2005年11月之後,我用自己的講義,Gudni用他自己的講義.我會為你們提供一個合法版權可用的這些講義,而不必負擔任何法律後果.請讓我知道你們要什麼!

It has also been agreed that students may move from my programs to Gudni's program and vice versa without any problem.


I have had a lot of correspondence about the information circulating on the email lists of Rocky Mountain Mystery School Japan and elsewhere. I have been asked why I am not responding to what is being said.

我已收到許多的RMMS JP和其它地方所流通的email單子裡的訊息.我也被問到為何我沒有反應.

Here is my response: The responsibility of a Lightworker and Initiate is: TO LOVE AND ACCEPT ALL! If this situation is a test of your ability to fullfill that responsibility, all those engaging in the negativity and gossip have TOTALLY FAILED as Lightworkers! 

這裡是我的回應: 以以供光的工作者與啟蒙者的回應是: 去愛並接受所有!


We cannot start something positive by focusing on what is negative. We can either talk or we can do the work. I'm here to do the work. How about you?


Laurie Japan is looking for the LEADERS who can carry the work forward! 

Laurie Japan正在尋找能夠向前進工作的領導者 !

The mission of Laurie-Japan is to provide training to allow Initiates to establish their own Lodges, Light Centers, and essentially form their own Mystery Schools so that the Mystery School of Japan is restored and available to the public for the times ahead. 


We are looking for LEADERS who WILL carry this work forward. We want people who are so excited by the work that they will go directly from AK training to

DO Activations FREE instead of sitting around and talking about what to charge for it!

我們在尋找有意願能夠將這工作帶往前進的領導者. 我們想要一些在AK訓練後很興奮的提供服務,而非只是坐著談論如何收費的人們.

We want Guides who are so excited by the opportunity to Initiate others that they immediately set a date for their first Initiation Ceremony and begin teaching the

pre-initiation Neo Adept program materials. We want Guides who are so excited by this opportunity to serve God and Humankind that they do the work to the best of the ability they have

right now, instead of sitting on their bottoms complaining about verbal attacks via email.


We can either talk and spend endless time debating, or we can do the work. My choice is to do the work. Once again I ask, what is your choice?


We teach that the method used by Lightworkers and Initiates is to redirect energy. The more we talk, the more energy goes in that direction. Then we have to talk some more. If we just DO THE WORK, the light and energy will flow into the work.

As a result, those who are hungry for the light will be fed! Redirect this negative, ugly energy. Transmute it with light and put that light toward the work. This will solve these problems!

我們教導的方法是於光的工作者與啟蒙者去轉移能量. 我們談的越多,這能量就越走向那個方向.我們就需談的更多. 如果我們只是去做,這光與工作就會流向工作.結果,那些對光飢渴的人就會被填飽!轉移這個醜陋與負面的能量.將它轉成光,並且將光流向工作. 這將會解決這些問題.

We can't start something positive by talking about what is negative.

I do this work as God directs - and ONLY as God directs.


