A great privilege to us

Post date: 01-Jun-2014 17:13:47

by Linda Teo

On a beautiful morning dated 24th May 2014, we gathered for a special breakfast set of delicious Baket Talent bread and pure sky juice & desserts consisted of the ever popular Oreo biscuits and Mentos sweets. Every one was good because there was no late comer.

After a smooth ride with some lively music for our listening pleasure, we reached our destination "The Central Public Library" at 100 Victoria Street. A very familiar place which was valuable for all ages.

Our professional guide named Linnet led us to the symbolic and interesting section, which was the memorable brick-look wall of the old original library. It was beautified with sitting areas for our reading pleasure.

We were shown to the beautiful children section that had a dreamland look. It was a visual creative learning experience on a wall of forestry; hi-tech screen and a unique weather forecast device.

Another interesting section was the daily newspapers. Here we could read all the international newspapers which were available on a daily basis.

An interesting factor regarding each library was that each had its own unique extensive theme. The Central Public Library had the largest fiction collection amongst all public libraries & had a good collection size of business and creative and design titles.

On top of the on-site visit, we were enlightened with the tips on the resources such as e-books which were being prompted by our Vice Principal Mr. Anith. The advantages of e-book were that there were no fear of fines, and downloading of the book would be a very convenient way. There was also a Chinese portion under Apabi.

There were many more things to realize and discover. Bearing in mind that our library should be viewed as precious not only for the young ones but for retirees as well.

All in all, this visit was a great privilege to us. We were really like VIPs as there were no other crowd.

Great thanks to our PSG organizer and the support team for such a rewarding treat. Cheers!

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