
â- (OE) 'away, off': OAKUM.

âc (OE) 'oak': OAK. Cf. Du eik. G Eiche. Cf. Norw eik. Sw ek. Da eg.

acan (OE) 'to ache': ACHE.

adela (OE) 'stinking liquid filth, urine': ADDLE. Cf. Du aal. G Adel.

adesa (OE), kind of ax: ADZE.

æcer (OE) 'field, piece of tilled or arable land, square measure of land, acre' (*agro-): ACRE. Cf. Du akker. G Acker. Norw aaker. Da ager. F acre.

æcern (OE) 'acorn' (*ôg-): ACORN. Cf. Du aker. G Ecker. Da agern.

æf (OE), orig. unstressed of 'off,' prep. expressing removal, separation, derivation, origin, source, spring of action, point of departure in time, cause, agent, instrument, material' (*apo-): O', OF, OFF. Cf. Du af. Norw av.

æfen (1-2) (OE) 'close of day, evening': EVE, EVEN, EVENING, HALLOWEEN. Cf. G Abend.

æftan (OE) 'behind, from behind' (*apo-): ABAFT, AFT. Du achter. G achtern.

æfter (OE) 'behind' (*apo-): AFTER, AFTER-. Cf. Du achter. G After. Norw aftan, atter, att. Sw åter, efter. Da atter, efter.

æg (1-2) (OE) 'egg' (*ôwyo-): COCKNEY, KIDNEY.

ægehwæther, æghwæther (OE) 'each of the two, either' (*aiw- + ge- + hwæther): EITHER.

æl (1-2) (OE) 'eel': EEL, EELPOUT. Cf. Du aal. G Aal. Norw aal. Sw ål. Da aal.

æl (OE) 'small tool for piercing holes': AWL. Cf. G Ahle. Norw ale.

ælc (1-2) (OE) (see *aiw-): EACH.

ælc (1-2) (OE) 'each' (*aiw- + *kom + *lîk-): EACH, EVERY.

æmetta (1-2) (OE) 'rest, leisure' (rel. to môtan): EMPTY.

æmette (1-2), æmete (1-2) (OE) 'ant' (*mai-1): ANT, EMMET, EMMET. Cf. G Ameise.

æmyrge (1-2), æmerge (1-2) (OE) 'live coal, ember' (*eus-): EMBER.

ænig (1-2) (OE) 'one, anyone' (*oi-no-): ANY.

æppel (OE) 'apple' (*abel-): APPLE. Cf. Du appel. G Apfel, Apfelsine. Norw eple. Sw äpple. Da æble. Russ jabloko.

ær (1-2) (OE) 'before' (*ayer-): EARLY, ERE, ERST. Cf. Du eer, eerst. G eher, erst. Norw aar.

ærende (1-2) (OE) 'message, mission': ERRAND.

ærs, ears (OE) 'rump, backside' (*ors-): ASS (ARSE). Cf. Du aars, naars. G Arsch. Norw rass. Da ars.

æsc (OE), kind of tree, 'ash': ASH. Cf. G Esche.

æsce, æxe (OE) 'burnt residue' (*as-): ASH. Cf. Du as. G Asche. Norw oska. Sw aska. Da ask.

æspe (OE) 'aspen': ASP, ASPEN. Cf. G Espe. Norw osp. Sw asp. Da asp, esp.

æt (OE) 'near, by, at' (*ad-): AT.

æthele, æthel (OE) 'noble' (*athal-): ETHELRED.

ætheling (OE) 'prince' (*athal-): ALTHELING.

æx, eax (OE) 'ax': AX. Cf. G Axt.

âgan (OE) 'to have, possess, own' (*êik-): OUGHT, OWE, OWN, OWNER. Cf. G eigen, eignen.

âl (OE) 'fire, flame, burning': ANNEAL. Cf. Sw eld. Da ild.

ald (OE) 'old' (*al-3): ALDERMAN, ELDER, ELDEST, OLD. Cf. Du oud. G alt, älter, ältest, Alter, Eltern. Norw eldre, eldst. Sw äldre, äldst. Da ældre, ældst.

all (OE) 'all, every, entire': AL-, ALL, ALONE, ALSO. Cf. Du al. G all, allein, als, also. Norw all. Sw all. Da al.

alor (OE) 'alder' (*el-2): ALDER. Cf. Du els. G Eller, Elritze, Erle, Ulm. Norw older, oldre. Sw al. Da elle, elltra.

alu (OE) 'ale': ALE. Cf. G Ale. Norw Ýl. Sw öl. Da Ýl.

âmasian (OE) 'to stun, bewilder': AMAZE, MAZE.

amore (OE), kind of (unidentified) bird: YELLOWHAMMER. Cf. G Ammer.

an (OE) 'on, in' (*an 1): A (as in NOWADAYS, ONCE_A_MONTH, GO A-BEGGING), A- (as in ABOARD, ABED), ON, UPON. Cf. Du aan. Norw aa.

ân (OE) 'one' (*oi-no-): A, ALONE, AN, ANON, ATONE, LONE, LONELY, NONCE, NONE, ONCE, ONE. Cf. G allein, ein, einig, einsam, einst, einzeln, einzig.

and-, an-, on-, un- (OE), prefix indicating opposition, reversal, deprivation (*ant-): ALONG, ANSWER, UN-, UNBIND, UNDO, UNFASTEN, UNHORSE. Cf. Du ont-. G ant-, Antlitz, Antwort, ent-. Norw svara. Da ansvar, svare.

andswaru (OE) 'reply' (and- + *swer-1): ANSWER.

ang- (OE) 'painful' (*angh- via 'painful spike in the flesh'): HANGNAIL, ANBURY. Cf. G eng.

angul (OE) 'fishhook' (*ank-): ANGLE. Cf. G Angel. Norw ongul. Sw angel. Da angel.

ankel (ME) 'ankle' (< ON < *ank-): ANKLE. Cf. Du enkel. G Enkel.

apa (OE) 'tailless monkey': APE. Cf. Du aap. G Affe. Norw ape, apa. Sw apa.

âr (OE) 'brass': ORE. Cf. G ehern. Norw eir. Sw ärg. Da ir, irr.

âr (OE) 'oar': OAR. Cf. Norw aar. Sw år, åra. Da aare.

ar-, or-, a- (OE) 'up, away, out' (*ud-): A- (as in AGO, ABIDE, ARISE).

arewe (OE) 'arrow' (*arku-): ARROW.

arm (OE) 'upper limb of the body, arm' (*ar-): ARM. Du arm. G Arm, Ärmel. Norw arm. Sw arm. Da arm.

aron, earon (OE), pl. forms of be (prob. *er-1): ARE.

âscian (OE) 'to ask, inquire': ASK.

âseolcan (OE) 'to become sluggish': SULK, SULKY.

aslope (ME), prob. < OE âslûpan (OE) 'to slip away, disappear': ASLOPE, SLOPE.

âst (OE) 'kiln for drying malt, hops or lime' (*aidh-): OAST. Cf. Du eest. â (OE) 'ever,' whence prob. initial element of æfre (1-2) (*aiw-): AUGHT, EACH, EVER, EVERY, NAUGHT, NAUGHTY, NEITHER, NEVER, NOUGHT, OUGHT, NO, NOT. Cf. Du elk, iets. G jeglich.

âte (OE) 'oat': OAT.

âth (OE) 'solemn appeal to God as a witness, oath' (*oito-): OATH. Cf. G Eid.

âttôr, âtôr (OE) 'poison': COBWEB.

babe, baby (ME) 'baby' (*baba-): BABE, BABY. G Baby.

babelen (ME) 'to babble' (*baba-): BABBLE. Cf. G babbeln. F babiller.

bacan (OE) 'to bake' (*bhê-): BAKE, BATCH.

bæc (OE) 'back': BACK. Cf. G Backbord, Backe.

bæce, bece (OE) 'brook, stream': BEACH.

bæddel (2-2) (OE) 'hermaphrodite': BAD.

bælig (OE) 'bag, pod, bellows' (*bhelgh-): BELLOWS, BELLY.

bær (OE) 'uncovered, bare' (*bhoso-): BARE. Cf. G bar.

bære, bere (OE) 'barley' (*bhares-): BARLEY, BARN.

bærnan (OE) 'to consume with fire' and birnan, beornan 'to be on fire' (*gwher-): BURN. Cf. G brennen, brenzeln, Brunst.

bærs, bears (OE) 'perch, bass' (*bhar-): BASS. Cf. G barsch, Barsch.

bæst (OE) 'inner bark of the lime': BAST, BASTE, BASTION. Cf. G Bast, basteln, Bastion.

bæth (OE) 'bathing, water for bathing' (*bhê-): BATE, BATH, BATHE. Cf. G Bad, baden.

bagge (ME) 'sack, bag'(perhaps from ON baggi 'to pack, bundle'): BAG.

baile (ME) 'handle' (prob. < Scan < *bheug-3): BAIL.

bald (OE) 'bold' (*balthaz): BOLD. Cf. G bald.

ballede, balled (ME) 'hairless, bare, having a blaze': BALD, BALLARD, PIEBALD, SKEWBALD.

balu, bealu (OE) 'evil, mischief, woe': BALE, BALEFUL.

bân (OE) 'bone': BONE. Cf. G Bein.

bana (OE) 'murderer, poison, cause of ruin or destruction' (*gwhen-1): BANE.

bang (EModE) 'to slam, a slamming' (prob. < Scan): BANG, BANGLE. Cf. Du bonken. G Bengel. Sw bångas, banka (?). Da banke.

bannan (OE) 'to summon, curse, denounce' (*bhâ-2): BAN.

bannuc (OE) 'flat round cake': BANNOCK.

bâr (OE) 'male swine': BOAR. Cf. G Bär.

barg, bearg (OE) 'castrated boar' (*bher-2) (*bher-2): BARROW.

barteren (ME), perhaps via OF barater 'to trick, cheat' from Gr prássein) 'to trade': BARTER.

baste (ME) 'to pour fat over (roasting meat)': BASTE.

bât (OE) 'boat' (*bheid-): BOAT, BATEAU. Cf. G Boot.

baulen (ME) 'to bark, howl' (*bhel-4): BAWL.

bêacn (OE) 'sign, portent, standard' (*bhâ-1): BEACON, BECK, BECKON. Cf. G Bake.

bêag, bêah (OE) 'ring' (*bheug-3): BEE.

bealluc (OE) 'testicle' (*bhel-2): BALLOCK, BOLLIX.

bêam (OE) 'tree' (*baumaz): BEAM. Cf. G Baum, baumeln.

bêan (OE) 'broad bean, bean' (*bha-bhâ-): BEAN. Cf. G Bohne.

beard (OE) 'facial hair, beard' (*bhardhâ): BEARD.

bearn (OE) 'child' (*bher-1): BAIRN. Norw barn. Sw barn. Da barn.

bearwe (OE) 'frame on which a load can be carried, stretcher, bier' (*bher-1): BARROW.

bêatan (OE) 'to strike repeatedly, beat' (*bhau-): BEAT.

bêce (OE) 'beech' (*bhâgo-): BEECH. G Buche.

beclencan (OE) 'to fix or grasp firmly' (bî- + *gel-1): CLENCH, CLINCH.

bed (OE) 'bed' (*bhedh-): BED.

bedecian (OE) 'to entreat, beg': BEG.

beforan (OE) 'before' (bî + *per 1): BEFORE. Cf. G bevor.

beginnan (OE) 'to begin': BEGIN. Cf. G beginnen.

behæs (4-2) (OE) 'promise, command': BEHEST.

behôf (OE) 'use, advantage, need' (bî + *kap-): BEHOOF, BEHOOVE.

belcettan, bylcettan, bealcettan (OE) 'to throw up, vomit': BELCH. Cf. G bölken.

bellan (OE) 'to bellow, roar' (*bhel-4): BELL. Cf. G bellen.

belle (OE) 'bell' (*bhel-4): BELL.

belwen (ME) 'to roar (as a bull)' (*bhel-4): BELLOW.

bên (OE) 'prayer': BENE.

benc (OE) 'bench': BENCH.

bendan (OE) 'to bow, curve, bind, fetter' (*bhendh-): BEND.

bêo (OE) 'bee': BEE. Cf. G beben, Biene.

bêodan (OE) 'to offer, proclaim, announce, command, decree' (*bheudh-): BID, FORBID. Cf. G bieten, Büttel, Gebiet, Gebot.

beofor (OE) 'beaver' (*bher-3): BEAVER. Cf. G Biber.

bêon (OE) 'to be' (*bheuª-): BE, BEEN. Cf. G bin, bist.

beonet (OE), in place names, perhaps 'grassy plain, field': BENT.

beorcan (OE) 'to bark (as a dog)': BARK.

beorg (OE) 'hill' (*bhergh-2): BARROW. Cf. G Berg, Gebirge.

beorht (OE) 'shining' (*bherªg-): BRIGHT.

beorma (OE) 'yeast' (*bhreu-2): BARM, BARMY (BALMY). Cf. G Bärme.

bêost (OE) 'first milk from a cow after calving': BEESTINGS.

bera (OE) 'bear' (*bher-3): BEAR. Cf. G Bär.


beran (OE) 'to carry, bring forth' (*bher-1): BEAR, FORBEAR. Cf. G -bar, Bürzel, empor, empören, entbehren, Gebärde, gebaren, gebären, Gebühren, purzeln.

berige, berie (OE) 'small globular or ovate fruit, berry': ANBURY, BERRY. Cf. G Beere.

bern (OE) 'house': BARN.

berstan (OE) 'to break or be broken suddenly, burst': BURST.

besema, besma (OE) 'broom': BESOM. Cf. G Besen.

betera (OE) 'better' (*bhad-), suppletive comparative of gôd, superlative betest 'best': BETTER, BEST. G Bestseller.

betokenen (ME) 'to signify, be a token of': BETOKEN.

betwêohs, betwêox (OE) 'between' (bî + *dwo-): BETWIXT, TWIXT.

betwêonum (OE) 'in the space separating two points, amid, amongst' (bî + *dwo-): BETWEEN. Cf. G zwischen.

bevy (ME) (OE) 'group of ladies, birds, etc.': BEVY.

bevy (ME) (OE) 'group of ladies, birds, etc.': BEVY.

bî (OE), unstressed bi, be 'alongside, in the course of, according to, in relation to, by (means or instrument),' combining forms bî-, be-, 'about, around' (*ambhi): BE-, BEN, BY.

bicce (OE) 'female dog': BITCH.

bîdan (OE) 'to remain, wait, wait for' (*bheidh-): ABIDE, ABODE, BIDE.

biddan (OE) 'to ask, demand, entreat' (*gwhedh-): BID. Cf. G bitten, betteln. Norw bidja. Sw bedja. Da bede.

bigge, big (ME) 'strong, stout': BIG.

bihindan (OE) 'in the rear, behind' (bi- + *hind-): BEHIND, HIND.

biker, beker (ME) 'skirmish,' later 'altercation': BICKER.

bil (OE) 'weapon of war (sword or halberd), pruning hook' (*bhei-2): BILL.

bilberry (EModE) 'bilberry' (prob. < Scan < *bhel-2): BILBERRY. Cf. Da bolle.

bile (OE) 'beak (of a bird)' (*bhei-2): BILL.

bindan (OE) 'to make fast with a band, tie up' (*bhendh-): BIND, WOODBINE. Cf. G Ausbund, binden.

binn, bin, binne (OE) 'manger' (< Celtic < *bhendh-): BIN.

birce, bierce (OE) 'birch' (*bherªg-): BIRCH. Cf. G Birke.

bisig, later bysig (OE) 'constantly or fully occupied': BUSY.

bita (OE) 'piece bitten off, morsel of food' (*bheid-): BIT.

bîtan (OE) 'to cut with the teeth, bite' (*bheid-): BEETLE, BITE.

bite (OE) 'act of biting, bite' (*bheid-): BIT.

biter (OE) 'cutting, biting,' hence 'cruel, harsh, violent,' later 'biting to the tongue' (*bheidh-): BITTER. Cf. G bitter.

blab (ME) 'tell-tale, tatler': BLAB.

blabber (ME) 'to babble, chatter,' rel. to blab: BLABBER.

blæc, blac- (OE) 'black' (*bhel-1): BLACK. Cf. Norw blakk. Sw black.

blæcan (3-2) (OE) 'to whiten' (*bhel-1): BLEACH.

blæd (OE) 'broad flattened part of an implement,' sometimes 'leaf' (*bhel-3): BLADE. Cf. G Blatt.

blædre (3-2), later blæddre (OE) 'membranous bag, blister, bladder' (*bhlê-2): BLADDER. Cf. G Blatter.

blæse, blase (OE) 'torch, bright flame or fire' (*bhel-1): BLAZE.

blæst (3-2) (OE) 'gust of wind or air' (*bhlê-2): BLAST.

blætan (3-2) (OE) 'to cry (as a sheep)' (*bhlê-1): BLEAT.

blaw (ME) 'hard stroke with the fist or a weapon': BLOW.

blâwan (OE) 'to produce a current of air, puff air (into)' (*bhlê-2): BLOW. Cf. G Blähen, blasen, Gebläse.

blegen (OE) 'blister, pustule': BLAIN, CHILBLAIN.

bleke (ME) 'dim (said of the eyes)': BLEAR, BLEARY.

blencan (OE) 'to deceive' (*bhel-1): BLENCH, BLINK. Cf. G blinken, blinzeln.

bleren (ME) 'to roar' (*bhlê-1): BLARE.

blind (OE) 'sightless, unperceiving, dark, obscure' (*bhel-1): BLIND, BLINDFOLD, PURBLIND. Cf. G blind.

bliss, blithe (OE) 'joyous': BLITHE.

blob (ME) 'bubble': BLOB.

blober, bluber (ME) 'foam, bubble, pustule, entrails (of fish), jellyfish, fat of whales': BLUBBER.

blôd (OE) 'blood': BLOOD, BLOODY. Cf. G Blut, blutrünstig, Geblüt.

blôma (OE) 'mass of iron formed into a thick bar' (*bhel-3): BLOOM, BLOOMERY.

blont, blunt (ME) 'dull, stupid': BLUNT.

blôstm, blôstma, blôsma (OE) 'flower' (*bhel-3): BLOSSOM.

blôwan (OE) 'to bloom, flourish' (*bhel-3): BLOW. Cf. G blühen, Blüte.

blusteren (ME) 'to be boisterous, rage': BLUSTER.

blyscan (OE) 'to become red in the face (especially with shame or confusion)' (*bhel-1): BLUSH.

bobbe (ME) 'cluster of flowers or fruit, bunch, knob, knot (of hair)': BOB, BOBBLE, BOBBY_PIN, BOBCAT.

bobben (ME) 'to pummel, buffet, rap': BOB, BOBSLED.

bobel (ME) 'bubble': BUBBLE.

bôc (OE) 'written document or record' (*bhâgo-): BOOK. Cf. G Buch, Buchstabe, buchstäblich.

bocchen (ME) 'to patch,' later 'to patch clumsily': BOTCH.

boda (OE) 'messenger' (*bheudh-): BODE. Cf. G Bote.

bodde, budde (ME) 'unopened flower or leaf': BUD.

bodig (OE) 'frame of an animal, main portion, trunk': BODY.

bôg, bôh (OE) 'shoulder, limb (Scottish), limb of a tree' (*bheug-3): BOUGH. Cf. G Bug.

boga (OE) 'weapon for shooting arrows, rainbow, arch': BOW, RAINBOW.

boidekyn (ME) 'dagger': BODKIN.

boistous, boistuous, later boisteous, boisterous (ME) 'stout, stiff, bulky, violent and rough in manner': BOISTEROUS.

bold (OE) 'dwelling, house' (*bheuª-): BUILD.

bolla, bolle (OE) 'pot, bowl' (*bhel-2): BOLL, BOWL.

bolster (OE) 'long stuffed pillow, cushion' (*bhelgh-): BOLSTER.

bolt (OE) 'dwelling, house,' variant of bold: NEWBOLT, NEWBOULD, HARBOTTLE, BOOTLE.

bolt (OE) 'stout arrow, bolt': BOLT. Cf. G Bolzen.

bom (ME) 'buttocks': BUM.

bomben, bumben, bummen (ME) 'to give out a deep humming note,' later 'to sail fast': BOOM.

bord (OE) 'flat piece of wood, table, border, edge, ship's side' (*bherdh-): BOARD, STARBOARD. Cf. G Backbord, Bord, Borte.

borgian (OE) 'to borrow, take on pledge or credit' (*bhergh-1): BORROW. Cf. G borgen, Bürge.

borgian (OE) 'to borrow, take on pledge or credit': BORROW.

