Metatron's PC Astrology for November 2008

Metatron's PC Astrology for November 2008


作者:Lady Eleanor (Laurie Gudnason)

譯者:Sophie Huang


The theme for the month is freedom.  This means personal freedom, economic freedom, and emotional freedom.  This month begins the process of letting your old world go and a new world begin.



November begins with tremendous support for these changes, back by most aspects of your consciousness.  Your fears are the only thing which will hold you back from making these changes in your life.  It is time to eliminate fear and to clear out hidden fears from your subconscious.  Know that FEAR is the only thing that limits you!  There is discomfort in facing an unknown future.  That is normal, and it is important for you to understand that discomfort and fear are not the same thing.  Everyone can cope with a little discomfort and hesitation in creating the next step.  Know that during this month each of you are being called to step onto your highest path of service, work, love, and spiritual evolution.  The call is not optional.  You must take this next step, and if you do so the rewards of your courage and trust in yourself will be enormous.   The result will be the freedom that each person requires in order to be their true, authentic self.



Use the beginning of the month to ponder the questions, What am I afraid of?  What holds me back?  What is the worst that would happen IF this occurs?  Work with these questions in your mind, then write down your insights.  You will find you are able to release the fears the aspects at the beginning of the month highlights for you.  As you release them you will create the energy and atmosphere of freedom which will support you in doing what you want, and from that your highest possibilities a new life for each may begin.  If you do not use the energy productively the fears that are buried in your subconscious will continue to limit you and your potential choices.



At mid-month the energy may well bring a crisis into your lives.  It may be deeply personal or it may be global and economic in nature.  There may also be announcements of political changes or new technology that will change the economy in radical ways.  Pay attention, for this crisis is NOT bad!  It is part of the changes that will bring freedom to each of you, and must be noted in the course of your inner work to take place this month.



Most people fear change, they do not embrace it.  If you can embrace the change through crisis that emerges at mid-month the result will be an uplifting of your energy and life.  The energy is personal as well as transpersonal and will affect all beings in one way or another!



Although the economic trends may seem frightening and quite dismal, the mid month energy will release the next step for global financial markets.  The end of the month will bring resolution and clarity to this event, and solutions that emerge by the end of the month will change life for the better for the masses of humankind.



These aspects and energies may appeal to many conservatives, and move the world into restriction and limitation.  Avoid the appeal of safety and sticking to what would be called normal.   Instead, be conservative and aware in this way.  Conserve – do not waste food, energy, or time.  Instead of working to maintain the same old world and ways, work to create a new world and a time of greater personal freedom.  In this energy the new technology the world desperately needs may begin to manifest.

這些觀點與能量或許會吸引許多保守人士的喜好,將世界推向更多限制與束縛。避免被所謂"正常"的安全與停滯給吸引。相反地,要以這個方式做到保守和謹慎。保守 - 不要浪費食物,能量,或時間。並非要致力於維持舊世界和舊的方式,而是要致力於創造一個個人擁有更多自由的新世界和新時代。在這個能量下,這個世界迫切需要的新科技可能會開始實現。


The energy at the end of the month shifts to one of tremendous support for each of you.


If you have done your consciousness work, the end of the month will bring you the next step in your life.  Whether those steps are to manifest a good personal relationship, new friendships, a new job or business change, or even an addition to the family the change will manifest from the highest GOOD that is available for you.



The freedom you create for yourself this month will serve you for the 4 year cycle that begins with New Years in 2009.



Many creative artists and performers will find this energy bringing them greater appeal.  New songs, new movies, and new forms of multimedia entertainment will come from November’s Planetary alignments.  These songs will carry the seeds for a new kind of consciousness.  The movies will create new ideas and philosophies, at time they will reframe history.  The movies will prepare each of you for the times to come so pay attention.  Some of the greatest concepts are brought into the consciousness of all through music, song, and the movies!



Lady Eleanor (Laurie Gudnason)

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