
All the buildings with the exception of the Water Tower (an Evergreen kit) are scratch built.

The Engine House

This was constructed much in the same way as a full-size wooden building.

Frames were made for the two sides and the ends from ¼” x ¼” strip wood with vertical braces at 6’ intervals and noggins (horizontal pieces) of ¼” x 1/8” in between.

Roof trusses were made from ¼” x 1/8” strips formed into triangles; again as per the real thing.

The sides were then clad with strip wood pre-stained using the drops of black ink in Methylated Spirits ( Rubbing Alcohol?). The strips were cut to length and ‘shuffled’ to ensure the desired uneven look.

Widows and doors were from the Grandt Line range while the roof shingles were by Paper Creek.

The finished building looked great – shame you can’t see all the nice internal roof trusses etc.!

The Depot and Shed

These were constructed from Plasticard using the clapperboard sheets for the walls.

Again Grandt Line doors and windows were employed.

For the platform decking we reverted to an old favourite – wooden stirrers pre-stained with black ink and Methylated Spirits ( Rubbing Alcohol?).

The Middle Mine (above the Depot)

This is currently under construction and is low relief due to lack of space!

The approach is to build it in three parts, starting from the bottom:

The base frame

The ore bin

The workshop

The base frame is ¼” x ¼” strip wood glued together in a suitable configuration with the cribbing formed from wooden stirrers ‘fronted’ by ¼” x ¼” strip wood.

The ore bin is again formed from wooden stirrers ‘fronted’ by ¼” x ¼” strip wood – seems to be a theme developing!

The workshop is a 3mm ply frame clad in ¼” x 1/8 strip wood with Grandt Line windows and door.

It is intended to add further low relief buildings and to attempt an automated filling of wagons. More, later if and when this is achieved!

The Upper Mine Complex

This tour de force, which is still under construction, comprises a number of buildings all of which follow the cladding on frame approach with Grandt Line windows and doors. The roofing shingles are from the 7mm Narrow gauge Association.