Welcome from the President

Greetings Kappans and Friends,

Dr. Sequoyah Wharton and Jo Ann Estevez, MS our Phi Delta Kappa, Chapter 1524 co-presidents, want to extend a warm welcome to all of our fellow Kappans and friends. As educators, we continue to excel in our efforts as we meet the challenges of the current pandemic. We look forward to an exciting new 2021-2022 academic year as students return to campus.

As a local chapter of Phi Delta Kappa (PDK) International, our mission is to provide professional development services to help cultivate great educators for tomorrow, while continuing to ensure high-quality education for today. We invite all undergraduate and graduate education students, all faculty, and alumni to become members of PDK International and PDK Chapter 1524 at LIU Post. As members, we continue to work

together in leadership, service, and research roles.

Please view the programs section for additional information about this year’s free professional development workshops and events, which are held online and/or at the LIU Post Campus in Brookville. We invite you to attend our free chapter events to further your professional development.

Become a member this year and celebrate with us at our Annual Induction and Awards Ceremony. You can obtain an application and additional information by emailing: pdk1524president@gmail.com.

In addition, we want to thank all of our members for their time and continued support. We look forward to another successful academic year.

With much appreciation,


Dr. Sequoyah Wharton & Jo Ann Estevez, MS


Phi Delta Kappa Chapter 1524