v.3 n.2 July

Parana Journal of Science and Education. v.3, n.2, July (2017).




Metodologia para Análise do Consumo de Água em Edificações Escolares

Charles Roberto Telles. PJSE, v.3, n.2. (1-10), July 2017

DOI: doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3785367


Government expenditures for hydric resources supplying to public schools are increasing demands, specially in the infrastructure sectors of society, such as schools, which have large circulation of people on a daily basis. With the constant increase of consumption of water resources, also are constant the government budget not only with water provision but with engineering works associated with this type of service. The present article will propose an analysis of how to understand the water consumption based in the oscillations records in scholar edifications. The consumption in scholar edifications is analyzed with a great number of schools and they have several variables for each particular school. It is suggested to use two types of methodology to understand the use of water in schools: a survey of the expenditures in the water consumption and identification of causes of consumption and origins of randomness patterns in the expenditures.

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Affonso Ávila e o ensaísmo barroco

Josoel Kovalski. PJSE, v.3, n.2. (11-21), July 2017

DOI: doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3785384


This article deals with the essayist practice of the poet Affonso Ávila, a Brazilian Baroque scholar. The intention is to explore, firstly, some notions that the Baroque and Neo-baroque terms were given during the twentieth century, both in Brazil and in other Latin American countries. In the sequence, this text intends to appreciate some Baroque characteristics noticed in Avila's essay writing, using the ludic categorical exemplification of modern scriptural operation, focusing our analysis on Ávila's last essay. The research seeks an approximation between Latin American Neo-baroque thinkers and the Brazilian poet, leading to a dialogue made possible by the appreciation of the Baroque as a molder of a modern dynamic. It will be noticed, at the end, that the writing of the Brazilian essayist dialogues with the Baroque production of his peers in Latin America, since his research about the role of the baroque in our modernity, mainly by the ludic view and analogical way of his compositions, resembles the literary projects of other Latin American thinkers.

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A Importância do Uso das Novas Tecnologias para o Ensino-Aprendizagem nas Séries Iniciais

Silvana Regina Xisto Fiori. PJSE, v.3, n.2. (22-28), July 2017.

DOI: doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3785388


This work is based on the importance of the use of new web technologies in the classroom, in order to provide the integral development of learners. It is considered that the initial series are the most important in the life of a student, since it is in this age group that he begins his literacy. Thus, this article aims to reflect on the use of these new technologies in the classroom, in order to understand how to make their use a more meaningful and dynamic classroom resource. However, in order to make it effective in the classroom, it is necessary to count on the committed work of teachers, as they are the guiding principles of education for the preparation of citizens. The insertion of the Web into teaching-learning practices is necessary for teaching to follow the evolution of society and prepare qualified citizens to work in the labor market.

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