borian (OE) 'to pierce' (*bher-2): BORE. Cf. G bohren.

borli, burli, burlich (ME) 'comely, imposing, stately,' hence 'noble, massively built, corpulent': BURLY.

bôsm (OE) 'breast' (*beu-1): BOSOM.

bost (ME) 'to brag, boast' (*beu-1): BOAST.

bot (ME) 'parasitic worm or maggot': BOT.

bôt (OE) 'help, advantage, a making good, repair, remedy, amends' (*bhad-): BOOT.

bothe (ME) 'temporary dwelling, covered stall' (*bheuª-): BOOTH. Cf. G Bude, Sw bod. Da bod.

botm, bothm (OE) 'lowest surface or part, bottom' (*bhudh-): BOTTOM. Cf. G Boden.

bouspret (ME) 'bowsprit' (*sper-4): BOWSPRIT, SPRIT. Cf. G Spriet.

box (ME) 'blow, buffet': BOX, BOXER.

bracu (OE) 'thicket': BRAKE.

brâd (OE) 'broad': BROAD. Cf. G breit.

brædu (3-2) (OE) 'width': BREADTH.

brægen (OE) 'brain' (*mregh-mno-): BRAIN.

bræmel (3-2), brêmel, later bræmbel (OE) 'blackberry bush' (*bhrem-2): BRAMBLE.

bræs (OE) 'alloy of copper and tin or zinc, brass, bronze': BRASS, BRAZEN, BRAZIER.

bræth (3-2) (OE) 'odor, exhalation': BREATH, BREATHE. Cf. G braten, Brodem.

brag (ME) 'spirited, mettlesome, brisk, boastful': BRAG, BRAGGADOCIO, BRAGGART.

braken (ME) 'fern' (prob. < Scan < *bhreg-): BRAKE, BRACKEN.

brand (OE) 'piece of burning wood, sword' (*gwher-), in the latter sense perhaps a different word: BRAND. Cf. G Brand.

brawlen, braulen, brallen (ME) 'to quarrel noisily and indecently': BRAWL.

brêad (OE) 'food made with flour' (*bhreu-2): BREAD. Cf. G Brot.

brêc (pl.) (OE) 'garment covering the loin, thighs, and buttocks' (*brâk-): BREECH, BREECHES, BREEKS.

brecan (OE) 'to break, sever into parts' (*bhreg-): BREAK. Cf. G Brache, brechen, Brocken, Bruch, Pracht, prägen.

brêdan (OE) 'to hatch, produce young' (*bhreu-2): BREED. Cf. G brüten.

bregdan (OE) 'to move with a sudden jerky movement, interweave, plait': BRAID, UPBRAID.

brende (ME) 'brown with streaks of another color': BRINDLED.

brêost (OE) 'front of the thorax, breast (also seen as the seat of affections)' (*bhreus-1): BREAST. Cf. G Brust.

brêothan (OE) 'to deteriorate, degenerate' (*bhreu-1): BROTHEL.

brêowan (OE) 'to make ale, beer, etc.' (*bhreu-2): BREW. Cf. G brauen, brausen.

brid (OE) 'young bird': BIRD.

brîdel (OE) 'headgear of a horse's harness, bridle': BRIDLE.

brike, brik, breke (ME) 'molded and baked clay used in building,' prob. from MDu or MLG brike, bricke: BRICK, BRIQUETTE. Cf. G Brikett.

brimme (ME) 'border, margin, brink' (*bhrem-2): BRIM.

bringan (OE) 'to convey or carry with one' (*bher-1 + *nek-2): BRING. Cf. G bringen.

bringan (OE) 'to convey or carry with one' (*bher-1 + *nek-2): BRING. Cf. G bringen.

brinke, brenk (ME) 'edge or border of a steep place, river, etc.': BRINK.

briosa (OE) 'gadfly': BREEZE.

britil, bretil, brütil (ME) 'liable to break,' prob. from the base of OE brytsen 'fragment' (*bhreu-1): BRITTLE.

brôc (OE) 'small stream, brook': BROOK, BROOKLIME. Cf. G Bruch.

broc, broce (OE) 'badger': BROCK.

brôd (OE) 'progeny, offspring' (*bhreu-2): BROOD. Cf. G brühen, Brut.

brôm (OE), kind of shrub, 'broom' (*bhrem-2): BROOM. Cf. G Brombeere.

broth (OE) 'liquid in which meat, etc. has been boiled, broth' (*bhreu-2): BROTH. Cf. G brodeln, brutzeln.

brôÙor (OE) 'brother' (*bhrâter-): BROTHER, BRETHREN. Cf. G Bruder.

brû (OE) 'eyelash, eyelid, eyebrow': BROW, EYEBROW.

brûcan (OE) 'to enjoy, use' (*bhrûg-): BROOK. Cf. G brauchen.

brûn (OE) 'dusky, dark' (*bher-3): BROWN. Cf. G braun.

brunt (ME) 'blow, onset, attack': BRUNT.

brusket (ME) 'breast of an animal': BRISKET.

brüstel, bristel, brestel (ME) 'stiff hair' (*bhar-): BRISTLE. Cf. G Borste, borstig, Bürste, bürsten.

brycg (OE) 'bridge': BRIDGE. Cf. G Brücke, Prügel.

bryd (3-2) (OE) 'woman about to be married or recently married': BRIDAL, BRIDE, BRIDEGROOM. Cf. G Braut, Bräutigam.

bryne (3-2) (OE) 'water saturated with salt': BRINE.

brynstan, brünston (ME) 'sulphur' (*gwher- + stân): BRIMSTONE. Cf. G Bernstein.

brysan (3-2) (OE) 'to crush, mangle' (*bhreus-2): BRUISE. Cf. G Brosame.

buc (OE) 'male deer': BUCK.

bucca (OE) 'male deer or goat' (*bhugo-): BUCK.

budde (ME) 'bud': BUD.

bûgan (OE) 'to bend (esp. the body)' (*bheug-3): BOW, BUXOM. Cf. G biegen, beugen, Bogen, bücken, Bügel.

bugee, bugeye, buggy, bogey, bogy (ME) 'lambskin with the wood dressed outwards': BUDGE.

bugge (ME) 'object of dread': BUG, BUGBEAR.

bulder (ME) 'large rounded water-worn stone' (< Scan < *bhel-2): BOULDER. Cf. Sw bullersten 'rounded stone.'

bunche (ME) 'lump, swelling, bundle': BUNCH.

bunker (EModE) 'chest or box often serving as a seat': BUNKER.

bunne (ME), kind of cake: BUN.

bunsen, bonchen (ME) 'to beat, thump, stamp': BOUNCE.

buntynge (ME), kind of bird, 'bunting': BUNTING.

bûr (OE) 'dwelling, lady's apartment, inner apartment' (*bheuª-): BOWER. Cf. G Bauer.

burblen (ME) 'to form bubbles, flow with a bubbling sound': BURBLE.

burg, burh (OE) 'fortress, fortified town, town' (*bhergh-2): BOROUGH, BURGH, BURROW, -BURY (as in CANTERBURY).

burna, burne, burn (OE) 'spring, stream, brook' (*bhreu-2): BURN (BOURN). Cf. G Born, Brunnen.

burre (ME) 'bur' (< Scan): BUR.

bush (ME) 'bush': BOSKY, BUSH. Cf. G Böschung, Busch.

bustard (EModE), kind of bird, 'bustard': BUSTARD. Cf. F outarde.

buttuc (OE) orig. prob. 'end, ridge or strip of land,' later 'rump' (*bhau-): BUTTOCK.

bycgan (OE) 'to purchase': BUY.

bydel (OE) 'herald, crier, messenger' (*bheudh-): BEADLE.

byht (OE) 'bend, angle' (*bheug-3): BIGHT. Cf. G Bucht.

byl (2-2) (OE) 'hard inflamed tumor or pustule' (*beu-1): BOIL.

byre (2-2) (OE) 'cow house, stall' (*bheuª-): BYRE.

byrgan (OE) 'to put underground, bury' (*bhergh-1): BURY.

byrgan (OE) 'to put underground, bury': BURY.

byrgels (OE) 'burial' (*bhergh-1): BURIAL.

byrthen (OE) 'load' (*bher-1): BURDEN. Cf. G Bürde.

cad (ME) 'young of an animal brought upu by hand, pet lamb': CADE.

cæf, ceaf (OE) 'husks of grain' (prob. *geph-): CHAFF. Cf. G dial. Kaff.

cæg (2-2), cæge (2-2) (OE) 'key, instrument for locking and unlocking': KEY.


caggen (ME) 'to move a ship into position by winding in a hawser attached to a small anchor': KEDGE.

cakelen (ME) 'to make a noise as a hen,' prob. from MLG or MDu kâkeln, imitative but partly from kâke 'jaw': CACKLE.

calu (OE) 'bald': CALLOW.

camb, comb (OE) 'comb, tooth implement for straightening the hair' (*gembh-): COMB, KAME, OAKUM.

canne (OE) 'vessel for liquid,' perhaps from LL canna: CAN.

carne (ME) 'pile of stones': CAIRN.

caru, cearu (OE) 'grief, burdened state of mind, serious attention' (*gar-): CARE.

casement (ME) 'hollow molding, cavetto': CASEMENT.

caterwrawen (ME) 'to cry as a cat at rutting time,' with initial element equivalent to OE cat or perhaps from LG or D kater 'male cat': CATERWAUL.

catt (OE) 'cat': CAT. Cf. Du kat. G Katze. Norw katt. Sw katt. Da kat. It gatto. F chat. Sp gato. Pg gato.

ceafl (OE) 'jaw, jawbone' (*geph-): JOWL, SHIVER. Cf. G Kiefer.

ceafor (OE) 'beetle' (*geph-): CHAFER, COCKCHAFER. Cf. G Käfer.

cearig (OE) 'sorrowful' (*gar-): CHARY.

cêlan (OE) 'to cool' (*gel-3): KEEL.

celynge, siling, syling (ME) 'lining of the inside of a roof or walls': CEILING.

cemban (OE) 'to comb' (*gembh-): UNKEMPT.

cêne (OE) 'wise, brave, fierce': KEEN. Cf. G kühn.

cennan (OE) 'to make known' (*gnô-): KEN, KENNING, KENSPECK. Cf. G bekannt, bekennen, erkennen, kennen.

cêoce, cêace, cece (OE) 'jaw, jawbone, fleshing side of the face': CHEEK, CHEEKY.

ceole, ceolu (OE) 'throat, dewlap, gullet' (*gwel-3): JOWL. Cf. G Kehle.

ceorfan (OE) 'to cut, cut artistically or ornamentally' (*gerbh-): CARVE. Cf. G kerben.

ceorl (OE) 'man, husband, free man without rank': CHURL.

cêosan (OE) 'to take by preference' (*geus-): CHOOSE.

cêowan (OE) 'to chew': CHEW.

cêpan (OE) 'to seize, hold, watch (for), pay regard to, observe': KEEP.

cerlic, cyrlic (OE) 'field mustard': CHARLOCK.

cerr (OE) 'turn (in various senses),' later 'turn of work, odd job': AJAR, CHARE, CHARWOMAN, CHORE.

chaterren (ME) 'to utter a rapid succession of vocal sounds (of birds and men)': CHAT, CHATTER, CHITTER.

cheterlingis (ME) 'smaller intestines of beasts used as food' (prob. *ku-): CHITTERLINGS.

chill (ME) 'to become cold': CHILL.

chimbe, chimb (ME) 'projecting rim of a cask,' prob. from the base of OE cimstân 'base, pedestal,' cimîren 'clamp iron,' cimbing 'joint': CHIME.

chirk (ME) 'to utter a short sharp thin sound': CHIRP, CHIRRUP.

chitte (ME) 'young animal,' perhaps from OE cith 'shoot, sprout, seed, mote (in the eye)': CHIT.

choge (ME), kind of bird, 'chough': CHOUGH.

chymbe, chimbe, chime, chim (ME) 'cymbal,' perhaps from OE cimbal, ultimately from Gr kúmbê: CHIME.

cîcen (OE), late WS cycen (2-2) 'chicken, young fowl' (*ku-): CHICKEN.

cîdan (OE) 'to wrangle, dispute angrily with': CHIDE.

cild (OE) 'child': CHILD, CHILDREN.

cim- (OE) 'rim': CHIME.

cinn, cin (OE) 'chin' (*genu-2): CHIN. Cf. G Kinn.

cinu (OE) 'cleft, chink' (*gêi-1): CHINE, CHINK, CHIT.

cipp, cyp (OE) 'beam,' prob. orig. 'piece cut off': CHIP.

cirm, cyrm, cerm (OE) 'clamor, cry' (*gar-): CHARM.

clæg (3-2) (OE) 'clay' (*gel-1): CLAY.

clæman (OE) 'to smear, anoint, daub': CLAMMY.

clæne (3-2) (OE) 'clear, free from dirt or filth' (*gel-2): CLEAN.

clâfre (OE) 'clover': CLOVER.

claggen (ME) 'to daub with mud' (< Scan < *gel-1): CLAG.

clamm (OE) 'bond, fetter' (*gel-1): CLAM.

clappian (OE) 'to throb, beat': CLAP.

claterin (ME) 'rattle, clattering, sound of repeated collision of hard bodies,' from the base of OE clatrung 'rattle, clattering' (*gal-2): CLATTER.

clâth (OE) 'piece of woven or felted stuff': CLOTH, CLOTHE.

clawu (OE) 'claw' (*gel-1): CLAW.

clêofan (OE) 'to split, cleave' (*gel-1): CLEAVE.

cleofian, clifian (OE) 'to stick fast, adhere' (*gleubh-): CLEAVE, CLEFT. Cf. G klauben, klieben, Kloben, Kluft, Kluppe, Klüver.

clete (ME) 'wedge' (*gel-1): CLEAT.

clîfe (OE) 'goosegrass'(a plant that adheres to objects by hooked bristles on its stem) (*gel-1): CLEAVERS.

climban (OE) 'to climb' (*gel-1): CLAMBER, CLIMB. Cf. G beklommen, klimmen.

clingan (OE) 'to shrink, coagulate, congeal, wither' (*gel-1): CLING.

clipian, cleopian (OE) 'to call, name': CLEPE, Y-CLEPED.

cliver (ME) 'adroit, dextrous' (*gleubh-): CLEVER.

cliwan, cleowen (OE) 'ball (especially of thread)' (*gel-1): CLEW, CLUE.

clog, clogge (ME) 'block of wood': CLOG.

clott, clot (OE) 'lump (especially one formed by coagulation)' (*gel-1): CLOD, CLODHOPPER, CLOT, CLUTTER.

clûd (OE) 'hill, rock' (*gel-1): CLOUD.

clufu (OE) 'clove (of garlic)' (*gleubh-): CLOVE. Cf. G Knoblauch.glúphein (Gr) 'to carve' (*gleubh-): ANAGLYPH, GLYPH, GLYPTIC, HIEROGLYPHIC. G Glypte, Hieroglyphe.

clumsen (ME) 'to benumb': CLUMSY.

clût (OE) 'patch, metal plate' (*gel-1): CLOUT.

clyccan (OE) 'to crook, clench,' later 'to seize with the claws, seize eagerly' (*gel-1): CLUTCH.

clyppan (OE) 'to embrace, grip, clutch' (*gel-1): CLASP, CLIP.

clyster, cluster (OE) 'collection of things close together': CLUSTER.

cnæpp (OE) 'hilltop, summit' (*gen-): KNAP.

cnafa (OE) 'boy, male servant': KNAVE.

cnedan (OE) 'to knead, work up (moistened flour) into bread' (*gen-): KNEAD.

cnêo, cnêow (OE) 'knee' (*genu-1): KNEE. Cf. G Knie.

cnêowlian (OE) 'to kneel' (*genu-1): KNEEL.

cnîf (OE) 'knife' (*gen-): KNIFE.

cniht (OE) 'boy, youth, man of arms, hero': KNIGHT.

cnocian (OE) 'to strike with a resounding blow, knock' (*gen-): KNOCK.

cnoll (OE) 'summit of a hill, hillock, mound' (*gen-): KNOLL.

cnotta (OE) 'intertwining of parts of rope, etc.,' fig. 'something intricate' (*gen-): KNOT.

cnyll (OE) 'sound of a bell struck or rung' (*gen-): KNELL, KNOLL.

cnytten (OE) 'to tie in or with a knot' (*gen-): KNIT.

cobbe (ME) 'head, roundish object, round clump': COB, COBBLE, COBBLESTONE.

cobelere (ME) 'maker or mender of shoes': COBBLE, COBBLER.

coble (ME) 'boat used especially for salmon fishing': COBLE.


coccul, coccel (OE) 'plant growing among corn,' perhaps from LL coccus, earlier coccum < Gr kókkos): COCKLE.

codd, cod (OE) 'bag, husk' (*ku-): COD, CODPIECE.

cofa (OE) 'bedchamber, storechamber, hollow in a rock, etc.' (*ku-): COVE.

cogge (ME) 'projecting tooth on a wheel': COG.

coghen (ME) 'to cough': COUGH.

cok (ME) 'heap of hay' (*ku-): COCK.

côl (OE) 'cool' (*gel-3): COOL. Cf. G kühl.

col (OE) 'glowing piece of wood' (*geu-lo-): COAL, COLLIE, COLLIER, CULM. Cf. G Kohle.

coloppe, colhoppe (ME) 'fried bacon and egg': COLLOP.

colt (OE) 'young ass or camel': COLT, COLTSFOOT.

conning (ME) 'learning, wisdom, ability, skill,' perhaps from ON kunna 'to know' or pres. part. of OE cunnan: CUNNING.

coppe (OE) 'spider': COBWEB.

core, coor (ME) 'horny seed capsule of apple, etc.': CORE.

corn (OE) 'grain, seed, fruit of a cereal' (*grª-no-): CORN, KERNEL. Cf. G Kern.

cot (OE) 'cottage' (*ku-): COT, COTTAGE.

cote (OE) 'shelter' (*ku-): COTE.

couren (ME) 'to cower' (< Scan < *ku-): COWER.

coyte (ME) 'flat disc thrown as an exercise of strength or skill': QUOIT.

crabba (OE) 'crab' (*gerbh-): CRAB. Cf. G Krabbe.

crabbe (ME) 'wild apple': CRAB.

cracian (OE) 'to sound, resound, make a sharp short noise' (*gerª-2): CRACK. Cf. G krachen, krächzen.

cradol (OE) 'child's light bed or cot' (*ger-2): CRADLE.

cræft (OE) 'strengtkh, power, skill, deceit, art, trade': CRAFT, -CRAFT, CRAFTY.

cræt (OE) 'carriage, chariot' (*ger-2): CART.

crammian, gecrammian (OE) 'to stuff, fill to repletion or excess' (*ger-1): CRAM.

cran (OE), kind of bird, 'crane' (*gerª-2): CRANE. Cf. G Krambambuli, Krammetsvogel, Kran, Kranich.

crancstæf (OE) 'weaving implement,' with -stæf equivalent to stæf (*ger-2 + stæf): CRANK.

crasen (ME) 'to shatter, batter, crack': CRAZE, CRAZY.

crâwan (OE) 'to utter the cry of a cock, crow' (*gerª-2): CROW, CROWBAR. Cf. G Krähe, krähen.

crawe (ME) 'pouchlike enlargement of the gullet in birds,' perhaps from MLG krage 'neck, throat, gullet': CRAW.

crel, crele (ME) 'large wicker basket': CREEL.

crengen (ME) 'to shrink, cower' (*ger-2): CRINGE.

crêopan (OE) 'to move with the body prone and close to the ground, creep' (*ger-2): CREEP.

cressa, cresse, cærse, cerse (OE) 'cruciferous plants with pungnet edible leaves, cress' (*gras-): CRESS. Cf. G Kresse.

cribb, crib (OE) 'rack for fodder in a cow shed, manger' (*ger-2): CRIB.

crike, crykke (ME) 'painful stiffness in the neck': CRICK.

crinkelen (ME) 'to make kinks in' (*ger-2): CRINKLE.

croc, crocca (OE) 'earthern pot, jar' (*ger-2): CROCK.

croft (OE) 'enclosed piece of land' (*ger-2): CROFT.

crok (ME) 'old ewe' (*ger-2): CROCK.

croken (ME) 'to utter a deep hoarse cry (as a roo, etc.)': CROAK.

cropp, crop (OE) 'bird's craw, head of a plant' (*ger-2): CROP.

crûdan (OE) 'to press on, push forward' (rel. to crod): CROWD.

crudde, crud, crodde, crod (ME) 'coagulated substance formed from milk' (rel. to crûdan): CRUD, CURD, CURDLE.

cruma (OE) 'small fragment of bread' (*ger-2): CRUMB, CRUMBLE.

crumb (OE) 'bent, crooked' (*ger-2): CRUMMIE, CRUMMY.

crump (ME) 'to curve, curl up' (*ger-2): CRUMPLE.

crycc, cryc (OE) 'crosspiece for an infirm person' (*ger-2): CRUTCH.

crypel (OE) 'cripple, lame person' (*ger-2): CRIPPLE.

cû (OE) 'female bovine' (*gwou-): COW, COWSLIP, KINE.

cudele (OE) 'cuttlefish' (*ku-): CUTTLE.

cuffe (ME) 'glove, mitten': CUFF, HANDCUFF.

cukken, cuck (ME) 'to defecate' (< Scan < *kakka-): CUCKING_STOOL. Cf. G kacken.

cüllen, küllen, killen, kellen (ME) 'to strike, beat': KILL.

cülpe, cülp (ME) 'large seawed': KELP.

cuman (OE) 'to come' (*gwâ-): BECOME, COME, WELCOME. Cf. G bequem, kommen, künftig.

cunnan (OE) 'to know, know how, have power, be able' (*gnô-): CAN, CON, UNCOUTH. Cf. G können, kund, Kunst.

cunte (ME) 'vulva' (< LG < *ku-): CUNT.

curs (OE) 'curse, formal censure by the church': CURSE.

cutten, kiten, ketten (ME) 'to cut,' prob. from OE source akin to Icelandic kuta 'to cut with a knife': CUT.

cwacian (OE) 'to shake, tremble': QUAKE.

cwellan (OE) 'to kill' (*gwel-1): QUELL.

cwên (OE) 'wife, wife of a king, queen' (*gwen-): QUEEN.

cwene (OE) 'woman' (*gwen-): QUEAN.

cweorne, cweorn (OE) 'hand mill' (*gwerª-2): QUERN.

cwethan (OE) 'to say, speak': BEQUEATH, QUOTH.

cwice (OE) 'couch grass' (*gwei-): COUCH_GRASS, QUITCH_GRASS. Cf. G Quecke.

cwicu, cwic (OE) 'living, alive' (*gwei-): QUICK, QUICKSILVER. Cf. G erquicken, keck, Quecksilber, quicklebendig, verquicken.

cwifer (OE) 'nimble, quick': QUIVER.

