SCOD Manifesto Declaration

Natural Imperial Angst

Contemporary American Capitalism is monopolized by tyrannical industrial companies that threaten the foundations of democracy and individual liberties. The morally corrupt Military Industrial Complex (MIC) runs on excess greed, commercialism, and profit sophistry. This drives civilization on a climactic parabola of angst. Although our own invention, the Imperial Machine is ethically devolutionary; allowing global actions as subhuman in mentality as our own prehistoric ancestors. War can be explained, but not justified, as part of human nature. To enlightened warrior philosophers long term Authoritarianism is unacceptable.

Our government is at least as corrupted by business as ancient Rome. Rome collapsed, and so shall our Imperial Industrial Complex; at least at our rate of perpetual “progress” and terror propaganda. Through our efforts to secure our dominance, we undermine the virtues and values of true communism and democracy. Ancient Athens was a democracy, Rome was a republic, and the United States of America was too; briefly before becoming an Oligarchic Empire.

Thomas Jefferson and George Washington believed in the sovereignty of individuals in an agrarian society. Only two generations ago the United States was still a proud agrarian nation. Now Industry casts a shadow over our past agricultural and middle-class small business inheritance. Civilization is accelerating faster than ever before along the Christian timeline; sloped upwards by population, manufacturing, pollution, and technology; we are on a parabola reaching a climax of excess.

Some patriots really do try to make our system better from within; however the chances of making significant change from within is minimal, compared to trying to live an alternative life. This is not to say that it is not worth experiencing the system and attempting to make better laws for the masses, rather than worse laws. The more people change themselves for the better good of the planet, the more change will happen on all levels.

In our case, as with ancient Rome, the Oligarchy (rule by the few) is also a Plutocracy (rule by the wealthy elite). The modern American family farm is no longer a desired livelihood by the masses, and although unpopular, farms still form the foundation of civilization. The independent farmer has been plowed over by big chemical and mechanical corporations, thus citizens are led to become commercial henchmen. Family values are trumped by our artificial urge to serve the Money Machine. Therefore, Angst from within the Complex, is a natural reaction for a decadent society spawned and fed by commercial entertainment, ignorant convenience, and greedy profit.

War is always against the Truth of Virtue. For example, the War on Drugs claims virtue but is a hypocritical approach to drug abuse, which is only a surface problem or symptom of larger more systemic issues of civilization. A deep problem of humanity is lack of real-life education, and deeper still is the problem of dysfunctional families which have contributed to the lack of ethics and morals. All people and generations have a right to rebel in their own ways. God is dead, yet Religions still struggle for control. The Entertainment of sports, wars, and plastic superficiality is now the dominant opiate of the masses.

History shows that Dark Ages follow the structural collapse of a system. Structures of civilization collapse like buildings with weakened foundations often neglected and corroded by ignorance of it’s architecture by inhabitants, rulers, and owners. The strength and security of a foundation must come from people who want to be responsible for the system that protects them. There must be a freewill of stewardship, fostered by truly democratic communities.

Strength and security within civilization must come from freely educated people, willing to hold virtue higher than greed. We must have the will to practice tolerant democracy above the will to dominate. Freewill of stewardship by environmental awareness is naturally occurring and should be promoted for the preservation and evolution of democratic communities.

Artificial Intelligence remains limited so long as it denies natural organic complexity of design. Aggressive Offense is not the best defense for one community to have against another; Respectful Defense is the best Defense for any community (big or small) to have, just as between individual people. Inner strength can be prove stronger than even the most fearful show of outward force.

Presupposition Assumptions

Family farms and small businesses have been surrounded, attacked, and devoured by three Giants. The 3 Giants are: the chimera monster known as Big Pharma and Bio-Tech Chemical Companies; the militant machine of manufacturing mass-production; and the commercial clown of mega-corporations that killed our Ma and Pa stores. This is wrong, because our democracy depends on a middle-class of small farm and business owners; but our middle-class has been largely destroyed.

The Pyramid of Capitalism remains upside down. The Trickle Down Economic theory claims that wealth from the rich upper-class few, will trickle down to a broad base population of lower-class poor. However a more truthful picture of civilization is that all of our pay, taxes, and savings, trickle down to the rich few. This inverted triangle is disturbing on many levels. It does not seem to be a safe structure, with such mass weight resting on a point that is piercing the earth. Even by conventional symbolic history it is sinister (evil). Since prehistoric times triangles pointing up are positive; and when they point down they are negative.

Angst is a natural reaction for a decadent society based on commercial entertainment, ignorant convenience, and greedy profit. There can never be perfection in this world of reality, yet some ideals are true enough to try to live by. Environmental stewardship of life and land is a true ideal.

Environmental ideals include the world around us, and what we do to it, and what we put into ourselves. In order to save our environment and ourselves, we need to be more aware of our diet and where our food comes from. Being able to provide significant amounts of food is important for self-sufficiency.

No system is perfect, however some work better than others. Even if post-apocalyptic visions never fully manifest, provide for yourself as a responsible human in a free country. Learn how to grow organic living plants for food, medicine, and the ecosystem. Learn, plan, and practice independent thought as a responsible human, in relation to society. This thesis is intended to alter the Machine and may be used in hopes of enlightened evolution.

Nature is Reality. Nature is the essential truth of Life in the Universe. We can understand Nature though science and spirituality. Nature is based on 5 basic elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit (Synthesis). From Nature comes life and death. From Nature comes all intelligence, knowledge, wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to apply knowledge correctly and responsibly to situations. Wisdom is Virtue, and virtue is good.

* END * Electronic Mix * Bass Beat Mix * (video reading below)