Portfolio Apps

Apps to use with specific e-portfolio software or services

Blooms Apps

Resources: Mobile Portfolios by Bright Cookie

Apps to Use as Student ePortfolios in a Visual Arts Class

iOS (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad)

There are quite a few Portfolio apps in the iTunes store... unfortunately, most of them are in the Finance section! There are also a handful of photo portfolio tools. I will focus my review on apps that have been created to support electronic portfolios in education.

University of Minnesota Duluth ePortfolio for iPhone- free


From a review: “ePortfolio's iPhone app is a phenom: the app allows you to push an image into your ePortfolio. Soon to follow, I've heard a voice recognition-to-text feature will allow you to dictate into your ePortfolio. How cool is that!”

My assessment: If this app only uploads images, it has limited value. However, if the voice-to-text feature becomes a reality, this would be a powerful feature! In the interim, if they could record and post audio, that would also be a plus. It would be powerful to be able to reflect by voice, and have it go directly into my reflective journal/blog. I can do that using Dragon Dictate in my iPhone and send the text online by email.

PortfolioUP (free) is an image uploader for Mahara users.

Images are stored directly in the user’s “My Portfolio -> My Files directory. The iTunes website indicates that the Mahara host system must have PortfolioUP plug-in installed. The company’s website has deleted the support link, and it looks like there is limited support available.

PebblePad ($2.99) (and i-reflect and LifeVu - both free for specific systems)


The most full featured iPhone app has been developed by the PebblePad team. The app allows four major tasks: Last 50 Assets (uploaded to the user’s online PebblePad account), Add a Thought (blog entry), Upload Files, Settings.

Metacognitives ePortfolio (currently free for users of specific system)


Effortless recording of learning and reflection and access to reference materials (For physicians in the U.K. to facilitate Professional Development Plan). Make quick records on the hoof - tidy up and export to Professional Development Plan or Portfolio anytime later.

Epsilen Mobile

This app is a companion to the Epsilen online portfolio system.




Curtin University ePortfolio companion app (only available with students or faculty account) - very interesting app design.



MaharaDroid: http://code.google.com/p/maharadroid/ - entirely open source, will work with any Mahara from version 1.4 (currently in development), testing on http://master.dev.mahara.org