-cwiss (OE) 'statement': BEQUEST.

cwudu, cwidu, cudu (OE) 'that which is chewed, mastic' (*gwet-1): CUD, QUID. Cf. G Kitt.

cycgel (OE) 'short thick stick' (*ku-): CUDGEL.

cylte (ME) 'fine sand' (prob. < Scan < *sal-1): SILT.

cyning (OE) 'king' (*genª-): KING. Cf. G König.

cynn, cyn (OE) 'race, family, kin' (*genª-): AKIN, KIN, KINDRED.

cyrf (OE) 'cut (especially made by a saw)' (*gerbh-): KERF.

cyrin (OE) 'butter-making machine': CHURN.

cyssan (OE) 'to kiss': KISS.

cyta (2-2) (OE), kind of bird of prey: KITE.

cyththu (2-2), later cythth (2-2), cyth (2-2) (OE) 'knowledge, native place, one's friends, fellow countrymen, neighbors' (*gnô-): KITH.

dâ (OE) 'female of the fallow deer': DOE.

dabben (ME) 'to strike with a sharp blow': DAB, DABBLE.

daderen (ME) 'to tremble'(*dud-): DODDER.

dæg (OE) 'day,' hence dagian 'to dawn': DAILY, DAISY, DAWN, DAY, TODAY. Cf. G Tag, tagen.

dæge (2-2) (OE) 'bread kneader, female (farm) servant, dary woman' (*dheigh-): DAIRY.

dæl (2-2) (OE) 'part, portion, quantity, amount' (*dail-): DEAL. Cf. G Teil.

dæl (OE) 'valley' (*dhel-): DALE. Cf. G Tal.

dærstan (OE), pl. 'dregs, refuse, residue' (*dher-1): DRAST. Cf. G Trester.

dâg (OE) 'dough, mass of flour moistened into a paste' (*dheigh-): DOUGH. Cf. G Teig.

dagge (ME) 'shred, tag, pointed slash in the lower edge of a garment': DAG.

dâl (OE) 'part, portion' (*dail-): DOLE.

dank (ME) 'damp, wet': DANK.

darnel (ME), kind of grass, 'darnel': DARNEL.

daschen, dassen (ME) 'to strike with violence,' from Scandinavian, akin to Danish daske 'to beat': DASH.

dawe (ME) 'jackdaw, simpleton': DAW. Cf. G Dohle.

dêad (OE) 'dead' (*dheu-3): DEAD. Cf. G tot.

dêaf (OE) 'deaf' (*dheu-1): DEAF. Cf. G doof, taub.

dêagian (OE) 'to cause to take or impregnate with a certain color ortinge': DYE.

dêath (OE) 'death' (*dheu-3): DEATH. Cf. G Tod.

dêaw (OE) 'dew: DEW, HONEYDEW. Cf. G Tau.

delfan (OE) 'to dig': DELVE.

dell (OE) 'deep hollow or valley' (*dhel-): DELL. Cf. G Delle.

dêman (OE) 'to judge, think, consider' (*dhê-1): DEEM.

denn (OE) 'lair of a wild beast': DEN.

dêop (OE) 'deep, extending far downwards, profound' (*dheub-): DEEP, DEPTH. Cf. G taufen, tief.

dêop (OE) 'deep, extending far downwards, profound': DEEP, DEPTH.

dêor (OE) 'animal' (*dheu-1): DEER, WILDERNESS. Cf. G Tier.

dêor (OE) 'hard, severe, grievous': DEAR.

deorc (OE) 'dark' (*dher-1): DARK.

dêore (OE), WS dîere 'glorious, noble, regarded with esteem and affection, precious, high-priced, costly': DARLING, DEAR, DEARTH. Cf. G bedauern, beteuern, teuer, dauern, Darling.

dîc (OE) 'ditch' (*dhîgw-): DITCH. Cf. G Deich, Teich.

didderen (ME) 'to quake, quiver': DITHER.

diggen (ME) 'to dig,' perhaps from OE dîc: DIG.

dile, dyle (OE), kind of plant, 'dill': DILL. Cf. G Dill.

dimm, dim (OE) 'not clear or bright': DIM.

dimple, in place names dimpel, dympel (ME) 'hollow in the ground' (*dub-): DIMPLE.

dingle (ME) 'deep hollow, deep narrow cleft, dell shaded with trees': DINGLE.

doc (ME) 'solid fleshy part of a horse's tail, crupper,' perhaps equivalent to OE docca, docce in fingerdoccan 'finger muscles': DOCK.

docce (OE), kind of plant, 'dock': DOCK.

docga (OE) 'dog,' prob. orig. 'large powerful dog': DOG, DOGGEREL.

dod (ME) 'poll, lop of hair or tress': DODDEREL.

doder (ME), kind of plant, 'dodder, love vine' (*dud-): DODDER.

doggette (ME) 'summary, minute': DOCKET.

dohtig (OE) 'worthy, valiant, stout,' prob. after dohte, past of dugan 'to be useful, worthy, cmopetent, strong': DOUGHTY.

dohtor (OE) 'daughter': DAUGHTER.

dol (OE) 'stupid' (*dheu-1): DOLDRUMS.

dôm (OE) 'statute, ordinance, decision, sentence' in -dom, combining form used as a suffix denoting condition or state (*dhê-1): -DOM (as in FREEDOM), WISDOM, DOOM, DOOMSDAY. Cf. G -tum, Ungetüm.

dôn (OE) 'to put, place, perform, execute, cause, act' (*dhê-1): DO, FORDO. Cf. G tun.

-doppa (OE), kind of bird (*dub-): DIDAPPER.

dor (OE) 'door': DOOR.

dora (OE), kind of fly or beetle: DOR.

doten (ME) 'to be foolish'(*dud-): DOTE.

doude (ME) 'ugly woman': DOWD, DOWDY.

douken, dûken (ME) 'to plunge into liquid, dive,' from source of OE duce: DUCK. Cf. G ducken, Duckmäuser, tauchen.

dox (OE) 'dark, swarthy' (*dheu-1): DUSK, DUSKY.

doze (EModE) 'to stupefy, perplex, doze' (prob. rel. to dysig): DOZE. Cf. G dösen, Dusel, Tor.

drab (EModE) 'drab'(< Celtic, prob. < *dher-1): DRAB.

drabelen (ME) 'to draggle' (< LG, prob. < *dher-1): DRABBLE.

dræge (OE) 'dragnet' (*dhragh-): DRAY.

draf (ME) 'dregs, refuse' (*dher-1): DRAFF. Cf. G Treber.

dragan (OE) 'to draw, pull' (*dhragh-): DRAW. Cf. G tragen.

drake (ME) 'male duck': DRAKE.

drân, dræn (3-2) (OE) 'male honeybee' (*dher-3): DRONE.

draught (ME) 'a pull' (*dhragh-): DRAFT.

drêahnian, drêhnian (OE) 'to strain' (*dreug-): DRAIN.

drêam (OE) 'joy, jubiliation, music, minstrelsy': DREAM.

dreflian (OE) 'to drivel, slaver' (*dher-1): DRIVEL.

drencan (OE) 'to cause to drink' (*dhreg-): DRENCH. Cf. G Getränk, Trank, tränken.

drêor (OE) 'gore, flowing blood' (*dhreu-): DREARY.

drêosan (OE) 'to fall' (*dhreu-): DRIZZLE.

dreye, draye (ME) 'sled or cart without wheels,' perhaps from OE dræge, drægnet 'dragnet,' from the base of dragan: DRAY.

drîfan (OE) 'to force to move before one, move or advance rapidly, carry on vigorously' (*dhreibh-): DRIVE, DROVE, DROVER. Cf. G durchtreiben, Getriebe, treiben, Trieb.

drincan (OE) 'to drink' (*dhreg-): DRINK, DRUNKEN. Cf. G trinken, Trunk, trunken.

dropa (OE) 'drop' (*dhreu-): DROP. G Tropfen.

drôs (OE) 'scum thrown off from metals in smelting' (*dher-1): DROSS. Cf. G Drusen.

drounen, drunen (ME) 'to drown' (< Scan < *dhreg-): DROWN.

drugâth (OE) 'dryness, drought' (*dreug-): DROUGHT.

drûsian (OE) 'to be languid or sluggish' (*dhreu-): DROWSE, DROWSY.

dryge (2-2) (OE) 'dry' (*dreug-): DRY. Cf. G trocken.

dryppan (OE) 'to drip' (*dhreu-): DRIP. G Traufe, träufeln, triefen, Tripper, Tropf.

dudde (ME) 'coarse cloak': DUD, DUDS.

dûfan (OE) 'to sink': DIVE.

dumb (OE) 'unable to speak, mute' (*dheu-1): DUMB, DUMMY, DUMBFOUND. Cf. G dumm.

dumpen (ME) 'to throw down or fall with sudden force' (*dub-): DUMP.

dûn (OE) 'hill' (*dûnaz): DOWN.

dung (OE) 'excrement, manure': DUNG. Cf. G Dung.

durran (OE) 'to venture, have boldness or courage': DARE, DURST.

duru (OE) 'door' (*dhwer-): DOOR. Cf. G Tor, Tür.

dûst (OE) 'dust' (*dheu-1): DUST. Cf. G Duft, Dunst.

dwellan (OE) 'to lead astray' later 'to abide, stay' (this sense from cognate ON dvelja 'to delay, tarry, stay') (*dheu-1): DWELL.

dweorg, dweorh (OE) 'abnormally small person': DWARF.

dwînan (OE) 'to become smaller and smaller, diminish, waste away' (*dheu-3): DWINDLE.

dydrian (OE) 'to deceive': DIDDLE.

dyfan (2-2) (OE) 'to dip, submerge' (*dheub-): DIVE.

dyhtig (OE) 'strong' (*dheugh-): DOUGHTY. Cf. G tüchtig.

dyne, dynn (OE) 'loud noise': DIN.

dynt (OE) 'stroke, blow': DENT, DINT. Cf. Norw dunt, dynt, dynta, dytta.

dyppan (OE) 'to immerse, dip' (*dheub-): DIP. Cf. G tupfen.

dysig (OE) 'foolish, stupid' (prob. rel. to doze): DIZZY.

êac, êc (OE) 'also': EKE.

êaca (OE) 'increase' (*aug-1): EKE, NICKNAME. Cf. Norw auka. Sw öka. Da Ýge.

êad (OE) 'property, riches': EDGAR, EDITH, EDMUND, EDWARD.

êage (OE) 'organ of sight, hole (e.g. of a needle)' (*okw-): EYE, DAISY. Cf. G Auge.

eahta (OE) 'eight' (*oktôu): EIGHT, EIGHTEEN, EIGHTY. Cf. G acht, achtzehn, achtzig.

eal, al, ael (OE) 'small tool': AWL.

eam, am (OE), WS eom 'am' (*es-): AM.

êanian (OE) 'to bear young (of a ewe)' (*agwh-no-): YEAN, EANLING.

êar (OE) 'spike (of corn, grass)' (*ak-): EAR. Cf. G Ähre. Norw aks. Sw ax. Da aks.

êare (OE) 'organ of hearing' (*ous-): EAR, EARWIG. Cf. G Ohr, Öhr.

earg (OE) 'cowardly, timid': EERIE.

earh (OE) 'arrow': ARROW.

earn (OE) 'eagle' (*or-): ERNE. Cf. G Aar, Adler. Sw örn, Russ orel (3-10).

earnian (OE) 'to gain as a reward or as wages': EARN.

eart (OE) 2nd person sg. of bêon 'to be' (prob. *er-1): ART.

êast (OE) 'east' (*aus-1): EAST, EASTERN. Cf. Du oost. Norw austan, auster. Sw öst, östan. Da Ýst, Ýsten.

êastre (OE) 'Easter' (*aus-1): EASTER. Cf. G Ostern.

ebba (OE) 'reflux of the tide' (*apo-): EBB. Cf. Du eb, ebbe. G Ebbe. Sw ebb. Da ebbe.

ecg (OE) 'edge (of a blade)' (*ak-): EDGE. Cf. Du egge. G Ecke.

efes (OE) 'edge of a roof' (*upo): EAVES.

efeta (OE) 'newt, small tailed amphibian': EFT, NEWT.

efn, efen (OE) 'flat, level, uniform, equal, equally balanced': EVEN. Cf. Du even, effen. G eben. Norw jamn. Sw jämn. Da jævn.

eft (OE) 'again, (soon) afterwards' (*apo-): EFTSOONS.

-eg, -æg (2), later -ig (OE) adjective suffix meaning 'having the character of, inclined to, full or consisting of': -Y (as in EMPTY, BLOODY, CHILLY).

egle (OE) 'troublesome' (*agh-1): AIL.

elf (OE) 'dwarf supernatural being, elf' (*albiz): ALFRED, ELDRITCH, ELF, OLIVER. G Alb, Elfe. Norw alv. Sw elf. Da elv.

ellærn (OE), kind of tree, 'elder: ELDER.

elles (OE) 'other, otherwise, if not, else' (*al-1): ELSE, ELSEWHERE. Cf. Sw eljest.

elm (OE), kind of tree, 'elm' (*el-2): ELM. Cf. G Elch.

eln (OE) 'measure of length, cubit, ell, forearm' (*el-1): ELBOW, ELL. Cf. G Elle, Ellenbogen.

elnboga, elboga (OE) 'bend of the arm, elbow' (eln + *bheug-3): ELBOW. Cf. G Ellenbogen.

ende (OE) 'end, extremity, final limit' (*ant-): END. Cf. Du einde. G Ende, endlich. Norw ende. Sw ända, ände. Da ende.

-ende (OE), later -inde, late Nhb -ande, pres. part. suffix: -ING.

endleofon (OE) 'eleven' (*oi-no- + *leikw-): ELEVEN. Cf. G elf.

endleofon, endlufon, ellefne (OE) 'eleven' (*oi-no- + *leikw-): ELEVEN. Cf. G elf.

Engle (OE), pl. 'Angles': ENGLAND, ENGLISH.

eorl (OE) 'warrior, nobleman, prince, ancient Scandinavian chieftain': EARL.

eornust, eornost (OE) 'ardor in battle, seriousness': EARNEST.

eorthe (OE) 'ground, world' (*er-2): EARTH. Cf. Du aarde. G Erde, irden, irdisch. Norw jord. Sw jord. Da jord.

etan (OE) 'to eat' (*ed-): EAT. Cf. Norw eta. Sw åta. Dan æde.

evesdroppes (ME) 'eavesdropper,' perhaps from ON upsardropi: EAVESDROP.

ewe, eowu (OE) 'female sheep, ewe' (*owi-): EWE. Cf. G Aue.

fæder (OE) 'father' (*pªter-): FATHER. Cf. Du vader. G Vater, Vetter. Norw fader. Sw fader. Da fader.

fæge (2-2) (OE) 'fated to die, dying' (*peig-2): FEY.

fægen, fægn (OE) 'glad, happy': FAIN, FAWN.

fæger (OE) 'beautiful, pleasing': FAIR.

fær (2-2) (OE) 'danger, sudden calamity' (*per-4): FEAR. Cf. G Gefahr, ungefähr, willfahren.

fær (OE) 'journey': FARE.

færh, fearh (OE) 'young pig' (*porko-): FARROW. Cf. G Ferkel.

fæst (OE) 'firm' (*past-): FAST, FASTEN, STEADFAST. Cf. G fest.

fæstan (OE) 'to abstain from food' (*past-): FAST. Cf. G Fasching, fasten, Fastnacht.

fæt (OE) 'vessel' (*ped-2): VAT. Cf. G Faß, fassen, Fetzen, Gefäß.

fæthm (OE) 'embrace, cubit, length of the outstretched arms' (*petª-): FATHOM. Cf. G Faden.

fætt (2-2), fæt (2-2) (OE) 'fat' (*peiª-): FAT. Cf. G feist, fett.

fag (EModE) 'something hanging loose': FAG (as in FAG-END).

fag (EModE) 'to become weak, decline': FAG.

falæd, falod, falud, contracted to fald (OE) 'enclosure for domestic animals': FOLD.

