DB Case conflicts


Tequila framework favors Upper case for db names because of

    • DB compatibility (Oracle uses uppercase)

    • Reduced conflicts when exchanging databases between unix/linux - windows systems.

Problem.When database servers are mixed *nix, windows. MySQL in windows will not respect table casing. When a script is exported from win the system will be damaged (As PHP is also case sensitive)


You should generate AND code your application using UPPERCASE flag (in sunrise /addpage) to improve support in different platforms

If you have a win script:

Import the windows script into a new database and follow the next steps


  1. Run this SQL:

  2. Select concat('rename table ', table_name, ' to ' , upper(table_name) , ';') from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'your_schema_name';

  3. Copy the resultset and run it again on the SQL window (In some installs you will need to add this first line:

  4. USE your_schema_name;

You can use the same sql to rename to lower just replace upper with lower