Testing with PHPUnit

This instructions are based on my setup using netbeans, I believe that will not change the final result.

To view the steps to install phpunit support in netbeans you can follow:


To setup your netbeans to use phpunit, you can also follow the instructions on this link:


Creating a test:

    1. Select a class

    2. Right click on it

    3. Select Tools > Create PHP Unit test

If this is the first time you do it a window will popup asking you to Select a directory for 'project' test files:

    1. On Test Sources: Click on browse

    2. At the project root level create a new folder called tests

    3. Click Ok

A message will indicate that PHPUnit classes should be available on Global Include Path, if you follow any of the first 2 links this is already done, otherwise add the path now.

Now you should be able to see 2 directories under your project

    • Source files

    • Test files

Previous versions of Tequila

If you are using older versions of tequila just modify your main file to load c_square conditionally:

In main.php

if(!isset($config['unit_test'])) include($tequilapath."c_square.php");

Add that setting in config.php

$config['unit_test'] = true;

Adding configuration, bootstrap and _autoloading

Tequila source files need to be loaded so all functionality is available, you will need to download or create 3 files to achieve this

    • bootstrap.php - Load Tequila resources

    • configuration.xml - PHPUnit options, here we set the bootstrapping file

    • test_loader.php - Replaces c_square class loading *

* In the last test I made global vars were lost with any 'backupGlobals' setting, causing the library to fail to load classes

Download the attached .zip file and open it on the directory you created before (tests)

Setting the configuration and bootstrap files

    1. Right click on the folder 'Test files' (Project > Test Files)

    2. Select Properties

    3. The tab PHPUnit is selected by default

    4. Select Use Bootstrap

    5. Browse to the file you downloaded (in the project_root/tests/bootstrap.php)

    6. Select Use XML Configuratiom

    7. Browse to the file you downloaded (in the project_root/tests/configuration.xml)

    8. Click OK

Optionally you can create the files with generate and the replace the content.

Content of files:




* @author itzco


// 1 Add project files

ini_set("include_path",ini_get("include_path").PATH_SEPARATOR. "..");


// 2 Set tequila path properly (For relative paths, we are one level deeper)

$tequilapath ="../$tequilapath";

ini_set("include_path",ini_get("include_path").PATH_SEPARATOR. $tequilapath);

// This should display a path otherwise is incorrect

//echo "\n 1. New Tequila path $tequilapath ::" . realpath($tequilapath);

// 3 Set __autoloader function (c_square not used)


define('CACHE_FILE_NAME', '../temp/cache.inc.php');


// 4 Let know main.php that we're testing (stop loading c_square.php)

$config['unit_test'] = true;

// 5 Include main.php




<?xml version="1.0"?>

<phpunit bootstrap='bootstrap.php' colors="false" backupGlobals="true" />




* The class used by tequila c_square caches values at a global level, this values are currently lost in phpunit

* (Have tried both backupGlobals="true"/"false")

* When c_square works this function can be removed:

* as well as the code in main:22

* if(!isset($config['unit_test'])) include($tequilapath."c_square.php");

* Change to :

* include($tequilapath."c_square.php");


* @global string $locatordirectory

* @param string> $classname

* @return void


function __autoload($classname) {

global $locatordirectory;


if(isset($cache[$classname])) {

if(file_exists($cache[$classname])) {

$locatordirectory = false;





// Be sure this matches the var definition in c_square (If u changed it)

$filenameTemplates = array("@CLASS@.php", "@CLASS@.class.php", "@CLASS@.inc", "@CLASS@.inc.php", "class.@CLASS@.inc.php", "class.@CLASS@.php", "i@CLASS@.php", "@CLASS@.interface.php");

$possiblefilenames = str_replace("@CLASS@", $classname, $filenameTemplates);

if ($locatordirectory){

$file = findfile($possiblefilenames,$locatordirectory);

$locatordirectory = false;

} else {

$file = findfile($possiblefilenames);


// ICD: FIX FOR 1 SOURCE ONLY ::This work inverse as c_square (loading order)

if (!$file){

$file = findfile($possiblefilenames,TEQUILA_PATH);


if($file) {

// This function does not update the cache file! You should run the application normally

if (!class_exists($classname))


require_once($file); // include the found file




if (!class_exists($classname))


die("\n CANNOT FIND $classname class doesn't exist \n");



function findFile($file) {

// Normalizing the first parameter

if(!is_array($file)) {

$file = array($file);


// Checking for the second, the "hidden" parameter

// Used for recursion-reasons

if(func_num_args() > 1) {

$startDir = func_get_arg(1);


else {

$startDir = dirname(__FILE__);


$subDirectories = array();

$dirIt = new DirectoryIterator($startDir);

foreach($dirIt as $dirItem) {

if($dirItem->isDot()) {



if($dirItem->isDir()) {

$subDirectories[] = $dirItem->getPathname();



if(in_array($dirItem->getFilename(), $file)) {

return $dirItem->getPathname();



foreach($subDirectories as $directory) {

$result = findfile($file, $directory);

if($result) {

return $result;



return false;



This files are also available in tequila mercurial repository /appbeta