-fald, -feald (OE), suffix added to cardinal numbers, '-fold' (*pel-3): -FOLD. Cf. G Einfalt, Falte.

faldan, fealdan (OE) 'to fold' (*pel-3): FOLD. Cf. G falten, falzen.

falteren (ME) 'to stumble in step or speech,' perhaps from OE faldan: FALTER.

falu, fealu (OE) 'reddish yellow' (*pel-2): FALLOW_DEER. Cf. G fahl, falb.

fâm (OE) 'foam' (*spoi-mo-): FOAM. Cf. G abgefeimt.

fana (OE) 'flag, banner, pennant' (*pan-): VANE. Cf. G Fahne.

faran (OE) 'to go on a journey, get along' (*per-2): FARE, FAREWELL, FIELDFARE, WAYFARING, WELFARE.

farten, ferten (ME) 'to fart' (*perd-): FART. Cf. G Furz.

fealh, fealg (OE) 'ploughed or arable land': FALLOW.

feallan, fallan (OE) 'to fall, descend, sink' (*phol-): BEFALL, FALL. Cf. G Beifall, fallen, gefallen.

fearn (OE) 'fern': FERN. Cf. G Farn.

fêawe, fêawa, contracted to fêa (OE) 'few, not many' (*pau-): FEW.

fêdan (OE) 'to feed, give food to' (*pâ-): FEED.

fêgan (OE) 'to fit closely, put together, join' (*pag-): FAY. Cf. G fügen.

fêlan, gefêlan (OE) 'to examine or experience by touch, be conscious of, perceive, experience' (*pôl-): FEEL. Cf. G fühlen.

feld (OE) 'open land, piece of land used for pasture or tillage' (*pelª-2): FIELD.

feldefare (OE), kind of thrush, 'fieldfare': FIELDFARE.

felg (OE) 'outer rim of a wheel,' in pl. 'sections forming this rim': FELLY (FELLOE). Cf. G Felge.

fell, fel (OE) 'skin, hide' (*pel-4): FELL. Cf. G befehlen, empfehlen, Fell.

felt (OE) 'felt' (*pel-6): FELT. Cf. G Filz.

fenn (OE) 'marsh, bog, watery land': FEN. Cf. G feucht. Norw fen. Da fen. It fango. Sp fango. F fange.

feohtan (OE) 'to fight' (*pek-2): FIGHT. Cf. G fechten, Fuchtel, fuchtig.

fêond (OE) 'enemy, the Devil': FIEND. Cf. G Feind.

feorr, feor (OE) 'at or to a great distance, far' (*per 1): FAR. Cf. G fern.

fêower (OE) 'four' (*kwetwer-): FARTHING, FORTY, FOUR, FOURTEEN, FOURTH. Cf. G vier, vierzehn, vierzig.

fêsian (OE) 'to drive away': FEEZE (PHEEZE).

fetel (OE) 'girdle' (*ped-2): FETTLE. Cf. G Fessel.

fetelak, feetlak, fitlok (ME) 'fetlock' (*ped-1): FETLOCK. Cf. G Fessel.

feter (OE) 'bond, shackle' (*ped-1): FETTER.

fether (OE) 'feather,' in pl. 'wings' (*pet-): FEATHER. Cf. G Feder, Fittich, Gefieder.

fetian (OE) 'to go look for and bring back, fetch' (*ped-1): FETCH.

ficol (OE) 'treacherous, false' (*peig-2): FICKLE.

fîf (OE) 'five' (*penkwe): FIVE, FIFTH, FIFTEEN, FIFTY.

fîl (OE) 'file, metal instrument for abrading surfaces' (*peig-1): FILE. Cf. G Feile.

filmen (OE) 'membrane, caul, prepuce' (*pel-4): FILM.

finc (OE) 'finch': FINCH. Cf. G Fink.

findan (OE) 'to come upon, attain' (*pent-): FIND, FOUNDLING. Cf. G empfinden, fahnden, finden.

finger (OE) 'finger' (*penkwe): FINGER. Cf. Finger.

finn, fin (OE) 'propelling and steering organ of fishes': FIN.

fisc (OE) 'fish' (*peisk-): FISH. Cf. G Fisch.

fise (ME) 'fart': FIZGIG.

fisten (ME) 'to fart' (*pezd-): FEIST, FIST, FIZZLE.

fitt (OE) 'division of a poem, canto': FIT.

fitt (OE) perhaps 'conflict,' in ME 'dangerous position or experience,' later 'paraxysym': FIT, FITFUL.

flæsc (3-2) (OE) 'flesh of an animal, meat, bodily form': FLESH. G Fleisch.

flag (EModE) 'piece of material used as a banner': FLAG.

flag (EModE) 'to hang down, become limp or weak': FLAG.

flagge (ME), kind of plant, 'flag': FLAG.

flake (ME) 'small particle of snow, piece of ignited matter thrown off' (< Scan < *plâk-1): FLAKE.

flappen (ME) 'to strike with something broad and flexible': FLAP.

flashen (ME) 'to splash (of water),' later 'to burst into flame or light': FLASH.

flêah, flêa (OE) 'flea' (*plou-): FLEA. Cf. G Floh.

flêan (OE) 'to strip the skin from' (*plêk-): FLAY.

fleax (OE) 'flax' (*plek-): FLAX.

flenderis, flendris (ME) 'bits, splinters, shivers' (< Scan < *splei-): FLINDERS.

flêogan (OE) 'to move with wings, fly' (*pleu-): FLY. Cf. G Fliege, fliegen, Flug, Flugzeug.

flêon (OE) 'to flee, run away from' (prob. *pleu-): FLEE. Cf. G fliehen.

flêos (OE) 'fleece, wooly covering of sheep, etc.' (*pleus-): FLEECE. Cf. G Flaus, Flause, Fleusz, Vlies.

flêotan (OE) 'to float, swim' (*pleu-), flêot, flêote, flêota 'run of water': FLEET. Cf. G Einfluß, fließen, Flosse, Fluß, flüssig.

flerien (ME) 'to grin, grimace, jeer': FLEER.

flês (OE), WS flîes 'fleece, wooly covering of sheep, etc.': FLEECE.

flett (OE) 'floor, dwelling' (*plat-): FLAT. Cf. G Flöz.

flicce (OE) 'side of a hog' (*plêk-): FLITCH.

flicorian, flycerian (OE) 'to flutter, hover': FLICK FLICKER.

-flîgan (OE) 'to put to flight' (*pleu-): FLEY.

-fligge (OE), prob. 'feathered' (*pleu-): FLEDGE, FLEDGELING. Cf. G Flügge.

flight (ME) 'act of fleeing' (*pleu-): FLIGHT. Cf. G Flucht.

flingen (ME) 'to move with violence' (*plâk-2): FLING.

flint (OE) 'flint' (*splei-): FLINT. Cf. G Flinte.

flirt (EModE) 'smart stroke, sudden jerk': FLIRT.

flôc (OE) 'flatfish, flounder' (*plâk-1): FLUKE. Cf. G flach.

flocc (OE) 'band, company (esp. of domestic animals)': FLOCK.

flôd (OE) 'flood' (*pleu-): FLOOD. Cf. G Flut.

flôr (OE) 'floor' (*pelª-2): FLOOR. Cf. G Flur.

flostren (ME) 'to excite (esp. with drink)' (prob. < Scan < *pleu-): FLUSTER.

floterian, flotorian (OE) 'to float back and forth, flap the wings rapidly' (*pleu-): FLUTTER.

flotian (OE) 'to float, rest on the surface of a liquid' (*pleu-): FLOAT.

flouten (ME) 'to treat mockingly': FLOUT.

flôwan (OE) 'to move in a current, gush, well forth, be in a flood' (*pleu-): FLOW.

flusshen (ME) 'to fly up suddenly': FLUSH.

flyge (3-2), flêoge (OE) 'kind of winged insect, fly (*pleu-): FLY. Cf. G Fliege.

flyht (OE) 'act of flying' (*pleu-): FLIGHT, FLIGHTY. Cf. G Flucht.

fnêsan (OE) 'to sneeze' (*pneu-): NEEZE, SNEEZE. Cf. G niesen.

fobben (ME) 'to cheat, trick,': FOB.

fôda (OE) 'food' (*pâ-): FOOD.

fôdor (OE) 'fodder, (cattle) food' (*pâ-): FODDER. Cf. G Futter.

fogge, fog (ME) 'aftermath grass, long or rank grass' (< Scan, prob. < *pu-2): FOG, FOGGY.

fola (OE) 'young horse, colt or filly' (*pau-): FOAL. Cf. G Fohlen, Füllen.

folc (OE) ' 'people, race': FOLK. Cf. G Volk.

fon (ME) 'to be foolish, make a fool of': FOND, FUN.

fop (ME) 'fool': FOP, FOPPERY, FOPPISH.

for (OE) 'before, representing, instead of, etc.' (*per 1): FOR. Cf. G befürworten, für.

for-, fær- (OE), prefix meaning 'rejection, destruction,' etc. (*per 1): FOR- (as in FORBEAR, FORBID).

ford (OE) 'shallow place in a river for crossing, ford' (*per-2): FORD. Cf. G Furt.

fore, for- (OE) 'before' (*per 1): FORE, FORE-. Cf. G vor.

forma (OE) 'first' (*per 1): FOREMOST, FORMER, FORMERLY. Cf. G Fromm, frommen.

forsacan (OE) 'to decline, refuse, give up' (for- + *sâg-): FORSAKE.

forst, frost (OE) 'frost' (*preus-): FROST. Cf. G Frost.

forth (OE) 'forwards, onwards' (*per 1): AFFORD, FORTH. Cf. G fort.

fôster (OE) 'food' (*pâ-): FOSTER.

fôt (OE) 'foot' (*ped-1): AFOOT, FOOT. Cf. G Fuß.

fôther (OE) 'load, cartload' (*petª-): FOTHER. Cf. G Fuder.

fox (OE) 'fox' (*puk-2): FOX, FOXTROT. Cf. G Bofist, Fuchs, Slowfox.

fram, from (OE) 'from' (*per 1): FRAME, FROM. Cf. G fremd.

frencisc (OE) 'of the Franks' (*Frankon-): FRENCH.

frêo (OE) 'free' (*prî-): FREE. Cf. G frei, Gefreite.

frêond (OE) 'friend, lover' (*prî-): FRIEND. Cf. G Freund.

frêosan (OE) 'to freeze' (*preus-): FREEZE. Cf. G frieren.

fretan (OE) 'to devour' (*per 1 + *ed-): FRET. Cf. G fressen.

Frîg (OE), name of the wife of the Norse god Odin (*prî-): FRIDAY. Cf. G Freitag.

friggen (ME) 'to rub': FRIG.

fritter (EModE) 'to break into fragments, do away with piecemeal, waste' (prob. *ped-2): FRITTER.

frogga (OE) 'frog' (*preu-): FROG. Cf. G Frosch.

fugol (OE) 'bird': FOWL.

fûl (OE) 'unclean, rotten, dirty' (*pu-2): FOUL. Cf. G faul, Fotze, Hundsfott.

full (OE) 'full' (*pelª-1): FULL, FULFIL. Cf. G voll, viel.

fulmar (EModE) 'fulmar' (< Scan < *pu-2): FULMAR.

furh (OE) 'narrow trench made in the earth': FURLONG, FURROW. Cf. Du voor. G Furche.

furthor, furthur (OE) 'to or at a more advanced point' (*per 1): FURTHER. Cf. G fördern.

fylan (2-2) (OE) 'to sully, defile' (*pu-2): DEFILE, FILE.

fyllan (OE) 'to fill' (*pelª-1): FILL, FULFIL. Cf. G Fülle, füllen.

fylth (2-2) (OE) 'putrid matter' (*pu-2): FILTH.

fyr (2-2) (OE) 'fire' (*pûr-): FIRE. Cf. G Feuer.

fyrest, fyrst (OE) 'first' (*per 1): FIRST. Cf. G First, Frist, Fürst.

fyrhth (OE) 'wood, wooded country': FRITH.

fyrhto (OE) 'sudden or intense fear': FRIGHT. Cf. G fürchten.

fyrs (OE) 'furze': FURZE.

fyst (2-2) (OE) 'fist' (*penkwe): FIST. Cf. G Faust.

fyxe (OE) 'she-fox' (*puk-2): VIXEN.

gâd (OE) 'goad, pointed rod for driving cattle' (*ghei-1): GOAD.

gaderian (OE) 'to gather, bring or come together' (*ghedh-): GATHER. Cf. G Gatter, Gitter, vergattern.

gædeling (OE) 'companion, comrade': GAD.

gæstan (2-2) (OE) 'to torment' (*gheis-): AGHAST, GAST, GHASTLY.

gæt, geat (OE) 'opening in a wall capable of being closed by a barrier, or the barrier itself, of a gate': GATE.

gafol (OE) 'tribute, tax, debt' (*ghabh-): GAVEL, GAVELKIND.

gagel, gagelle (OE), kind of shrub, 'bog myrtle, sweet gale': GALE.

gagelen (ME) 'to cackle (of geese)': GAGGLE. Cf. Du gaggelen. G gackeln.

gaggen (ME) 'to suffocate, choke': GAG.

galan (OE) 'to sing, cry out' (*ghel-1): NIGHTINGALE. Cf. G Nachtigall.

gamen, gomen (OE) 'amusement, diversion': GAME.

gamenian (OE) 'sport, game': GAMMON, BACKGAMMON.

gân (OE) 'to walk, move along, proceed' (*ghê-): AGO, FOREGO, GO.

gang (OE) 'a going' (*ghengh-): GANG, GANGSTER.

gangan (OE) 'to go' (*ghengh-): GANGLING, GANGREL.

ganot (OE) 'gannet' (*ghans-): GANNET.

ganra, gandra (OE) 'gander, male goose' (*ghans-): GANDER.

gâr (OE) 'spear, javelin, piercer, borer' (*ghaiso-): AUGER, EDGAR, EAGRE, GARFISH, GARLIC, OSCAR. Cf. G Näber.

gâra (OE) 'triangular piece of land' (*ghaiso-): GORE. Cf. G Gehre.

gâst (OE) 'soul, spirit' (*gheis-): BARGHEST, GHOST.

gât (OE) 'female goat': GOAT, GOATEE.

gauren (ME) 'to stare': GARISH.

gawnt (ME) 'slim, tall and lean': GAUNT.

gazen (ME) 'to look with curiosity or wonder': GAZE.

ge (OE) 'you': YE.

ge- (OE), prefix and past part. marker (*kom): Y-. Cf. G ge-.

gê (OE), WS gêa affirmative adverb, 'yes' (*i-): YEA. Cf. G ja.

gealga (OE) 'cross, gallows' (*ghalgh-): GALLOWS. Cf. G Galgen.

gêar (OE) 'year' (*yêr-): YEAR. Cf. G Jahr.

geard (OE) 'fence, enclosure, courtyard, dwelling, region, enclosed space attached to a building' (*gher-1): YARD, ORCHARD.

gearn (OE) 'yarn (spun fiber of cotton, silk, etc.)' (*gherª-): YARN. Cf. G Garn.

gearu (OE) 'ready' (*garwian): YARE. Cf. G gar, gerben, sogar.

gearwe (OE) 'yarrow': YARROW.

geatwa (OE) 'equipment, trappings' (ge- + *taw-): HERIOT.

gebann (OE) 'proclamation, summons to arms' (*bhâ-2): BAN, BANNS.

gebed (OE) 'prayer' (ge- + *gwhedh-): BEAD, BEADSMAN. Cf. G beten, Gebet.

gebûr (OE) 'dweller, peasant, freeholder' (*ge- + *bheuª-): NEIGHBOR. Cf. G Nachbar.

gecrympan (OE) 'to curl': CRIMP.

gecynde, gecynd, later cynde, cynd (OE) 'birth, descent, nature, manner, race, kin, class, genus, species' (ge- + *genª-): KIND.

gedæfte (OE) 'mild, meek, gentle' (*ge- + *dhabh-): DAFT, DEFT. Cf. G deftig.

gefâh (OE) 'at feud with' (ge- + *peig-2): FOE.

gefêra (OE) 'fellow-traveler, companion' (ge- + *per-2): FERE.

gefylce (OE) 'band of men': FILCH.

gegn (OE) 'against' (*gagina): AGAIN, GAINSAY.

geld, gield (OE) 'payment, service' (*gheldh-): GELD, WERGELD.

geldan (A), WS -gieldan 'to pay, repay' (*gheldh-): YIELD. Cf. G gelten.

gelêfan (A) 'to believe, trust, have faith in' (ge- + *leubh-), gelêafa 'belief, faith': BELIEF, BELIEVE. Cf. G glauben.

gelîc (OE) 'alike' (ge- + *lîk-): ALIKE, LIKE. Cf. Du gelijk. G gleich. Norw lik.

gelôma (OE) 'utensil, instrument': LOOM.

gemâd (OE) 'insane' (ge- + *mei-1): MAD.

gemæcca (OE) 'mate, fellow' (ge- + *mag-): MATCH.

gemæne (4-2) (OE) 'common, public, general' (ge- + *mei-1): DEMEAN, MEAN. Cf. G gemein.

gemang (OE) 'assemblage, crowd, mingling' (ge- + *mag-): AMONG, AMONGST, MONGREL.

gemynd (OE) 'memory, thought, purpose, mind' (ge- + *men-1): MIND. Cf. G mahnen.

mûth (OE) 'mouth' (*men-2): MOUTH. Cf. G Mund.

genôg, genôh (OE) 'enough' (ge- + *nek-2): ENOUGH. Cf. G genug.

geoc (OE) 'yoke' (*yeug-): YOKE.

geoguth, later iuguth (OE) 'youth' (*yeu-): YOUTH. Cf. G Jugend.

geolu, geolo (OE) 'yellow' (*ghel-2): YELLOW. Cf. G gelb.

geômor (OE) 'sad': YAMMER.

geon (OE) 'that, yonder' (*i-): YON, YOND, YONDER, YONSIDE.

geong, gong, gung, later iung (OE) 'young' (*yeu-): YOUNG. Cf. G jung, Jünger, Jungfer, Jüngling, jüngst.

geostran, giestran (OE) 'of or pertaining to the day before yesterday': YESTER- (as in YESTERDAY, YESTERYEAR).

geotan (OE) 'to pour, cast in metal': INGOT.

gerd (OE) 'twig, staff, rod, measuring rod, spar of a square sail' (*ghasto-): YARD. Cf. G Gerte.

gerecenian (OE) 'to arrange in order, recount, relate' (*ge- + *reg-1): RECKON. Cf. G rechnen.

gerêfa, earlier giröfa (4-1) (OE) 'high official in Anglo-Saxon times having local jurisdiction': PORTREEVE, REEVE, SHERIFF.

gesælig (4-2) (OE) 'happy' (*ge- + *sel-2): SILLY. Cf. G selig.

gesceap (OE) 'form, figure, creation, creature, pudendum, decree, destiny' (ge- + *skep-): SHAPE.

gêse, gîse, gyse (2-2) (OE) 'yes' (sîe + *i-): YES.

geslit (OE) 'a tearing': SLIT.

gesnott (OE) 'nasal mucus,' (ge- + *snu-): SNOT, SNOTTY.

gessen (ME) 'to guess' (< Scan < *ghend-): GUESS.

gesund (OE) 'healthy, unhurt': SOUND.

geswôgen (OE) 'suffocated, choked': SWOON.

getwinn, later twinn (OE) 'two by two, twofold, double' (*dwo-): TWIN. Cf. G Zwilling.

gewær (OE) 'aware, on one's guard': AWARE.

gewigt, wiht (OE) 'weight' (*wegh-): WEIGHT. Cf. G Gewicht, Wucht.

gewis (OE) 'certain, indeed' (*weid-): IWIS. Cf. G gewiß.

gewrinclod (OE) 'winding (of a ditch)' (ge- + *wer-3): WRINKLE.

gibecrake (ME) 'ornament, small ornament': GIMCRACK.

giccan, gyccan (OE) 'to have or feel irritation of the skin': ITCH.

gicel (OE) 'icicle': ICICLE.

gidig (OE) 'insane, possessed, foolish' (*gheuª-): GIDDY.

giefan, gefan (OE) 'to give, hand over' (*ghabh-): FORGIVE, GIVE. Cf. G Gabe, gäbe, geben, vergeben.

gielpan, gelpan, gilpan (OE) 'to boast' (*ghel-1): YELP.

giernan (OE) 'to strive, desire, yearn' (*gher-5): YEARN. Cf. G begehren, Begierde, Geier, gern, Gier, neugierig.

gîet, gîeta (OE) 'still, till now, further, in addition' (*i-): YET.

