
Bushes are sea foam (Forest in a Box) opened out a bit, trunks weathered whitish and covered with a light green scatter.

The trees (up to 2 foot high) and based on the Ponderosa Pine are all made by the following technique.

Trunks are shaped from skewers for the small trees and various sizes of softwood up to 0.5” x 0.5”.

The bark on the trunks is represented by torn strips of paper towel dunked in a ‘sludge’ mess made up from PVA glue, darkish grey / brown paint.

The strips are applied to the trunk and allowed to dry.

The branches are multi-core wire twisted and bent appropriately.

Holes are drilled into the trucks

and the branches are inserted and glued into position – sloping slightly downwards.

Foliage fibre is glued to the wire branches to represent fine twigs and form a lattice to hold the actual foliage.

Finally Woodland Scenics foliage is applied.

A collection of finished trees ready for "planting" -

The large trees are held in place with double-ended wood screws and the ubiquitous PVA.