Good teamwork - similar experience with PSG

Post date: 01-Jun-2014 16:19:05

by Victor Lee Meng - Lead

Participating in the dragon boat race has been my dream since a young boy. This opportunity was realized during the SGSS Sports Fiesta with PSG. I was thrilled with a bit of concern on that cold morning.

Our team consisted of mummies & daddies - a mix of different nationalities, races, body builds & racing experiences. It was a worrying sign but the determination, undying attitude & gutless spirit just landed us on the boat. To win the race, our objective was to get everyone synchronize at every strokes as we paddled.

It was an exuberating experience.

I focused on one person, our front paddler. I followed him as rigorously as I can as he lunged his every stroke. It was tough but the commitment & efforts by everyone in the team just pushed us forward at fastest speed. It was incredible.

What an astonishing & great experience - similar experience as a PSG member. In PSG, we the parents work together effectively as a team for a common goal regardless of our background, nationality, race & gender. This is good teamwork.

More pictures available at the photo gallery..