
Data de postagem: 06/06/2012 23:34:00


Boolean unreadOnly,

String folder[optional, default inbox])

Returns a List of all message IDs.


<?php /* @author: Nicolas B. <amd3002[at]gmail[dot]com> Find more scripts on my blog : */ require_once('Android.php'); $droid = new Android(); $DEFAULT_LIMIT = 10; /* Default SMS list length */ $todo = 'init'; /* Main loop */ while (1) { switch($todo) { case 'init': /* Main menu */ $droid->dialogCreateAlert('PFA SMS Infos'); $droid->dialogSetPositiveButtonText('Show infos!'); $droid->dialogSetNegativeButtonText('Exit'); $droid->dialogShow(); $choice = $droid->dialogGetResponse();/* We wait until user press a button */ /* We test user choice */ switch($choice['result']->which) { case 'positive' : /* We get number of SMS */ $unread_SMS = $droid->smsGetMessageCount(1); $total_SMS = $droid->smsGetMessageCount(0); /* We extract values */ $unread_SMS_result = $unread_SMS['result']; $total_SMS_result = $total_SMS['result']; /* SubMenu */ $droid->dialogCreateAlert('PFA SMS Infos'); $table[0] = 'Unread only : ' . $unread_SMS_result; $table[1] = 'Read & unread : ' . $total_SMS_result; $droid->dialogSetSingleChoiceItems($table); $droid->dialogSetPositiveButtonText('Show list'); $droid->dialogSetNegativeButtonText('Exit'); $droid->dialogShow(); $response = $droid->dialogGetResponse();/* We wait until user press 'Back' or an entry in the list */ switch($response['result']->which) { case 'positive':/* Show list case */ $selected = $droid->dialogGetSelectedItems(); switch($selected['result'][0])/* Bi - dimensionnal array, 0 because it's first and unique value (SingleChoiceItems) */ { case '0': /* Unread SMS only */ $ids = $droid->smsGetMessageIds(1);/* Retrieves a list of SMS's ids */ $amount = $unread_SMS_result;/* We need this in order to know how many SMS we will have to display */ break; default: /* Everything else */ $ids = $droid->smsGetMessageIds(0);/* Retrieves a list of SMS's ids */ $amount = $total_SMS_result;/* We need this in order to know how many SMS we will have to display */ break; } /* If there are more SMS to display than the DEFAULT_LIMIT value, we ask user to input a limit */ if ($amount > $DEFAULT_LIMIT) { $howMany = $droid->getInput('PFA SMS Infos', 'How many SMS do you want to display [default = ' . $DEFAULT_LIMIT . '] ?'); if (!empty($howMany['result'])) { $limit = $howMany['result']; } else { $limit = $DEFAULT_LIMIT; } } else { $limit = $DEFAULT_LIMIT; } /* Infos we wanna extract from each SMS */ $attributes = array('body'); /* For each SMS id, we retrieve its content (body) */ $SMS_list = array(); $i = 0; foreach($ids['result'] as $v) { $SMS = $droid->smsGetMessageById($v, $attributes); $SMS_list[$i] = $SMS['result']->body; $i++; /* We display only a limited number of SMS */ if ($i >= $limit) break; } /* We check if there is at least 1 SMS, if not we put a message in the array */ if (empty($SMS_list)) $SMS_list[0] = 'Nothing...'; $droid->dialogCreateAlert('PFA SMS Infos'); $droid->dialogSetItems($SMS_list); $droid->dialogSetNeutralButtonText('Back'); $droid->dialogShow(); $droid->dialogGetResponse();/* We wait until user press 'Back' or an entry in the list */ break; default :/* Exit case */ $todo = 'exit'; break; } break; default :/* Exit case */ $todo = 'exit'; break; } break; case 'exit'://Exit case $droid->exit(); exit(1); break; } } /* End of file */ ?>