v.4 n.3 April

Parana Journal of Science and Education. v.4, n.3, April (2018).



The energy of the gravitational field, the problem of a homogeneous field and the uniqueness of solutions of the Einstein equation.

Valery Borisovich Morozov. Parana J. Sci. Educ., v.4, n.3, (1-10), April 6, 2018.


An exact metric of a homogeneously accelerated system and a homogeneous gravitational field is obtained. The

energy-momentum tensor of such a field is found. From the homogeneity condition of the field at infinity, stationary solutions are found for a field with spherical symmetry, and the Schwarzschild solution is an approximation of one of the two solutions.

Энергия гравитационного поля, проблема однородного поля, и единственности решений уравнения Эйнштейна (in Russian)

Валерий Борисович Морозов. Parana J. Sci. Educ., v.4, n.3, (1-10), апреля 6, 2018.

DOI: doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3842103


Получена точная метрика однородно ускоренной системы и однородного поля гравитации. Найден тензор энергии-импульса такого поля. Из условия однородности поля на бесконечности найдены стационарные решения для поля с сферической симметрией, причем решение Шварцшильда является приближением одного из двух решений.

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Minireview of Adverse Effects of Some Drugs Used in Diabetes Mellitus.

Maria Lopez Ramos, Lauro Figueroa Valverde, Marcela Rosas Nexticapa,Virginia Mateu Armand, Regina Cauich Carrillo, Saidy Euan Hau. Parana J. Sci. Educ., v.4, n.3, (11-17), April 6, 2018.

DOI: doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3842106


Several drugs have been used for treatment of Diabetes Mellitus such as sulfonylureas, biguanides, thiozolidines and others. The aim of this mini-review was to find some adverse effects produced by these drugs using both “pubmed” and “google scholar” as information sources. The results indicate that thiazolidinediones may produce higher adverse effects compared with the other hypoglycemic drugs.

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Using Contemporary Teaching Methods to Face Misconceptions Arising From the Formalism of Physics

Alexandros Papadimitriou. Parana J. Sci. Educ., v.4, n.3, (18-33), April 9, 2018.

DOI: doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3842111


This paper deals with an experimental intervention in teaching physics in senior high school. The aim is to investigate whether the proposed method using analogies, simulations, guided discovery, explorations, communication, and structured guided dialogues facilitates pupils to face their misconceptions and learning difficulties mainly created by the formalism of electromagnetism. In the introduction, some suggestions for the physics teaching where misconceptions of pupils are inevitable are presented. Then, an extended literature review is done which includes a review of theories of changing misconceptions, and a review of the use simulations and analogies in confronting misconceptions. The intervention presents step by step how the proposed method facilitates pupils to face misconceptions and learning difficulties created by the undefined forms and forms of infinite due to the formalism of electromagnetism. The study showed that the proposed method helps pupils face effectively their misconceptions.

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Spatial variation of mangrove diversity in Indian Sundarbans: A proxy to evaluate mangrove health to establish the concept of survival for the fittest.

Arpita Saha, Suresh Kumar Agarwal, Prosenjit Pramanick, Sitangshu Roy, Sufia Zaman and Abhijit Mitra.

Parana J. Sci. Educ., v.4, n.3, (34-41), April 18, 2018.

DOI: doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3842114


A study was conducted in ten selected stations of Indian Sundarbans to assess the health of mangroves using ecological indices as proxy. The stations are distributed in the western and central sectors of the deltaic complex. It is observed that the values of Shannon-Weiner Species Diversity Index are relatively high in the stations of western sector compared to those in the central sector. Mangroves, being brackish water loving species survived with a better biomass in the western Indian Sundarbans due to their exposure to low saline environment in the Hooghly estuarine mudflats. This is mainly because of the Farakka discharge in the Hooghly estuary, which cannot reach the Matla estuary in central Indian Sundarbans on account of the Bidyadhari siltation.

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A new Physical constant from the ratio of the reciprocal of the “Rydberg constant” to the Planck length.

Ozan Yarman, Ricardo Gobato, Tolga Yarman and Metin Arik.

Parana J. Sci. Educ., v.4, n.3, (42-51), April 27, 2018.

DOI: doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3842124


This study presents a unique set of solutions, using empirically determined physical quantities, in achieving a novel dimensionless constant α(1/Roo )/PL from the ratio of the inverse of the Rydberg constant to the Planck length. It is henceforth shown that the Lorentz Scalar coming into play, which we dub the Parana constant, necessitates us to interpret the Gravitational constant G as being neither universal nor Lorentz Invariant. Just the same, the elementary charge in the MKS system should not by itself be considered as Lorentz Invariant, but the term e^2 / εo , including its powers, ought to be. That being the case, the “Rydberg constant” must not, according to the present undertaking, be deemed a ubiquitous magnitude either, but the ratio of its reciprocal to Planck length would, in effect, be. The Parana constant is furthermore shown to exhibit meaningfulness as the proportion of the Planck mass to the electron rest mass. Throughout our derivations, we take the oppurtunity to reveal interesting features and deliberate over them.

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Parana Journal of Science and Education. ISSN 2447-6153