-gietan (OE) 'to get' (*ghend-): BEGET, FORGET. Cf. G ergötzen, vergessen.

gif, gyf (OE) 'if' (*i-): IF.

gigg, gigge (ME) 'flighty girl): FIZGIG, GIG.

gile (ME) 'gill' (< Scan < *ghel-unâ): GILL.

ginian, geonian (OE) 'to yawn' (*ghâi-): YAWN. Cf. G gähnen.

girden (ME) 'to strike, cut, charge': GIRD.

girle, gurle, gerle (ME) 'youth, maiden': GILR.

glæd (OE) 'shining, joyful, bright, merry, cheerful' (*ghel-2): GLAD.

glæm (OE) 'bright light, gleam' (*ghel-2): GLEAM.

glæs (OE) 'glass' (*ghel-2): GLASS, GLAZE. Cf. G Glas.

glêd (OE) 'ember' (*ghel-2): GLEED.

glêo, glîo (OE) 'sport, meriment, play, minstrelsy, music': GLEE.

glimeren (ME) 'to glimmer, shine brightly' (*ghel-2): GLIMMER.

glinten (ME) 'to move quickly, shine with flashing light' (*ghel-2): GLINT.

glisnian (OE) 'to shine' (*ghel-2): GLISTEN.

gloat (EModE) 'to look askance or furtively': BLOAT.

glôf (OE) 'glove' (ge- + *lep-2): GLOVE.

glôm (OE) 'twilight' (*ghel-2): GLOAMING.

gloss (EModE) 'gloss': GLOSS.

gloumben (ME) 'to look glum or sullen, become dark': GLOOM, GLOMY, GLUM.

glouren, gloren (ME) 'to stare with wide open eyes' (prob. *ghel-2): GLOWER.

glôwan (OE) 'to emit bright light, glow' (*ghel-2): GLOW.

glymsen (ME) 'to have faint vison, glimpse': GLIMPSE.

gnætt (OE) 'gnat': GNAT.

gnagan (OE) 'to gnaw' (*ghen-): GNAW.

gnasten, gnaisten (ME) 'to strike the teeth together': GNASH.

god (OE) 'god' (*gheuª-): GOD. Cf. G Abgott, Gott.

gôd (OE) 'good' (*ghedh-): GOOD. Cf. G gut.

gogelen, goglen (ME) 'to roll the eyes or the head, squint': GOGGLE.

gol (ME) 'boundary, limit': GOAL.

gold (OE) 'gold' (*ghel-2): GOLD, GOULD. Cf. G Gold.

gollan (ME), kind of yellow flower. (*ghel-2): GOWAN.

gôma (OE) 'inside of the mouth or throat' (*ghêu-): GUM. Cf. G Gaumen.

gor (OE) 'dung, filth': GORE, GORY.

gors, gorst (OE), 'furze, gorse' (*ghers-): GORSE.

gôs (OE) 'goose' (*ghans-): GOOSE, GOSHAWK, GOSSAMER. Cf. G Altweibersommer, Gans.

græf (OE) 'trench, grave' (*ghrebh-2): GRAVE. Cf. G Grab, Gracht.

græg (3-2) (OE) 'gray' (*gher-3): GRAY. Cf. G grau.

græs, gærs (OE) 'grass used as fodder' (*ghrê-): GRASS. Cf. G Gras.

grâf (OE) 'small wood, grove': GROVE.

grafan (OE) 'to dig, engrave, scratch, carve' (*ghrebh-2): ENGRAVE, GRAVE.

grâpian (OE) 'to feel for, grope' (*ghreib-): GROPE.

graspen, grapse (ME) 'to clutch' (*ghrebh-1): GRASP.

grêat (OE) 'coarse, thick, bulky, large' (*ghrêu-): GREAT.

grêdig, grædig (3-2) (OE) 'inorinately hungry, covetous, greedy': GREED, GREEDY.

grêne (OE) 'green' (*ghrê-): GREEN. Cf. G grün.

grêot (OE) 'sand, gravel' (*ghrêu-): GRIT. Cf. G Grieß.

grêtan (OE) 'to handle, touch, visit, attack, treat, salute, address, greet': GREET.

grîghund (OE) 'greyhound' (prob. *gher-3 + hund): GREYHOUND.

grim (OE) 'fierce, cruel' (*ghrem-): GRIM. Cf. G gram, grämen, grimm.

grime (ME) 'grime' (ghrêi-): GRIME.

grindan (OE) 'to grind, reduce to small particles' (*ghrendh-): GRIND.

gripa (OE) 'handful, sheaf' and gripe 'grasp, clutch' (*ghreib-): GRIP. Cf. G Griff.

grîpan (OE) 'to grasp' (*ghreib-): GRIPE. Cf. G greifen, Gripsen.

grislic (OE) 'terrifying' (*ghrêi-): GRISLY.

grîst (OE) 'action of grinding' (*ghrendh-): GRIST.

gristle (OE) 'cartilage': GRISTLE.

grom (OE) 'boy, manservant': GOURMET, GROOM.

grotan (pl.) (OE) 'hulled grain, groats' (*ghrêu-): GROATS.

grôwan (OE) 'to grow' (*ghrê-): GROW, GROWTH.

grubben (ME) 'to dig on the surface' (*ghrebh-2): GRUB.

grue (ME) 'awesome, horrible' (*ghrêu-): GRUESOME. Cf. G grauen, graulen, grausen, grausam, Greuel, gruseln.

grumman (ME) 'to grumble' (prob. *ghrem-): GRUMBLE.

grund (OE) 'bottom, base, foundation, surface of the earth': GROUND. Cf. Du grond. G Abgrund, Grund. Sw grund. Da grund.

grundæswelgiæ, grundæswelgæ, later grundeswylige (OE), kind of plant, 'groundsel': GROUNDSEL.

grunnian, grunian (OE) 'to grunt' (*gru-): GRUNT.

grût (OE) 'coarse meal, infusion of malt' (*ghrêu-): GROUT.

guma (OE) 'man' (*dhghem-): BRIDEGROOM. Cf. G Bräutigam.

gund (OE) 'pus': RED-GUM.

gushen (ME) 'to gush': GUSH.

gûth (OE) 'war, battle': EDITH.

guttas (OE), pl. 'intestines' (*gheu-): GUT.

guy (ME) 'rope, chain' (prob. < LG): GUY. Cf. Du gei. G aufgeien, Geitau. F gui.

gyldan (OE) 'to cover with gold, gild' (*ghel-2): GILD.

gylt (OE) 'offense, crime': GUILT.

gynglen (ME) 'to give forth a ringing sound, jingle': JINGLE.

györdh (OE) 'girdle, girth': GIRTH.

gyrdan (OE) 'to encircle, gird, invest, endue, fasten (on) as with a belt' (*gher-1): GIRD.

gyrdels, later gyrdel (OE) 'girdle, belt worn round the waist' (*gher-1): GIRDLE.

gyve (ME) 'fetter': GYVE.

ha (ME) exclamation of joy, surprise,etc.: HA.

habban (OE) 'to have, hold' (*kap-): HAVE, HOBNOB. Cf. G behäbig, gehaben, haben.

hacchen (ME) 'to bring forth from the egg': HATCH.

-hâd (OE) 'quality, condition' (*skai-): -HOOD. Cf. G -heit, heiter, -keit.

hæcc, hecc (OE) 'hatch, wicket, grating, half-gate': HATCH.

hæfen (OE) 'haven' (*kap-): HAVEN. Cf. G Hafen.

hæft, hæfte (OE) 'handle' (*kap-): HAFT. Cf. G behaften, Haft, -haft, haften, Heft, heften, heftig.

hælan (2-2 ) (OE) 'to heal, cure' (*kailo-): HEAL. Cf. G heilen.

hælfter, hælftre (OE) 'halter, rope or strap with a noose' (*kelp-): HALTER. Cf. G Halfter.

hælth (2-2) (OE) 'health' (*kailo-): HEALTH.

hæpse, hæsp (OE) 'hinged fastening': HASP.

hær (2-2), hêr (OE) 'hair': HAIR. Cf. G Haar.

hærfest (OE) 'autumn, harvest season' (*kerp-): HARVEST. Cf. G Herbst.

hæring (2-2), hêring (OE) 'herring': HERRING. Cf. G Hering.

hæs (2-2) (OE) 'command, bidding': BEHEST, HEST.

hæsel (OE) 'hazelnut tree': HAZEL.

hæth (2-2) (OE) 'heath, untilled land, open waste land' (*kaito-): HEATH. Cf. G Heide, Heidelbeere.

hæthen (OE) 'heathen, savage' (*kaito-): HEATHEN. Cf. G Heide. Via a sense 'one inhabiting uncultivated land.'

hætt (OE) 'hat' (*kâdh-): HAT.

hêdan (OE) 'to heed, take notice' (*kâdh-): HEED. Cf. G Hut, hüten.

hætu (2-2) (OE) 'heat' (*kai-): HEAT. Cf. G Hitze.

haga (OE) 'hedge, hawthorne' (*kagh-): HAW, HAWTHORNE. Cf. G Gehege, Hag, Hain, hegen.

hagese (ME) 'haggis': HAGGIS.

hagol, hægl (OE) 'hail, frozen vapor falling in pellets': HAIL. Cf. G Hagel.

hake (ME) 'hake' (prob. *keg-): HAKE. Cf. G Hecht.

hâl, gehâl (OE) 'in good condition, whole' (*kailo-): HALE, WHOLE. Cf. G heil, Heil.

haldan (A), healdan (WS) 'to hold, guard, retain' (*haldan): HOLD.

half, healf (OE) 'half': HALF, HALVE.

hâlgian (OE) 'to consecrate, bless' (*kailo-): HALLOW. Cf. heiligen.

hâlig, hâleg (OE) 'holy, sacred' (*kailo-): HOLLYHOCK, HOLY. Cf. G heilig.

hall, heall (OE) 'spacious roofed place, hall' (*kel-2: HALL. Cf. G Halle.

halm, healm (OE) 'straw, stems, stalks' (*kolªm-): HAULM.

halt, healt (OE) 'lame' (*kel-1): HALT, LIMP.

hâm (OE) 'home, house, abode, estate, collection of dwellings, village' (*tkei-): HOME. G anheim, anheimeln, einheimsen, geheim, Heim, Heimat, Heimchen, heimlich, Heimtücke.

ham, hom (OE) 'hollow or bend of the knee': HAM, HAMSTRING.

hamm, homm (OE) 'plot of pasture or meadow land': HAM.

hamor (OE) 'hammer' (*ak- via 'sharp stone used as a tool'): HAMMER. Cf. Du hamer. G Hammer. Norw hamar. Sw hammare. Da hammer.

hamperen (ME) 'to obstruct the movement of': HAMPER.

hân (OE) 'stone': HONE.

hand, hond (OE) 'hand, side': HAND, HANDLE. Cf. G behende, Hand, handeln.

hangian (OE) 'to hang, be suspended': HANG.

hank (ME) 'loop, coil, skein': HANK.

hâr (OE) 'gray, gray-haired, hoary' (*kei-2): HOAR, HOREHOUND.

hara (OE) 'hare' (*kas-): HARE. Cf. G Hase.

harsk (ME) 'harsh': HARSH.

harwe (ME) 'harrow': HORROW.

hassuc (OE) 'clump of matted vegetation': HASSOCK.

hât (OE) 'hot' (*kai-): HOT. Cf. G heiser, heiß, heizen.

hâtan (OE) 'to call, summon, order to do something': HIGHT. G anheischig, heischen, heißen.

hatian (OE) 'to hate' (*kâd-): HATE, HATRED. Cf. G Haß, häßlich, gehässig, hetzen.

hawch, hawgh (ME) 'flat land by a riverside': HAUGH.

he, hê (OE) 'he' (*ko-): HE.

heafoc (OE) 'hawk' (*kap-): HAWK. Cf. G Habicht.

hêafod (OE) 'head' (*kaput): HEAD. Cf. G behaupten, Haupt.

hêah (OE) 'high' (*keu-2): HIGH. Cf. Du hoog. G hoch, Hocke, hocken, Höcker, Hügel. Norw haug, hÝg. Sw hög. Da hÝg.

heahfore, heahfru, heahfre (OE) 'calf, young cow': HEIFER.

healh (OE) 'secret place, small' (*kel-2): HAUGH. Cf. G hehlen, hüllen.

hêap (OE) 'heap, great company' (*keu-2): HEAP. Cf. Du heuvel, hoop. G Haube, Haufe.

heard, hard (OE) 'hard' (*kar-1): HARD, HARDEN, HARDLY, HARDSHIP. Cf. G hart.

hearm (OE) 'harm, hurt, injury': HARM.

hearpe (OE) 'harp': HARP.

hêawan (OE) 'to strike, cut with blows of an ax, etc., hew' (*kau-2): HEW. Cf. G hauen, Hieb.

hebben (OE) 'to lift, raise' (*kap-): HEAVE. Cf. G erhaben, heben, Hebamme.

hechele, hechil (ME) 'flaxcomb' (*keg-): HACKLE, HATCHEL, HECKLE.

hefeld (OE) 'thread used for weaving, heddle' (*kap-): HEALD, HEDDLE.

hefig (OE) 'heavy' (*kap-): HEAVY.

hêg, hîeg, hîg (OE) 'hay, cut and dried grass' (*kau-2): HAY. Cf. G Efeu, Heu.

hege (OE) 'hedge': HAY, HAYBOTE, HAYWARD.

hegg (OE) 'row of bushes forming a boundary, hedge' (*kagh-): HEDGE. Cf. G Heck, Hecke.

hêhthu (OE) 'height' (*keu-2): HEIGHT. Cf. hoogte.

heise (ME) 'to hoist': HOIST.

hekell, hechele (ME) 'flaxcomb, hatchel': HECKLE.

hêla, hæla (2-2) (OE) 'heel' (re. to hôh): HEEL.

helfe (OE) 'handle of a weapon or tool' (*kelp-): HELVE.

helfe (OE), WS hielfe 'handle of a weapon or tool': HELVE.

hell, hel (OE) 'hell' (*kel-2): HELL. Cf. G Hölle.

helm (OE) 'helmet' (*kel-2): HELM. Cf. G Helm.

helma (OE) 'rudder, tiller' (*kelp-): HELM.

helmet (ME) 'helmet' (*kel-2): HELMET.

help (OE) 'help': HELP.

hem (OE) 'edging of cloth or garment, hem': HEM.

henep, hænep (OE), 'hemp' (*kannabis): HEMP.

heng, heen, hing (ME) 'hinge': HINGE.

hengest, hengst (OE) 'stallion, gelding': HENCHMAN.

henn (OE) 'hen' (*kan-): HEN. Cf. G Hahn, Henne, Huhn, Hühnerauge.

hentan (OE) 'to pursue, attack': HENT.

heofan (OE) 'heaven, sky, firmament' (*ak- via 'sharp stone, stony vault': HEAVEN. Cf. Du hemel. G Himmel. Sw himmel. Da himmel.

hêope, hîope (OE) 'brier, seed vessel or fruit of the wild rose': HIP.

heord (OE) 'company of animals, flock, herd': HERD.

heorot, later heort (OE) 'male of the (red) deer, hart, stag' (*ker-1): HART. Cf. G Hirsch.

heorte (OE) 'heart' (*kerd-1): HEART. Cf. G Herz.

heorth (OE) 'hearth' (*ker-4): HEARTH. Cf. G Herd.

hêr (OE) 'here' (*ko-): HERE. Cf. G her, heuer, heute, hier.

hêran (A) 'to hear' (*keu-1): HEAR. Cf. G Behörde, gehorsam, gehören, hören, Zubehör.

here (OE) 'army' (*koro-): HARBOR, HERIOT, OLIVER. Cf. G Harnisch, Heer, Herberge, Herzog.

herebeorg (OE) 'lodging' (*koro- + *bhergh-2, orig. 'shelter for an army'): HARBOR. Cf. G Herberge.

hergian (OE) 'to ravage, plunder, raid' (*koro-): HARRY.

herkien (ME) 'to listen to' (*keu-1): HARK, HEARKEN. Cf. G horchen.

Herla cyning (OE) 'King Herla': HARLEQUIN.

hete (OE) 'hate, envy' (*kâd-): HATRED.

hêw, hêow (OE) 'form, shape, appearance, color, beauty' (*kei-2): HUE.

hider (OE) 'hither, to this place' (*ko-): HITHER.

hieldan (OE) 'to tilt': HEEL.

hîgian (OE) 'to strive, exert oneself': HIE.

hîgid , later hîd (OE) 'measure of land sufficient to support a family' (*kei-1): HIDE.

hilt, fem. hilte (OE) 'handle of a sword or dagger' (*kel-1): HILT.

him (OE) 'him' (*ko-): HIM.

hind (OE) 'doe' (*kem-1): HIND. Cf. G Hinde.

hinder (OE) 'below': HINDER.

hindrian (OE) 'to check, hinder' (*hind-): HINDER. Cf. G hindern.

hionane, heonane, heonone (OE) 'from here' (*ko-): HENCE. Cf. G hin.

hirde (OE) 'keeper of a herd': HERD.

hire (OE) 'her' (*ko-): HER, HERS, HERSELF.

his (OE) 'his' (*ko-): HIS.

hissen (ME) 'to make a hissing sound': HISS.

hit (OE) 'it' (*ko-): IT.

hîwan, hîgan (OE), pl. 'members of a household' (*kei-1): HIND. Cf. G geheuer, Heirat.

hladan (OE) 'to lade, lay on, load, draw (water, etc.), bale' (*klâ-): LADE. Cf. G Lade, laden.

hlædder (OE) (3-2), hlæder (3-2) (OE) 'ladder' (*klei-): LADDER. Cf. G Leiter.

hlæfdige (3-2) (OE) 'mistress of a household, female ruler, the Virgin Mary' (hlæf + *dheigh-): LADY.

hlæhhan (A) 'to laugh' (*kleg-): LAUGH, LAUGHTER. Cf. G Gelächter, lachen.

hlæne (3-2) (OE) 'thin': LEAN.

hlæst (OE) 'burden, load' (*klâ-): LAST. Cf. G Last.

hlâf (OE) 'loaf, bread': LOAF, LADY.

hlanc (OE) 'loose, flabby, hollow' (*kleng-): LANK, LANKY. Cf. G Gelenk, lenken.

hlêapan (OE) 'to leap' (*hlaupan): LEAP. Cf. G laufen.

hlêapwince (OE) 'lapwing' (*hlaupan + *weng-): LAPWING.

hlêo, hlêow (OE) 'covering, protection, shelter' (*kelª-1): LEE. Cf. G lau, Lee. Norw le. Sw lä. Da læ.

hleomoce (OE) 'speedwell, brooklime': BROOKLIME.

hleonian, hlinian (OE) 'to lean, recline, incline' (*klei-): LEAN. Cf. G lehnen.

hlêor (OE) 'cheek' (*kleu-1): LEER.

hlêow (OE) 'warm': LUKEWARM.

hlid (OE) 'cover of the opening of a vessel' (*klei-): EYELID, LID. Cf. G Augenlid, Lid.

hlinc (OE) 'ridge' (*kleng-): LINKS.

hlôwan (OE) 'to roar, low' (*kelª-2): LOW.

hlûd (OE) 'loud' (*kleu-1): LOUD. Cf. G laut, Leumund.

hlysnan (OE) 'to listen' (*kleu-1): LISTEN. Cf. G lauschen.

hlyst (OE) 'hearing' (*kleu-1): LIST.

hlystan (OE) 'to listen' (*kleu-1): LIST.

hnægan (OE) 'to neigh': NEIGH.

hnappian (OE) 'to doze, nap' (*ken-2): NAP.

hnecca (OE) 'neck' (*ken-5): NECK, NECKERCHIEF, NECKLACE. Cf. G Genick, Nacken.

hnitu (OE) 'egg of a louse': NIT.

hnutu (OE) 'nut' (*ken-5): NUT. Cf. G Nuß.

hoblen (ME) 'to move unsteadily up and down': HOBBLE.

hôc (OE) 'hook' (*keg-): HOOK. Cf. G Haken.

hoc (OE) 'mallow': HOLLYHOCK.

hôd (OE) 'hood' (*kâdh-): HOOD, HOODWINK. Cf. G Hut.

hôf (OE) 'hoof': HOOF.

hog, houg (ME) 'hock, leg of beef': HOUGH.

hogg, hocg (OE) 'hog, castrated swine, barrow pig' ( < Celtic < *sû-): HOG.

hôh (OE) 'heel' (rel. to hêla): HOCK.

hokebone (ME) 'hip boine, haunch bone': HUCKLEBONE.

hol (OE) 'hollow place, opening, hole' (*kel-2): HOLE. Cf. G hohl.

holen, holegn (OE), kind of evegrreen plant, 'holly': HOLLY.

holh (OE) 'hole, cave' (*kel-2): HOLLOW.

holsom (ME) 'conducive to well-being' (*kailo-): WHOLESOME.

holt (OE) 'wood, copse' (*kel-1): HOLT.

hon (OE) 'to hang' (*konk-): HANG. Cf. G Hängematte, hängen, Henkel, henken.

hôp (OE) 'circle of metal, hoop': HOOP.

hopa, tôhopa (OE) 'hope': HOPE.

hople (EModE) 'to fasten together the legs of a horse': HOBBLE.

hoppian (OE) 'to hop' (*keu-2): HOP. Cf. G hüpfen.

hord (OE) 'stock, store, treasure' (*skeu-): HOARD.

hôre (OE) 'whore, prostitute' (*kâ-): WHORE. Cf. G Hure.

horn (OE) 'horn' (*ker-1): HORN, HORNBEAM.

hors (OE) 'horse': HORSE.

hosa (OE) 'covering for the leg' (*skeu-): HOSE, HOSIER. Cf. G Hose.

hoten, huten, houten (ME) 'to cry (as an owl)': HOOT.

hourlen, hurlen (ME) 'to be driven, throw violently': HURL.

hovel (ME) 'shed': HOVEL.

hover (ME) 'to hover, linger': HOVER.

hoy (ME) interjection expressing calling for attention: HOY.

hræcan (3-2) (OE) 'to spit, clear the throat' (*ker-2): REACH, RETCH.

hræd, hræth (OE) 'quick, eager': RATHE.

hræfn (OE) 'raven' (*ker-2): RAVEN. Cf. G Rabe, Rappe, Rappen.

hramsa, hramse (OE) 'wild garlic': RAMS, RAMSON.

hrathe, hræthe (OE) 'quickly': RATHER.

hrêac (OE) 'stack of hay': RICK.

hrêaw (OE) 'raw, uncooked' (*kreuª-1): RAW. Cf. G roh.

hrêod (OE) 'reed, tall straight stem of certain plants': REED.

hrêol (OE) 'reel, instrument for winding thread or silk' (*krek-1): REEL.

hrêowan (OE) 'to distress, grieve' (*kreuª-2): RUE, RUTH, RUTHLESS. Cf. G Reue.

hrêr (OE) 'lightly boiled, half-cooked': RARE.

hriddel (OE) 'coarse-mashed sieve' (*krei-): RIDDLE.

