XML is wide subject in this page just refers to: How to get an XML response from the framework

There are many ways to make a page / function return XML content and some built in methods that will do it

Getting XML content

XML mode can be determined both by the caller or by the function itself, for a call to be XML add the querystring parameter:


When the function will always return xml data is also possible to default the response mode to xml setting on the view class:


Using XML templates

It is possible to use templates or echo your own response, in order to load a template use


Using strategies

You can fin under views/NoTemplate some XML strategies to simplify sending a response, while you will first have to adjust to the output later you get a standardized style that can be used for any call.

    • view_xml_status. Is useful when you need to return success replies, saved, deleted, etc, it provides the status plus a message

    • view_xml_data. Is useful for converting any VO or VO array into an XML document making getting data to XML rendering a 2 line process

    • view_xml_complexdata. is useful for sending HTML and JS content wrapped in an XML format

Built in functions

All classes that inherit from CRUD pages already contain methods for saving ajax, deleting ajax

* we will add all method calls for Ajax in version 3.1 using XML and JSON