How to Find Us

Open Wednesdays from 1:00 to 5:30 p.m.

Location: 1364 Fremont Blvd, Seaside CA

We're on Fremont Blvd in Seaside, midway between Hilby and Broadway.

The closest cross-streets are Hamilton and Sonoma.


Phone: 831 899-PEACE (or 831 899-7322)

Mail: PO Box 1823, Seaside, CA 93955

On #10 & 11 MST bus lines. Close to bus line #9.

Call 831-899-PEACE (831-899-7322) for disabled parking info.

Otherwise, street parking is available along Fremont Blvd., Sonoma, and Hamilton.

Parking spaces behind the building are reserved for renting tenants, with only two spaces for MPJC staff.