IFB Dishwasher FAQ

The IFB Dishwaser FAQ are captured below

1. Why is F5 error coming on execution

This error has been faced by most of the people facing issues with IFB dishwasher.

The F5 error means inadequate inlet or outlet water supply. Read it again - inlet or outlet!


- Check that the water pressure is good (I get to know IFB expects more than normal water inlet pressure).

- People at top floor should cross check water pressure before buying IFB.

- Also if you add water softener in inlet of water, water pressure might go down and cause issue with F5 error.

The solution is to remove one filter from inlet pipe (given by IFB) The inlet pipe has filter at both ends, and it becomes too many filter once water softener is added in between,


- This is hilarious. The outlet pipe should not be thrown over ground.

- Solution is the outlet pipe should be hanged to 1 feet above and then come to ground. The reason given is if water goes all out, IFB dishwasher is not designed to handle it.

Some water should stay in dishwasher and for that IFB mandates to hang the outlet pipe 1 feet above the ground.

Hopefully this will help people on fixing the well known F5 issue in IFB dishwasher.

My recommendation is to explore Bosch and Siemens and see if these issues are fixed in them.