hrif (OE) 'belly' (*kwrep-): MIDRIFF.

hring (OE) 'circle of metal, circular group, ring' (*sker-3): RING. Cf. G Ring, Ringel, ringeln, ringen.

hringan (OE) 'to resound, clink' (*ker-2): RING.

hrôc (OE) 'rook' (*ker-2): ROOK, ROOKERY.

hrôf (OE) 'roof': ROOF.

hrôst (OE) 'roost, perch for fowls': ROOST.

hrung (OE) 'rounded stick used as a rail': RUNG.

hrycg (OE) 'spine, top, crest, back, coping of a roof, long stretch of high ground, raised strip of arable land' (*sker-3): RIDGE.

hrympel (OE) 'wrinkle, fold' (*skerbh-): RIMPLE. Cf. G rümpfen.

hû (OE) 'how' (*kwo-): HOW. Cf. G wie.

hubbub (EModE) 'confused noise': HUBBUB.

huck-, huke- (ME) 'huckle': HUCKLE.

hukster (ME) 'peddler': HUCKSTER.

hulc (OE) 'ship': HULK.

hulu (OE) 'husk, pod (of peas and beans)' (*kel-2): HULL. Cf. G Hülse.

hummen (ME) 'to hum': HUM, HUMDRUM.

hund (OE) 'dog' (*kwon-): HOUND.

hundred (OE) 'hundred' (*dekm + *rê-): HUNDRED. Cf. G hundert.

hûne (OE), kind of plant, 'horehound': HOREHOUND.

hungor, hungur (OE) 'appetite, famine': HUNGER.

hunig (OE) 'honey': HONEY.

huntian (OE) 'to hunt (wild animals)': HUNT.

hûs (OE) 'house': HOUSE, HUSSY, HUSSIF. Cf. G Gehäuse, Haus.

hûsl (OE) 'eucharist, holy communion,' prob. orig. 'offering': HOUSEL.

hwa (OE) 'who' (*kwo-): WHO. Cf. G wer.

hwæg, hweg (OE) 'whey': WHEY.

hwæl (OE) 'whale' (*skwal-o-): WHALE. Cf. G Wal, Wels.

hwæm (OE) 'whom' (*kwo-): WHOM. Cf. G wem, wen.

hwær (3-2), hwar, hwara (OE) 'where' (*kwo-): WHERE. Cf. G wo.

hwæs (OE) 'whose' (*kwo-): WHOSE. Cf. G wessen.

hwæt (OE) 'what' (*kwo-): WHAT. Cf. G was.

hwæte (3-2) (OE) 'grain of wheat' (*kweit-): WHEAT, WHEATEN. Cf. G Weizen.

hwæther, hwether (OE) 'which of two, whether' (*kwo-): NEITHER, WHETHER. Cf. G weder.

hwanon, hwanone (OE) 'whence' (*kwo-): WHENCE.

hwearf (OE) 'wharf' (*kwerp-): WHARF. Via a sense 'place where people move about.'

hwelp (OE) 'young of a dog or other animal': WHELP.

hwenne, hwanne, hwonne, hwænne (OE) 'when' (*kwo-): WHEN. Cf. G wann, wenn.

hwêol, hweogol, hwewol (OE) 'wheel' (*kwel-1): WHEEL. Cf. G Kalesche.

hwettan (OE) 'to sharpen': WHET, WHETSTONE.

hwî, hwy (3-2) (OE) 'why' (*kwo-): WHY.

hwider (OE) 'whither' (*kwo-): WHITHER.

hwîl (OE) 'while' (*kweiª-2): WHILE, WHILST. Cf. G Weile.

hwilc (OE) 'which' (*kwo- + lîk-): WHICH. Cf. G welch.

hwînan (OE) 'to whine' (*kwei-): WHINE.

hwisprian (OE) 'to whisper' (*kwei-): WHISPER.

hwistle, wistle (OE) 'whistle, tubular wind instrument' (*kwei-): WHISTLE.

hwît (OE) 'white' (*kweit-): WHITE, WHITSUNDAY. Cf. Du wit. G weiß. Norw kvit. Sw vit. Da hvid. Russ svet, svetit'sja.

hwîum (OE) 'sometimes' (*kweiª-2): WHILOM.

hwylfan (OE) 'to overturn': WHELM.

hy (ME) exclamation to attract attention: HI.

hyd (2-2) (OE) 'skin' (*skeu-): HIDE.

hydan (2-2) (OE) 'to hide, keep out of sight' (*skeu-): HIDE. Cf. G Haut.

hyf (2-2) (OE) 'hive' (*keu-2): HIVE.

hyll (OE) 'hill' (*kel-6): HILL.

hymlice, hymlic, hemlic (OE), kind of poisonous plant, 'hemlock': HEMLOCK.

hype (OE) 'hip, projection of the pelvis' (*keu-2): HIP. Cf. G Hüfte.

hyrdel (OE) 'hurdle, frame' (*kert-): HURDLE. Cf. G Hürde.

hyrnet (OE) 'hornet' (*ker-1): HORNET. Cf. G Hornisse.

hyrst (OE) 'grove, copse' (*kert-): HURST.

hyse, hysse, later hoise (ME) 'to raise aloft': HOIST.

hytchen (ME) 'to move or lift with a jerk': HITCH, HITCHHIKE.

ic (OE) 'I' (*eg): I. Cf. G ich.

ickel, ikel (ME) 'icicle': ICICLE.

îdel (OE) 'empty, worthless, useless, inactive': IDLE. Cf. G eitel.

îeg, ig (OE) 'island' (*akwâ-): AIT, EYOT, ISLAND. Cf. Du eiland. G Eiland. Norw Ýy. Sw ö. Da Ý.

îfig (OE) 'ivy': IVY. Cf. G Efeu.

ilca (OE) 'same' (*i- + *lîk-): ILK.

ilca (OE) 'same' (*i- + *lîk-)i- + *lîk-): ILK.

in (OE) 'in' (*en): IN. Cf. G ein, erinnern, in, innig, Innung.

-ing (OE), noun or adj. suffix: -ING.

inkle (ME) 'to mutter': INKLING.

innan (OE) 'within' (*en): BEN, INWARD, INWARDS. Cf. Du binnen. G binnen.

innerra, innera, innra, inra (OE) 'farther in or inward' (*en): INNER. Cf. G innere.

îow, êow (OE) 'you,' acc. and dat. of ge: YOU.

iowe, iow, later iawe (ME) 'jaw': JAW.

Iras (1-2) (OE), name for the inhabitants of Ireland (< Celtic < *peiª-): ERSE, IRELAND, IRISH.

îren (OE) 'iron': IRON.

îs (OE) 'ice': ICE. Cf. G Eis, Eisbein.

is (OE) 'is' (*es-): IS. Cf. G ist.

-isc (OE), adj.-forming suffix: -ISH.

îsen, isern (OE) 'iron' (*eis-1): IRON. Cf. G Eisen.

îw, êow (OE) 'yew': YEW. Cf. G Eibe.

jaberen (ME) 'to talk fast and indistinctly': JABBER.

jade (ME) 'a broken-down house': JADE.

jagge (ME) 'to stab, prick, slash': JAG, JAGGED.

jonke (ME) 'old rope': JUNK.

jounce (ME) 'to jolt, bump': JOUNCE.

kacker (EModE) 'saddler of horses': KNACKER.

kiken, kyken (ME) 'to kick': KICK.

kilten (ME) 'to gird or tuck up': KILT.

knakel (ME) 'knuckle' (*gen-): KNUCKLE.

knappen (ME) 'to strike sharply, snap' (*gen-): KNAP.

knarre (ME) knob, knot on a tree or in wood' (*gen-): KNAR.

knurre, knor (ME) 'knotty growth, as on a tree' (*gen-): KNUR.

kytyllen (ME) 'to tickle' (prob. < Scan < *tit-): KITTLE.

lâ (OE), exclamation of surprise, etc.: LO.

-lac (OE), suffix denoting activity (*leig-3): WEDLOCK.

lack (ME) 'deficiency, lack' (rel. to leke): LACK.

lâd (OE) 'way, journey, conveyance' (*leit-2): LOAD, LODE, LODESTONE, LIVELIHOOD.

ladde (ME) 'servant, varlet': LAD.

læccan (OE) 'to seize, grasp' (*slagw-): LATCH.

læce (2-2) (OE) 'physician': LEECH.

lædan (2-2) (OE) 'to take with one, conduct, carry on' (*leit-2): LEAD. Cf. G leiten.

læfan (2-2) (OE) 'to have left over, cause or allow to remain, deport (from)' (*leip-): LEAVE. Cf. G bleiben.

lænan (2-2) (OE) 'to give temporarily, give, bestow' (*leikw-): LEND. Cf. G Lehen, lehnen, leihen

læppa (OE) 'flap of a garment, lobe' (*leb-1): LAP, LAPDOG.

læs (OE) 'less': LESS, LEST.

læst (2-2) (OE) 'least': LEAST.

læstan (2-2) (OE) 'to follow, carry out, perform, continue' (*leis-1): LAST. Cf. G leisten, List.

læt (OE) 'slow, late' (*lê-2): LATE, LATER, LAST. Cf. G lässig.

lætan (2-2) (OE) 'to leave behind or undone, omit, put out to hire or rent, allow, cause' (*lê-2): LET. Cf. G Gelaß, gelassen, lasch, Lasche, lassen, letzen, letzt, verletzen.

læwede (2-2) (OE) 'lay, nonclergy': LEWD

læwerce (2-2), lâurice, later lâferce (OE), kind of bird, 'lark': LARK.

lag (EModE) 'barrel stave' (prob. < Scan < *leu-1): LAG.

lagu (OE) 'law' (< ON < *legh-): LAW, DANELAW.

lam (EModE) 'to beat soundly' (< Scandinavian < *lem-1): LAM.

lâm (OE) 'clay, earth' (*lei-): LOAM. Cf. G Lehm.

lama (OE) 'crippled, maimed (esp. in the leg)' (*lem-1): LAME. Cf. G lahm, Lümmel.

lamb (OE) 'lamb': LAMB.

land (OE) 'land' (*lendh-2): LAND. Cf. Du land. G elend, Gelände, Land. Norw land. Sw land. Da land. It landa. F lande.

lane (OE) 'narrow way or passageway': LANE.

-lang, -ling (OE), adverbial suffix: -LING.

lang, long (OE) 'long' (*del-1): ALONG, FURLONG, LINGER, LONG. Cf. G belangen, entlang, erlangen, lang, Lenz, verlangen.

langian (OE) 'to grow long,' as impersonal verb 'to arouse desire in' (*del-1): BELONG, BELONGINGS, LONG. Cf. G belangen, langen, verlangen.

lapian (OE) 'to lap up (with the tongue)' (*lab-): LAP.

lâr (OE) 'learning, teaching, doctrine' (*leis-1): LORE. Cf. G Lehre, lehren.

lasce (ME) 'girl': LASS, LASSIE.

lashe (ME) 'to make a sudden movement, dash, flog': EYELASH, LASH.

lâst (OE) 'footprint, shoemaker's model of a foot' (*leis-1): LAST. Cf. G Geleise, Leisten.

lâth (OE) 'hostile, hateful, loathsome': LOATH, LOATHE, LOATHSOME.

lêac (OE) 'leek' (*leug-1): GARLIC, LEEK. Cf. G Lauch, -lauch in Knoblauch, Schnittlauch.

lêad (OE), kind of metal, 'lead': LEAD.

lêaf (OE) 'leaf (of a plant), fold of paper' (*leup-): LEAF. Cf. G Laub, Laube.

lêaf (OE) 'permission' (*leubh-): LEAVE. Cf. G erlauben, Urlaub, Verlaub.

lêag (OE) 'lye' (*leuª-): LYE.

lêah, lê (OE) 'tract of open ground, grassland, meadow' (*leuk-): LEA.

leare, leere, lere (EModE) 'to look askance': LEER.

lêas (OE) 'devoid (of), free (from), untrue, false' (*leu-1): LEASING, -LESS. Cf. G los, löschen, lösen.

lêathor (OE) 'washing soda' (*leuª-): LATHER.

leccan (OE) 'to moisten, water': LEACH.

lecgan (OE) 'to lay, cause to lie' (*legh-): BELAY, LAY. Cf. G Gelage, legen.

leger (OE) 'grave, tomb, bed, couch' (*legh-): LAIR.

leke (ME) 'leak' (rel. to lack): LEAK.

lemphealt, læmpihalt (OE) 'limping, halting' (*leb-1 + *kel-1): LIMP.

lencten (OE) 'spring, Lent' (*del-1): LENT. Cf. G Lenz.

lenge, leng (ME) 'ling' (< LG < *del-1): LING.

lengthu (OE) 'length' (*del-1): LENGTH.

lêof, lêf (OE) 'dear, beloved' (*leubh-): LEMAN, LIEF, LIVELONG. Cf. G belieben, lieb, lieben.

lêogan (OE) 'to lie, tell a falsehood' (*leugh-): BELIE, LIE.

lêoht (OE), Anglian lît 'illumination' (*leuk-): LIGHT. Cf. G Durchlaucht, erlaucht, Leuchte, leuchten, licht, Licht, Lohe.

lêoht, lîht (OE) 'of little weight' (*legwh-): LIGHT. Cf. G gelangen, gelingen, leicht, lichten, lungern.

leornian (OE) 'to learn' (*leis-1 via 'to follow a course of study'): LEARN. Cf. G lernen.

lêosan (OE) 'to lose' (*leu-1): FORLORN, LORN, LOSEL.

lether- (OE) 'skin prepared for use by tanning, strap, thong': LEATHER, LEARTHERN.

lettan (OE) 'to hinder, impede, prevent' (*lê-2): LET.

libban (OE) 'to live': LIVE.

lîc (OE) 'body, corpse' (*lîk-): LICH_GATE. Cf. L Leiche.

-lic (OE) 'having the form of' (*lîk-): -LY in COURTLY, EARTHLY. Cf. G -lich.

liccian (OE) 'to lick' (*leigh-): LICK. Cf. G lecken, schlecken.

licgan (OE) 'to lie, be in recumbent position' (*legh-): LIE. Cf. G entlegen, gelegen, Gelichter, liegen, löschen, überlegen, verlegen.

lîcian (OE) 'to please, be pleasing' (*lîk-): LIKE, LIKEABLE, LIKING.

lîf (OE) 'life' (*leip-): LIFE, LIVELY, LIVELIHOOD. Cf. G Leib.

lifer (OE) 'liver' (*leip-): LIVER. Cf. G Leber.

lifian (OE) 'to live' (*leip-): LIVE. Cf. G leben.

lilten, lülten (OE) 'to sound (a note), sing': LILT.

lîm (OE) 'birdlime, mortar, cement' (*lei-): LIME. Cf. G Leim.

lim (OE) 'part of the body, branch, imp, mischievous person': LIMB.

limphealt, læmpihalt (OE) 'limping': LIMP.

linde (OE) 'linden tree' (*lento-): LINDEN. Cf. G Geländer, lind, Linde, Lindwurm.

-ling (OE), noun-forming suffix: -ING (as in HIRELING, DUCKLING, DARLING).

link, linke (ME) 'loop of a chain, link, ring' (< Scan < *kleng-): LINK.

lippa (OE) 'lip' (*leb-2): LIP. Cf. G Lefze, Lippe.

lîste (OE) 'border, edge, strip' (*leizd-): LIST. Cf. G Leiste.

lîthe (OE) 'mild, gentle' (*lento-): LITHE.

lobre, lobur (ME) 'clumsy fellow, lout': LUBBER, LANDLUBBER.

lôc (ME) exlamation: LO.

loc (OE) 'device for fastening, lock' (*leug-1): LOCK. Cf. G Loch, Lücke, Luke.

loc (OE) 'piece or lock of hair' (*leug-1): LOCK. Cf. G Locke.

lôcian (OE) 'to look, direct one's sight': LO, LOOK.

-loga (OE) 'breaker (of oaths, etc.), deceiver' (*leugh-): WARLOCK.

logge (ME) 'mass of wood, log': LOG.

loitren (ME) 'to idle away time': LOITER.

lollen (ME) 'to droop, dangle, lean idly' (< LG < *lâ-): LOLL, LOLLARD.

lomeren (ME) 'to move heavily, clumsily': LUMBER.

long (OE) 'long': LONG.

los (OE) 'loss' (*leu-1): LOSE, LOSS.

loun, lown (ME) 'rogue, scamp': LOON.

louren, luren (ME) 'to look sullen': LOUR.

lufu (OE) 'love' (*leubh-): LOVE. Cf. G Gelübde, loben.

luggen (ME) 'to pull, tug, drag along': LUG.

luke, leuk, hleuc (ME) 'tepid': LUKEWARM.

lullen (ME) 'to soothe to sleep or to make quiet' (< LG < *lâ-): LULL, LULLABY. Cf. G lullen.

lump (ME) 'compact shapeless mass, lump' (*leb-1): LUMP. Cf. G Lump, Lumpen.

lungen (OE) 'the lungs' (*legwh-): LUNG. Cf. G Lunge.

lurken (ME) 'to lie hidden or in ambush': LURK.

lûs (OE) 'louse': LOUSE, LOUSY, LICE.

lust (OE) 'pleasure, desire, appetite, sexual desire' (*las-): LUST, LUSTY. Cf. G Lust.

lutan (OE) 'to bend down' (*leud-): LOUT.

lyft (OE) 'left': LEFT.

lynis (OE) 'linchpin': LINCHPIN.

lystan (OE) 'to be pleasing' (*las-): LIST, LISTLESS.

lytel (OE) 'little, small' (*leud-): LITTLE.

mæd (OE) 'meadow' (*mê-4): MEAD, MEADOW. Cf. G Matte.

mægden (OE) 'girl, young woman, virgin, female servant': MAID, MAIDEN.

mægen (OE) 'power, physical strength' (*magh-1): MAIN.

mæl (2-2) (OE) 'conversation, council': MELVIN.

mæl (OE) 'measure, mark, sign, appointed time, time for eating, meal' (*mê-2): MEAL, PIECEMEAL. Cf. G Mal.

mænan (2-2) (OE) 'to complain of, lament' (*mei-no-): MEAN.

mære (2-2), gemære (2-2) (OE) 'boundary, border, landmark' (*mei-3): MERE, MERSEY.

mære (OE) 'goblin, incubus' (*mer-2): NIGHTMARE. Cf. G Mahr.

mærh, mærg (OE), WS mearh, mearg 'bone marrow': MARROW. Cf. G ausmergeln, Mark.

mæst (2-2) (OE) 'most' (*mê-3): ALMOST, MOST. Cf. G meist.

mæst (OE) 'fruit of forest trees, esp. as food for swine' (*mad-): MAST. Cf. G Mast, Mastdarm.

mæst (OE) 'mast (of a ship)': MAST. Du mast. G Mast. Norw master. Sw mast. Da mast. F mât. Sp mastil. Pg mast, mastro.

mæth (OE) 'a mowing, a crop mown' (*mê-4): AFTERMATH, MATH. Cf. G Grummet, Mahd, Nachmahd.

mæw (2-2) (OE) 'sea gull': MEW.

maga (OE) 'stomach': MAW.

magan (OE) 'to be strong, be able' (*magh-1): MAY. Cf. G mögen, möglich.

magot, magat (ME) 'worm, grub': MAGGOT, MAWKISH.

mâl (OE) 'spot, blemish' (*mai-2): MOLE.

malt, mealt (OE) 'malt, barley (for brewing)': MALT.

mamma (EModE) 'mother' (*mâ-2): MAMMA.

manig, monig, later mænig (OE) 'many': MANIFOLD, MANY.

mann, man, monn, mon (OE) 'human being, man' (*man-1): MAN, NORMAN.

manu (OE) 'mane' (*mon-): MANE. Cf. G Mähne.

mâra (OE) 'greater,' adverb mâre 'more' (*mê-3): MORE. Cf. G mehr, Märchen.

marc (OE) 'weight of gold or silver, money of account' (*merg-): MARK. Cf. G Mark.

mâsc (OE) 'mashed malt': MASH.

masel (ME) 'measles-spot' (*mas-): MEASLES. Cf. G Maser, Masern.

mathek (ME) 'worm, grub': MAGGOT, MAWKISH.

mattuc (OE) 'mattock': MATTOCK.

mâwan (OE) 'to mow' (*mê-4): MOW. Cf. G mähen.

me (OE) 'me' (*me-1): ME, MYSELF. Cf. G mich, mir.

mealm- (OE) 'crumbling, friable' (*melª-): MALM. Cf. G malmen, Müll, mulmig.

mêd (OE) 'wages, hire': MEED.

medu, meodu (OE) 'mead, fermented drink of honey and wine' (*medhu-): MEAD. Cf. G Met.

melisc (OE) 'mild, mellow' (*mel-1): MULCH.

meltan (OE) 'to melt' (*mel-1): MELT.

melu (OE) 'flour, meal' (*melª-): MEAL. Cf. G Mehl.

mengan (OE) 'to mix' (*mag-): MINGLE.

menks, mynkes (ME) 'skin or fur of the mink, the mink': MINK.

menow, later minew (ME) 'minnow': MINNOW.

