SCOD Mission Statements

SCOD is designing better for tomorrow.

Together we study sustainable design.


Drogo Empedocles founded SCOD as an artist, architect, and author; to work on his own projects with his friends.

Drogo uses multi-media to study sustainability and organic designs. His favorite job is teaching with his post-graduate continuing education for a greener tomorrow.


We think, imagine, design, & create organically together in sustainable ways for environmental education.

We study, define, and practice Perma-culture.

We love and protect Nature using art, architecture, and technology as stewards.

We encourage others in positive cooperative ways.

We explore bio-diversity and alternative views.

The main SCOD mission statements are above. Members should agree with and strive to practice these mandates, above all others. These may also be used as guidelines on occasions for self-defense contradictions, or other rare exceptions. SCOD does not have only one mission statement, there are many. SCOD has as many mantras as its members can have profound thoughts; yet members are free to decide which they believe in addition to the main statements. SCOD is dedicated to environmental education for individuals and society. We desire positive encouragement, sustainability, cooperation, and community development. Although some of our best work is achieved through fear, anger, paranoia, mania, and depression; there is enough outside of this forum in Life to foster our darker sides. Be free, and strive to help not harm.

SCOD (The Sustainable Cooperative for Organic Development) exists to do what its name says (sustain collaboration for natural progress). The primary mission (or philosophy) SCOD uses is 'to study for sustainable design'. Studies of sustainability includes history, environmentalism, architecture, and aspects of sharing like communication, publishing, and education. Sustainability is the evaluation of how long something can or should be maintained regarding ecology, society, technology, and time periods.

Get connected with other people interested in expanding Environmental Architecture, Organic Agriculture, Ecological Landscaping, Free Education, Alternative Art, and Cooperative Communities! SCOD Theory is a response to Empire decline and failed systems, but it does not mean that our community cannot be sustained for a period of time appropriate to our terms.


We Seek Sustainability & Cooperation for Organic Dwelling.

Using Alternative Architecture and Designs, we seek:

To think, imagine, discuss, debate, decide, plan, build, and live organically.

To cooperate on Environmental Projects.

To find others of like mind, spirit, and soul.

To foster kinship of the heart, and loyalty in friendship.

To unite other communities, in common communication.

To untie ourselves from unwanted mundane bonds.

To maintain a Public Forum to gather locals and visitors alike.

Designs to be architectural extensions of us and our environment.

Gardens, Yards, and Fields to grow our own organic food.

Land to live. Public places to play. Open space.

Groves of trees, to provide and protect. Perma-culture.

To realize and share Metaphoric Truth, in all its forms.

We come to terms with disagreements, we do not sue each-other.

To address modern concerns, but provide basic needs.

To account for disasters of economy, war, and nature in design.

A system of thinking for the reality of life in transition, building from it and for it.

We Find more along the way, as we make more projects...


We are FOR these things:

Nature, Cooperatives, Environmentalism, Religious Freedom, Peace


We are AGAINST these things:

Military Industrial Complex, Commercialism, Monopolies, Tyranny, War