Note Taking Apps

There are a variety of note taking apps that can be used for portfolio development. The most popular app is Evernote, which is explained in more depth on another page. The advantage of this tool is the ability to capture text, audio or video with mobile devices, and edit further on desktop or laptop computers. Below are resources with access to other apps available.

Top 10 Free Note-Taking Apps For Smartphones

Evernote, Catch Notes, Fetch Notes, SomNote, SpringPad, Any.DO, Microsoft OneNote, Google Keep, AudioNote, Awesome Note

iPad Note Taking Apps

additional apps of note: Notability ($4.99), Penultimate ($.99)

Five Best Note Taking Applications

Evernote, Springpad, MS OneNote, SimpleNote, plain pen/pencil & paper

Best Android apps for note-taking

Evernote, Google Keep, Microsoft OneNote, Springpad, Papyrus