Merce, Mierce (pl.) (OE) 'Mercians': MERCIA.

mere (OE) 'sea, lake, pond' (*mori-): MERE, MERMAID.

mere, miere, myre (OE) 'female horse, ass, or zebra' (*marko-): MARE. Cf. G Mähre.

merran (OE), WS mierran 'to hinder, spoil, impair': MAR.

mersc, merisc (OE) 'marsh' (*mori-): MARSH. Cf. G Marsch.

metan (OE) 'to measure out' (*med-): METE. Cf. Maß, messen.

mêtan (OE) 'to meet, come or light upon' (*môtam): MEET, MOOT.

mete (OE) 'food' (*mad-): MEAT. Cf. G Messer, Mettwurst.

micel, mycel (OE) 'great' (*meg-): MUCH.

mid (OE) 'among, with' (*me-2): MIDWIFE. Cf. G mit.

midde (OE) 'middle' (*medhyo-): AMID, MID, MID- (as in MIDNIGHT, MIDRIFF). Cf. G Mitte, Mittag, Mitternacht, Mittwoch.

middel (OE) 'middle' (*medhyo-): MIDDLE. Cf. G mittel, Mittel.

miht (OE) 'power' (*magh-1): MIGHT, MIGHTY. Cf. G Macht, mächtig.

-milce (OE) 'yielding milk' (*melg-): MILCH.

milde (OE) 'gracious, kind, gentle' (*mel-1): MILD, MILDRED. Cf. G milde.

mildêaw, meledêaw (OE) 'honeydew' (*melit- + *dêaw): MILDEW.

Milo (OE), masculine name: MILES.

milte, milt (OE) 'spleen': MILT. Cf. G Milz.

mîn (OE) 'my' (*me-1): MINE, MY. Cf. G mein.

mire (ME) 'ant' (< Scan < *morwi-): PISMIRE.

mirke (ME) 'darkness': MURK, MURKY.

mis- (OE) 'wrong, wrongly' (*mei-1): MIS-. G meiden, Meineid, miß-, mißlich.

misellen (ME) 'to drizzle': MIZZLE.

missan (OE) 'to miss, fail to hit or reach' (*mei-1): MISS. Cf. G missen.

mist (OE) 'mist' (*meigh-): MIST. Cf. G Mist.

mistel (OE) 'mistletoe' (*meigh-): MISSEL_THRUSH, MISTLETOE.

mîte (OE) 'mite' (*mai-1): MITE.

môd (OE) 'mind, thought, feeling, disposition, pride' (*mê-1): MOOD, MOODY.

môdor (OE) 'mother' (*mâter-): MOTHER. Cf. G Gebärmutter, Mieder, Mutter, Perlmutter.

molde (OE) 'topsoil, earth, the earth's surface' (*melª-): MOLD.

molder (EModE) 'to crumble to dust' (prob. < Scan < *melª-): MOLDER.

môna (OE) 'moon' (*mê-2): MONDAY, MOON. Cf. G Mond, Montag.

mônath (OE) 'month' (*mê-2): MONTH. Cf. G Monat.

monchen (ME) 'to munch, chew, steadily': MUNCH.

mone (ME) 'complaint' (*mei-no-): BEMOAN, MOAN.

môr (OE) 'wasteland, marsh, mountain' (*mâ-3): MOOR. Cf. G Moor.

morgen (OE) 'morning' (*mer-1): MORN, MORNING, MORROW.

morthor (OE) 'murder' (*mer-4): MURDER. Cf. G Mord, morden, Mörder.

mos (OE) 'bog, swamp' (*meu-): MOSS. Cf. G Miesmuschel, Moos.

môt, gemôt (OE) 'meeting, assembly,' esp. for a judicial purpose (*môtam): FOLKMOOT, GEMOT, MOOT, WITENAGEMOTE.

moththe, mohdh (OE) 'moth': MOTH.

mottelay, motteley (ME) 'many-colored': MOTLEY.

mudde (ME) 'mud' (prob. < MLG mudde): MUD. Cf. Du modden, modder. G Moder. Sw mudder. Da mudder.

mûga, mûha, mûwa (OE) 'stack of hay, corn, etc.' (*mûk-): MOW.

mum (ME) 'inarticulate sound made with closed lips, command to be silent or secret' (*mu-1): MUM, MUMBLE.

mump (EModE) 'grimace' (prob. < Scan < *mu-1): MUMPS.

mund (OE) 'hand, protection, protector': EDMUND.

murnan (OE) 'to feel sorrow for' (*smer-1): MOURN.

mûs (OE) 'mouse' (*mûs-): MOUSE, MICE. Cf. G Maus, mausetot.

muteren (ME) 'to mutter' (*mu-1): MUTTER.

mycge, mycg (OE), kind of small insect (*mu-2): MIDGE, MIDGET.

myrige, myrie (OE) 'pleasant, agreeable' (*mregh-u-): MERRIMENT, MERRY.

myrigth, myrgth (OE) 'pleasure, joy, happiness' (*mregh-u-): MIRTH.

nacod (OE) 'unclothed, bare, naked' (*nogw-): NAKED. Cf. G nackt.

næddre (2-2), nædre (2-2) (OE) 'snake, viper': ADDER. Cf. Du adder. G Natter.

nædl (OE) 'sewing needle' (*snê-): NEEDLE. Cf. G Nadel.

nægel, nægi (OE) 'spike, nail' (*nogh-): AGNAIL, NAIL. Cf. G Nagel, Nelke.

næmel (OE) 'quick at seizing' (*nem-): NIMBLE.

næss (OE) 'headland' (*nas-): NESS.

nafela (OE) 'navel' (*nobh-): NAVEL.

nafu, nafa (OE) 'hub of a wheel' (*nobh-): AUGER, NAVE.

name, noma (OE) 'name' (*no-men-): NAME. Cf. G Name, nennen.

nape, naupe (ME) 'the back of the neck': NAPE.


nêah (OE) 'near': NEIGHBOR, NEXT, NIGH.

nearu (OE) 'narrow': NARROW.

nêat (OE) 'bovine animal' (*neud-): NEAT.

nebb, neb (OE) 'beak, bill, nose, face' (*nabja-): NEB, NIPPLE.

nêd (OE), WS nîed 'force, constraint, necessity, lack, want, matter requiring action' (*nâu-1): NEED. Cf. G Not, nötig.

neothera, nithera (OE) 'lower' (*ni): NETHER. Cf. G nieder, niedrig.

nêpflôd (OE) 'neap tide' (*ken-2 + flôd): NEAP.

nest (OE) 'nest (of a bird)' (*nizdo-): NEST, NESTLE. Cf. G Nest.

netele, netel (OE) 'nettle' (*ned-): NETTLE. Cf. G Nessel.

nett, net (OE) 'net' (*ned-): NET. Cf. G Netz.

nigard (ME) 'miser' (< Scan < *ken-2): NIGGARD.

nigon (OE) 'nine' (*newn): NINE, NINETEEN, NINETY, NINTH. Cf. G neun, neunzehn, neunzig, neunte.

niht (OE) 'night' (*nekw-t-): NIGHT. Cf. G Nacht.

niman (OE) 'to take, seize' (*nem-): BENUMB, NIM, NUMB. Cf. G genehm, nehmen, Vernunft, vornehm.

nithane, neothane, nithan, neothane (OE) 'below, down' (*ni): BENEATH, UNDERNEATH.

nîwe, nîowe, nêowe (OE) 'new' (*newo-): NEW. Cf. G neu.

nodden (ME) 'to nod': NOD.

nodle (ME) 'back of the head': NODDLE.

nok (ME) 'corner, angle' (< Scan < *ken-5): NOOK.

nokke (ME) 'nock': NOCK.

north (OE) 'north' (*ner-1): NORTH, NORTHERN, NORDIC, NORMAN. Cf. G Nord.

northerne (OE) 'northern' (*ner-1): NORTHERN.

nosu (OE) 'nose' (*nas-): NOSE, NOSTRIL. Cf. G Nase, nuscheln, Nüster.

nu (OE) 'now,' as conj. 'seeing that, since' (*nu-): NOW. Cf. G Nu, noch, nun.

-oc, -uc (OE), dim. suffix: -OCK.

odhdhe (OE) 'or': OR. Cf. G oder.

ofen (OE) 'furnace, oven' (*aukw-): OVEN. Cf. Du oven. G Ofen. Norw omn. Sw ugn. Da ovn.

ôfer (OE) 'bank, shore, coast, edge': WINDSOR.

ofer (OE) 'over' (*uper-): OVER, OVER-. Cf. G erobern, ob, obere, über.

oft (OE) 'many times': OFT, OFTEN.

ondrædan (5-2), later adrædan (4-2) (OE) 'to fear greatly': DREAD, DREADNOUGHT.

onfilte, anfilte (OE) 'anvil' (an + *pel-6): ANVIL. Cf. G Amboß, Butzen, Hagebutte, putzen.

ongêan (OE), WS ongên, later agên, Anglian ongægn, ongegn as adv. 'in the opposite direction, back,' as prep. 'towards, opposite, against' (on + *gagina): AGAIN, AGAINST. Cf. G entgegen. Sw igen. Da igjen.

open (OE) 'open' (*upo): OPEN. Cf. G offen.

ordâl, ordêl (OE) 'ancient mode of trial by subjection to a dangerous physical test' (*ud- + *dail-, orig. 'a portioning out,' hence 'judgement'): ORDEAL. Cf. G Urteil.

ôs (OE) 'god': OSCAR, OSWALD.

ôsle (OE) 'blackbird' (*ames-): OUSEL. Cf. G Amsel.

-otha, -tha, -othe, -the (OE), suffix of ordinal numbers: -ETH, -TH.

ôther (OE) 'other': ANOTHER, OTHER, OTHERWISE. G ander.

otr, ottor, otor (OE) 'otter' (*wed-1): OTTER. Cf. G Otter.

ôwebb, ôwef (OE) 'woof (of a web)': WOOF.

oxa (OE) 'ox' (*ukws-en-): OX.

padell (ME) 'spud for cleaning, a plowshare': PADDLE.

pæth (OE) 'path, way' (prob < Iranian < *pent-): PATH. Cf. G Pfad.

pamperen (ME) 'to cram with food, feed luxuriously' (*pap-2): PAMPER.

panne (OE) 'broad shallow vessel, pan': PAN.

pappe (ME) 'nipple, teat' (*pap-1): PAP.

parchen (ME) 'to dry by heating intensely': PARCH.

pate (ME) 'head': PATE.

patte (ME) 'stroke, blow': PAT, PATTER.

ped (ME) 'wicker basket': PEDDLE, PEDDLER.

penn (OE) 'enclosure for cattle' (*bend-): PEN.

pepen (ME) 'to utter a weak shrill sound': PEEP.

pîc (OE) 'pointed tool': PIKE.

pie (ME) 'meat pie': PIE.

pigge (ME) 'pig': PIG, PIGTAIL.

piken (ME) 'to peer, peep': PEEK, PEEP.

pintel (OE) 'penis' (*bend-): PINTLE.

pitha (OE) 'medulla of plants, central or vital part': PITH.

plegian, plegan, plægian (OE) 'to exercise or amuse oneself, play' (*plegan): PLAY. Cf. G pflegen.

pliht (OE) 'danger, risk' (*plegan): PLIGHT. Cf. G Pflicht.

plô, plô (OE) 'plowland': PLOW.

plot (OE) 'small piece of ground': PLOT.

poc, pocc (OE) 'pustule' (*beu-1): POCK, POX. Cf. G Pocke.

pôl (OE) 'small body of still water, pool': POOL. Cf. Du poel. G Pfuhl. Russ boloto.

pol, polle (ME) 'head': POLL, POLLARD, POLLIWOG.

ponde, poonde, pounde (ME) 'small body of still water': POND.

poppen (ME) 'to rap, knock, make an abrupt explosive sound': POP.

potian (OE) 'to thrust, push': POTTER, PUTTER.

pouffoun (ME), kind of sea bird, 'puffin': PUFFIN.

pouren (ME) 'to look intently': PORE.

pouren (ME) 'to pour': POUR.

pouten (ME) 'to protrude the lips': POUT, POUTER.

prættig (OE) 'tricky, wily, cunning': PRETTY.

prauncen (ME) 'to leap merrily': PRANCE.

prayne (ME) 'prawn': PRAWN.

prica, pricca, price (OE) 'puncture, point, dot': PRICK.

pricels, later pricel (OE) 'goad': PRICKLE, PRICKLY.

prollen (ME) 'to prowl': PROWL.

pronge, prange (ME) 'forked instrument': PRONG.

pûca (OE) 'evil spirit or demon': PUCK.

pudd (OE) 'ditch, furrow': PUDDLE.

pullian, (OE) 'to pluck, drag or tug at': PULL.

pund- (OE) 'enclosure (esp. for cattle)': IMPOUND, PINFOLD, POUND.

pûnian (OE) 'to beat, crush, pound': POUND.

purlyon, purlyn (ME) 'purlin': PURLIN.

purwinkle, perewinkle, periwinkle (EModE), kind of mollusk, 'periwinkle': PERIWINKLE.

pusa (OE) 'sack, bag': PUSS.

-pûte (OE) 'fish with a large head' (*beu-1): POUT.

putten, puten (ME) 'to push, thrust, put': PUT.

pyffan (OE) 'to blow out, expel air': PUFF.

pynken (ME) 'to prick, pierce': PINK.

quaven (ME) 'to tremble' (*gwêbh-2): QUAVER.

quhisk, wisk, wysk (ME) 'rapid sweeping motion': WHISK, WHISKER.

quille, quil (ME) 'hollow stem or reed, pipe, tube': QUILL.

quin (ME) 'furze, gorse': WHIN, WHINCHAT, WHINSTONE.

râa, râha (OE) 'deer': ROE.

raca, fem. racu (OE), 'rake' (*reg-1): RAKE. Cf. G Rechen.

râd (OE) 'riding, foray' (*reidh-): RAID, ROAD.

ræcan (2-2) (OE) 'to stretch out, extend': REACH.

rædan (2-2) (OE) 'to advise,' ræd (2-2) 'advice': ALFRED, ETHELRED READ, REDE. Cf. G raten, Rede, reden.

ræde (2-2), geræde (4-2) (OE) 'ready' (prob. < *reidh-): READY. Cf. G bereit.

rædels (2-2), rædelse (2-2) (OE) 'opinion, riddle' (*rê-): RIDDLE. Cf. G Rätsel.

ræden (2-2) (OE) 'condition' (*rê-): -RED in GOSSIPRED, HATRED, KINDRED.

ræfter (OE) 'rafter, beam supporting a roof' (*rêp-2): RAFTER.

ræran (2-2) (OE) 'to set or lift up, raise': REAR.

ræst, rest (OE) 'rest, relief, repose, bed': REST.

ræt (OE) 'rat': RAT.

ræw (OE) 'line, row' (*rei-1): ROW. Cf. G Reihe.

raf (ME) 'abundance, large number': RAFT, RIFF-RAFF.

rak (ME) 'mass of driven clouds' (*wreg-): RACK.

ramm, ram (OE) 'male sheep': RAM.

ranc (OE) 'proud, stout, full-grown, valiant, rebellious, showy in dress': RANK.

rand (OE) 'border, margin': RAND, RANDOLPH. Cf. Du rand. G Rand, Ranft. Norw rand, rind. Sw rand. It randa. Sp randa.

râp (OE) 'rope': ROPE, STIRRUP.

rappen (ME) 'to knock': RAP.

rêad (OE) 'red' (*reudh-1): RED. Cf. G rot.

rêada (OE) 'stomach of an animal': READ.

rêafian (OE) 'to plunder, rob, despoil' (*reup-): BEREAVE, REAVE, REAVER. Cf. G rauben.

rêam (OE) 'cream': REAM.

rêc (OE) 'smoke': REEK.

reccan (OE) 'to heed, pay atention to, take care of, concern onself' (*reg-1): RECK.

reccelêas, recelêas (OE) 'careless' (*reg-1 + lêas): RECKLESS.

-red (OE), suffix orig. meaning 'number' (*rê-): HUNDRED. Cf. G hundert.

regen (OE) 'power': REGINALD.

regn, rên (OE) 'rain': RAIN.

rêman (OE) 'to open up': REAM.

rênboga (OE) 'rainbow': RAINBOW.

rendan (OE) 'to tear apart' (*rendh-): REND.

rennet (ME) 'curdled milk in a calf's stomach, used for curdling milk for cheese': RENNET.

rêocan (OE) 'to smoke, reek' (*reug-): REEK. Cf. G Geruch, Rauch, rauchen, riechen.

reten (ME) 'to soak (flax, etc.) in water': RET.

ribb, rib (OE) 'rib' (*rebh-2): RIB. Cf. G Rippe.

rice (OE) 'realm kingdom' (*reg-1): BISHOPRIC, ELDRITCH. Cf. G Reich.

rice (OE) 'strong, powerful, great' (*reg-1): RICH. Cf. G reich.

rîdan (OE) 'to ride a horse, lie at anchor' (*reidh-): RIDE. Cf. G Reise, reiten, Ritt, Ritter.

rift (ME) 'a rending, splitting' (*rei-1): RIFT.

riggen (ME) 'to fit out (esp. with clothes), make ready for sea' (< Scan < *reig-1): RIG, RIGGING.

riht (OE) 'standard or rule of action, what is morally just, fair treatment or claim,' as adj. 'straight, upright, righteous, just, correct, proper, due, real, true' (*reg-1): RIGHT, UPRIGHT. Cf. G aufrecht, berichten, richten, richtig, recht, Recht.

rima (OE) 'raised edge, edge, margin, verge': RIM.

rind, rinde (OE) 'bark of a tree, crust' (*rendh-): RIND. Cf. G Rinde.

rinnan (OE) 'to run' (*rei-3): RUN, RUNNEL. Cf. G entrinnen, gerinnen, randalieren, rennen, rinnen.

rîpan, reopan (OE) 'to cut grain for harvest, reap' (*rei-1): REAP.

rîpe (OE) 'ripe, ready for harvesting' (*rei-1): RIPE. Cf. G reif.

ripel (ME) 'comblike device for removing seeds' (*rei-1): RIPPLE.

rîsan (OE) 'to ascend, rise': ARISE, RISE.

robyl, rubel (ME) 'waste fragments of stone': RUBBLE.

roccian (OE) 'to move back and forth, rock': ROCK. Cf. G berücken, Ruck, rücken, verrückt.

rôd (OE) 'cross, crucifix, rod, pole, perch': ROOD.

rodd (OE) 'rod, straight stick': ROD.

rôther (OE) 'steering oar' (*erª-1): RUDDER. Cf. G Ruder.

rotian (OE) 'to decay, rot': ROT, ROTTEN. Cf. G ausrotten, roden, rütteln, zerrütten.

roven (ME) 'to shoot with arrows to determine the range, wander': ROVE.

rowan (EModE) 'rowan' (< Scan < *reudh-1): ROWAN.

rôwan (OE) 'to use oars, row' (*erª-1): ROW.

rowsen (ME) 'to shake the feathers (said of a hawk)': AROUSE, ROUSE, ROUST, ROUSTABOUT.

rudduc (OE) 'robin' (*reudh-1): RUDDOCK.

rudu (OE) 'red color, redness' (*reudh-1): RUDLE, RUDDY.

ruffelen (ME) 'to disarrange' (*kreup-): RUFFLE.

rug (EModE) 'rough woolen stuff used as a bed or floor covering' (prob. < Scan < *reu-2): RUG, RUGGED.

rûh (OE) 'rough, uneven' (*ruk-2): ROUGH. Cf. G rauh.

ruke (ME) 'heap, stack, pile': RUCK.

rûm (OE) 'space' (*reuª-): ROOM. Cf. G Raum.

rumpe (ME) 'hindquarters, buttocks': RUMP.

rûn (OE) 'secret, mysterious saying, secret council' in rûnian 'to whisper' (*rûno-): ROUND, RUNNYMEDE. Cf. G raunen.

rune (EModE) 'rune' (< Scan < *rûno-): RUNE. Cf. G Rune.

rûst (OE) 'rust' (*reudh-1): RUST. Cf. G Rost.

rustlen, rustelen (ME) 'to make a succession of light crisp sounds': RUSTLE.

ryfe (2-2) (OE) 'abundant, prevalent, widespread' (*rei-1): RIFE.

ryge (OE), kind of grain, 'rye': RYE.

ryman (2-2) (OE) 'to widen, open up': REAM.

ryne (OE) 'a running, course' (*rei-3): EMBER_DAYS.

rysce, rysc (OE), kind of plant: RUSH. Cf. G Rusch.

sacu (OE) 'strife, contention, lawsuit, guilt' (*sâg-): SAKE. Cf. G Sache.

sadian (OE) 'to satisfy completely' (*sâ-): SATE.

sadol, sadul (OE) 'saddle' (*sed-1): SADDLE. Cf. G Sattel.

sæ (2-2) (OE) 'sea': SEA.

sæd (2-2) (OE) 'seed' (*sê-1): SEED. Cf. G Saat.

sæd (OE) 'sated, weary' (*sâ-): SAD. Cf. G satt.

sæp (OE) 'sap, juice of plants)' (*sab-): SAP, SAPLING.

sage, saga (OE) 'saw, cutting tool with teeth' (*sek-): SAW. Cf. G Säge.

saggen (ME) 'to subside' (< Scan < *sengw-): SAG.

sagu (OE) 'saying' (*sekw-3): SAW. Cf. G Sage.

salf, sealfe, sealf (OE) 'healing ointment' (*selp-): SALVE. Cf. G Salbe.

salh, sealh (OE) 'willow' (*salik-): SALLOW.

salo (OE) 'dusky, dark' (*sal-2): SALLOW.

salt, sealt (OE) 'salt' (*sal-1): SALT. Cf. G Salz.

sam- (OE) 'half' (*sêmi-): SANDBLIND.

sand (OE) 'message, messenger' (*sent-): GODSEND.

sand (OE) 'sand' (*bhes-1): SAND. Cf. Du zand. G Sand. Norw sand. Sw sand.

sang, song (OE) 'song, singing' (*sengwh-): SONG. Cf. G Gesang, Sang.

santeren (ME) 'to muse': SANTER.

sâpe (OE) 'soap' (*seib-): SOAP. Cf. G Seife.

sâr (OE) 'painful, physical suffering, disease, sore on the skin, grief, trouble' (*sai-): SORE.

sârig (OE) 'suffering, emotionally sad' (*sai-): SORRY.

sâwan (OE) 'to sow, plant seeds' (*sê-1): SOW. Cf. G säen.

sâwol, sâwel, sâwl (OE) 'life, animate existence, spiritual or emotional part of man, disembodied spirit of a man': SOUL.

scæft, sceaft (OE) 'rod of a spear' (*skep-): SHAFT. Cf. G Schaft.

scær, scear (OE) 'plowshare, blade of a plow' (*sker-1): SHARE. Cf. G Schar.

scæth, sceath (OE) 'sheath': SHEATH, SHEATHE.

scalp (ME) 'top of the head, skull' (< Scan < *skel-1): SCALP.

sceabb (OE) 'a scab, scratch' (*skep-): SHABBY. Cf. G schäbig.

sceacan, scacan (OE) 'to go, move, vibrate, make vibrate': SHAKE.

sceacga (OE) 'rough hair or wool': SHAG, SHAGGY.

sceacul, scacul (OE) 'fetter': SHACKLE.

sceâdan, scâdan (OE) 'to separate, divide' (*skei-): SHED. Cf. G scheiden, Abschied. Cf. G bescheiden.

sceadd (OE) 'shad': SHAD.

sceadu (OE) 'shadow, shade' (*skot-): SHADE, SHADOW. Cf. G Schatten.

scêaf (OE) 'bundle of harvested corn': SHEAF.

sceafan, scafan (OE) 'to scrape, pare away' (*skep-): SHAVE.

sceal (OE) 'shall': SHALL.

sceald, scald (OE) 'shallow': SHALLOW, SHOAL. Cf. G behelligen, schal.

scealu, scalu (OE) 'husk, shell' (*skel-1): SHALE. Cf. G Schale.

sceamu, scamu (OE) 'feeling or state of disgrace, disgraceful situation': SHAME.

sceanca (OE) 'shinbone': SHANK. Cf. G Schenkel.

scêara (OE) 'scissors' (*sker-1): SHEARS. Cf. G Schere.

sceard (OE) 'gap' (*sker-1): gap (esp. in a hedge), fragment of broken earthenware': SHARD. Cf. G Hasenscharte, Scharte.

scearp, scarp (OE) 'sharp, keen, acute, severe, harsh, pungent' (*sker-1): SHARP. Cf. G scharf.

scearu (OE) 'cutting, division' (*sker-1): SHARE. Cf. G bescheren, Schar.

scêata (OE) 'corner of a sail' (*skeud-): SHEET.

scêawian (OE) 'to look at, examine' (*keu-1): SHOW. Cf. G schauen.

sceld, scield (OE) 'shield' (*skel-1): SHIELD. Cf. Schild, schildern.

scêne (OE), WS scîene 'bright, beautiful, resplendent' (*keu-1): SHEEN. Cf. G schön.

scêoh (OE) 'easily frightened, shy': SHY.

sceoppa (OE) 'booth, stall': SHOP.

sceorf (OE) 'scab, scurf': SCURF.

sceort (OE) 'short' (*sker-1): SHORT. Cf. G Schurz.

sceot, scot, gesceot, gescot (OE) 'act of shooting, what is shot, payment, share' (*skeud-): SHOT.

scêotan (OE) 'to shoot' (*skeud-): SHOOT. Cf. G Ausschuß, Geschoß, Geschütz, schießen, Schoß, Überschuß.

sceran (OE) 'to cut with a scissorlike instrment': SHEAR, SHEARS.

schateren (ME) 'to scatter, disperse' (*sked-): SHATTER.

scheld (ME) 'variegated, pied' (< LG > *skel-1): SHELDRAKE.

schowe (ME) exclamation to drive away birds, etgc.: SHOO.

schulle, scolle, skulle (ME) 'skull': SKULL.

schunte (ME) 'to swerve, shy, shrink away': SHUNT.

scieran, sceran (OE) 'to cut' (*sker-1): SHEAR. Cf. G scheren, Schur.

scifre, scivre (ME) 'splinter, fragment, chip' (*skei-): SHIVER.

sciftan (OE) 'to arrange': SHIFT.

scilling (OE) 'money of account, 1/20 of a pound': SHILLING.

scînan (OE) 'to shine' (*skeªi-): SHINE.

scinu (OE) 'shin' (*skei-): SHIN.

scip (OE) 'ship' (*skipam): SHIP. Cf. G Schiff.

-scipe (OE), suffix denoting state or condition (*skep-): -SHIP.

scîr (OE) 'bright, shining': SHEER.

scîr (OE) 'official charge, provice, district under a governor, bishop's see, etc.': SHIRE, SHERIFF.

scîtan (OE) 'to void excrement' (*skei-): SHIT. Cf. G. scheißen.

sclabbe, slabbe (ME) 'flat, broad, thick piece': SLAB.

sclendre (ME) 'slender': SLENDER.

scocche (ME) 'to make an incision in': HOPSCOTCH, SCOTCH.

scof (ME) 'mocking, ridicule' (< Scan, prob. < *skeubh-): SCOFF.

scofl (OE) 'shovel' (*skeubh-): SHOVEL. Cf. G Schaufel.

scôh (OE) 'shoe': SHOE.

scop, sceop (OE) 'poet': SCOP.

scorch (ME) 'to scorch' (prob. < Scan < *skerbh-): SCORCH.

scoulen (ME) 'to scowl': SCOWL.

scouren (ME) 'to range over' (prob. < Scan < *kêwero-): SCOUR.

scrêade (OE) 'piece, fragment' (*skreu-): SCREED, SHRED. Cf. G Schrot, schroten, Schrott.

scrêawa, scræwa (4-2) (OE) 'shrewmouse' (*skreu-): SHREW.

scremen (ME) 'to scream': SCREAM.

scrîc (OE) 'thrush' (*ker-2): SHRIKE.

scrincan (OE) 'to wither, shrivel up, cower, huddle' (*sker-3): SHRINK.

scrubb, scrybb (OE) 'shrub' (*sker-1): SHRUB.

scrûd (OE) 'garment' (*skreu-): SHROUD.

scûfan (OE) 'to thrust, push' (*skeubh-): SHOVE. Cf. G schieben, Schippe.

scuffle (EModE) 'to struggle confusedly together' (prob. < Scan): SCUFF, SCUFFLE.

sculdor (OE) 'shoulder': SHOULDER.

sculle (ME), kind of oar: SCULL.

scunian (OE) 'to be afraid, abhor': SHUN.

scûr (OE) 'shower, rainfall' (*kêwero-): SHOWER. Cf. G Schauer.

scurf (OE) 'diseased scales of the skin, scurf': SCURF.

scut (ME) 'hare': SCUT.

scymrian (OE) 'to shine brightly' (*skeªi-): SHIMMER. Cf. G schimmern.

scyrte (OE) 'undergarment' (*sker-1): SHIRT. Cf. E Schürze.

scytel (OE) 'a dart, arrow' (*skeud-): SHUTTLE.

scyttan (OE) 'to shut, fasten with a bolt, close' (prob. *skeud-): SHUT, SHUTTER.

se (OE), fem. sêo, sîo, neuter thæt, orig. demonstrative adj.: THE.

sêam (OE) 'seam' (*syû-): SEAM. Cf. G Saum.

sêar (OE) 'withered, dry' (*saus-): SEAR, SERE.

Seaxan (OE), pl. 'Saxons': ESSEX, MIDDLESEX, SUSSEX, WESSEX.

sêcan (OE) 'to seek' (*sâg-): SEEK. Cf. G suchen.

secg (OE) 'sedge' (*sek-): SEDGE. Cf. G Segge.

secgan (OE) 'to say' (*sekw-3): SAY. Cf. G sagen.

segel, segl (OE) 'sail': SAIL.

seldan (OE) 'seldom': SELDOM.

self, selfa (OE) 'self, same' (*swe-): SELF. Cf. G selb, selber, selbst.

sellan (OE) 'to sell, give up' (*sel-3): SELL.

sencgan, sæncgan, besencgan (OE) 'to singe, burn lightly': SINGE.

sendan (OE) 'to send' (*sent-): SEND. Cf. G senden.

sêo, sîo, sîe (OE), fem. demonstrative pronoun or adj. (*so-): SHE.

sêoc (OE) 'ill': SICK.

seofon (OE) 'seven' (*septm): SEVEN, SEVENTEEN, SEVENTH, SEVENTY. Cf. G sieben, siebzehn, siebte, siebzig.

seolh (OE), kind of animal, 'seal': SEAL.

sêon (OE) 'to see' (*sekw-2): SEE. Cf. G sehen.

setl (OE) 'seat' (*sed-1): SETTLE. Cf. G Einsidelern, siedeln.

settan (OE) 'to cause to sit, place, put, subside' (*sed-1): SET, UPSET. Cf. G aufsetzen.

shive, sheve (ME) 'pulley' (*skei-): SHEAVE.

shouten (ME) 'to shout': SHOUT.

shrew (OE) 'ill-tempered man or woman': SHREW, SHREWD.

shrimp (ME) 'shrimp': SHRIMP.

shuffle (EModE) 'to shuffle' (prob. < LG < *skeubh-): SHUFFLE.

sibb, sib (OE) 'blood-related' (*swe-): GOSSIP, SIB.

sîcan (OE) 'to sigh': SIGH.

sîe (OE) 'may it be (so)' (*es-): YES.

siex, syx, seox, sex (OE) 'six' (*sweks): SIX. Cf. G sechs.

sife (OE) 'filter, siever' (*seib-): SIEVE. Cf. G Sieb.

siftan (OE) 'to sift, pass through a sieve' (*seib-): SIFT. Cf. G sichten.

sihth, gesigth, gesiht (OE) 'spectacle, thing seen' (*sekw-2): SIGHT. Cf. G Sicht.

simperen (ME) 'to be just short of boiling, simmer': SIMMER.

sincan (OE) 'to be submerged, sink' (*sengw-): SINK. Cf. G senken, sinken.

sinder (OE) 'iron slab, dross' (*sendhro-): CINDER.

sinu, seonu (OE) 'tendon': SINEW.

sipian, sypian (OE) 'to drip, seep' (*seib-): SEEP.

sippen (ME) 'to sip': SIP.

sîth (OE) 'after': SINCE.

sîthe (OE) 'sythe' (*sek-): SCYTHE. Cf. G Sense.

sittan (OE) 'to sit' (*sed-1): SIT.

siwan, siowan (OE) 'to sew' (*syû-): SEW.

skarf (ME) 'joint for connecting timbers': SCARF.

skele (ME) 'saucepan, stewing pan': SKILLET.

skippen (ME) 'to leap lightly, skip': SKIP.

skirwhite, skirwhit (ME) 'water parsnip': SKIRRET.

skulken (ME) 'to move stealthily, hide': SKULK.

skurn (ME) 'to flinch': SCUNNER.

slab (EModE) 'marshy place, slush' (*leb-1): SLAM.

slæc (OE) 'loose, indolent, careless' (*slêg-): SLACK.

slæfan (3-2) (OE) 'to cut up, divide': SLEAVE.

slâh, slâ (OE) 'fruit of the blackthorn, the blackthorn' (*slî-): SLOE.

slam (EModE) 'to beat' (< Scan < *leb-1): SLAM.

slant, slent (ME) 'slope': ASLANT, SLANT.

slaughter (ME) 'killing' (< Scan, prob. < *slak-): SLAUGHTER. Cf. G Schlacht.

slâw (OE) 'slow': SLOW.

slâwurm (OE) 'blindworm, slowworm': SLOWWORM.

slêan (OE) 'to strike, kill' (*slak-): SLAY. Cf. G Geschlecht, schlagen, ungeschlacht.

slecg (OE) 'hammer' (*slak-): SLEDGE.

slêp, slæp (3-2) (OE) 'sleep': SLEEP.

slete (ME) 'sleet' (prob. *sleu-): SLEET.

slîdan (OE) 'to slide' (*sleidh-): SLIDE.

slight (ME) 'slender' (prob. < Scan < *lei-): SLIGHT. Cf. G schlecht, schlicht. Norw slett. Sw slät. Da slet.

slike (ME) 'sleek' (*lei-): SLICK. Cf. G schleichen.

slîm (OE) 'soft sticky mud' (*lei-): SLIME, SLIMY. Cf. G Schleim.

slincan (OE) 'to creep, crawl' (*slengwh-): SLINK.

sling (ME) 'sling': SLING.

slipa, slyppe (OE) 'slime' (*sleubh-): COWSLIP, OXSLIP, SLIP.

slipor (OE) 'slippery': SLIPPERY.

slippe (ME) 'small plant shoot' (prob. < LG < *lei-): SLIP.

slitten (ME) 'to cut into, cut open': SLIT.

sloche (ME) 'melted snow or ice': SLUSH.

-slop in oferslop (OE) 'surplice': SLOP.

sloppe (ME) 'muddy place, slush': SLOP, SLOPPY.

slugge (ME) 'sluggard' (prob. < *sleu-): SLUG, SLUGGARD, SLUGGISH.

slughe, slugh, slough (ME) 'outer skin shed by a reptile': SLOUGH.

slûma (OE) 'light sleep' (*sleu-): SLUMBER.

slump (EModE) 'to fall or sink' (*leb-1): SLUMP.

slûpan (OE) 'to slip away': SLOPE.

slush (EModE) 'slush': SLUSH.

smæc (OE) 'flavor, taste' (*smeg-): SMACK. Cf. G schmecken, abgeschmackt, schmatzen, Geschmack.

smæl (OE) 'thin, narrow, small, of fine texture': SMALL.

smearcian, smercian (OE) 'to smile, esp. in a silly way' (*smei-): SMIRK.

smellen, smullen (ME) 'to perceive or emit an odor': SMELL.

smelt, smylt (OE), kind of small fish, 'smelt': SMELT.

smeortan (OE) 'to be painful': SMART.

smierwan (OE) 'to anoint, smear' (*smer-3): SMEAR.

smilen (ME) 'to smile' (< Scan, prob.< *smei-): SMILE.

smîtan (OE) 'to daub, smear, pollute' (*smê-): SMITE.

smith (OE) 'smith, worker in iron, etc.' (*smî-): SMITH. Cf. G Geschiede, Schmied, Schmiede, schmieden

smoca (OE) 'smoke': SMOKE.

smogen (ME) 'to make a dirty mark, smear': SMUDGE.

smolder (ME) 'smoky vapor': SMOLDER.

smorchen (ME) 'to defile, sully': BESMIRCH, SMIRCH.

smorian (OE) 'to suffocate': SMOTHER.

smôth (OE) 'even, smooth': SMOOTH.

smut (EModE) 'to blacken, smudge': SMUT. Cf. Du smodderen. G Schmutz. Sw smuts. Da smuds.

snaca (OE) 'snake' (*sneg-): SNAKE.

snacchen (ME) 'to snap at, seize suddenly' (*snu-): SNATCH.

snægel (OE) 'snail' (*sneg-): SNAIL.

snâw (OE) 'snow' (*sneigwh-): SNOW. Cf. G Schnee.

sneak (EModE) 'to go or creep stealthily': SNEAK.

sneer (EModE) 'to snort': SNEER.

snevelen (ME) 'to run at the nose' (*snu-): SNIVEL.

snîcan (OE) 'to crawl': SNEAK.

sniffen (ME) 'to sniff' (*snu-): SNIFF.

snipe (ME), kind of bird, 'snipe' (prob. < Scan): SNIPE. Cf. G Schnepfe.

snôd (OE), kind of headband, 'snood': SNOOD.

snoffe (ME) 'partially consumed candlestick': SNUFF.

snoren (ME) 'to snort, snore' (*sner-1): SNORE.

snorten (ME) 'to snort' (*sner-1): SNORT.

snug (EModE) 'trim, secure against bad weather': SNUG.

sobben (ME) 'to sob': SOB.

sôcn (OE) 'attack, inquiry, resort, right of local jurisdiction' (*sâg-): SOKE.

sôfte (OE) 'agreeable, comfortable, luxurious': SOFT.

sôna (OE) 'soon': SOON.

sorh, sorg (OE) 'anxiety, mental pain or distress': SORROW. Cf. G Sorge.

sôt (OE) 'soot' (*sed-1): SOOT.

sôth (OE) 'true' (*es-): SOOTH, SOOTHE, SOOTHSAYER.

spâca (OE) 'spoke of a wheel' (*spei-): SPOKE. Cf. G Speiche.

spadu (OE) 'digging tool' (*spê-2): SPADE.

spærca, spearca (OE) 'small particle of fire': SPARK, SPARKLE.

spalle (ME) 'chip, splinter': SPALL.

spann, span (OE) 'distance from tip of thumb to tip of little finger' (*spen-): SPAN.

sparian (OE) 'to leave unharmed or unused': SPARE.

spate (ME) 'flood or rising in a river': SPATE.

spâtl, spâdl, spâld (OE) 'saliva' (*spyeu-): SPITTLE, SPITTOON.

spearwa (OE) 'sparrow': SPARROW.

specca (OE) 'small spot': SPECK.

spêd (OE) 'success' (*spê-1): SPEED.

spel (OE) 'news' (*spel-3): GOSPEL.

spell, spel (OE) 'discourse, story' (*spel-3): SPELL, SPELLBIND, SPELLBOUND. Cf. G Beispiel, Kirchspiel.

spere (OE) 'spear' (*sper-1): SPEAR. Cf. G Speer.

sperran, spyrran (OE) 'to strike out with the feet or a weapon': SPAR.

spîcing (OE) 'large nail': SPIKE.

spillan (OE) 'to kill, destroy, ruin, waste, squander' (*spel-1): SPILL.

spinel (OE) 'spindle' (*spen-): SPINDLE. Cf. G Spindel.

spinnan (OE) 'to draw and form into thread,' whence spûthra 'spider' (*spen-): SPIDER, SPIN. Cf. G Gespinst, Spinne, spinnen.

spîr (OE) 'stem, stalk' (*spei-): ACROSPIRE, SPIRE.

spittan, gespittan (OE) 'to spit' (*spyeu-): SPIT.

spitu (OE) 'stake for roasting meat' (*spei-): SPIT. Cf. G Spieß, Spießrute.

spîwan, spîowan (OE) 'to vomit' (*spyeu-): SPEW.

spôn (OE) 'chip, splinter' (*spê-2): SPOON.

spora, spura (OE) 'part of a rider's equipment, spur' (*sperª-): SPUR. Cf. G Sporn.

spotte, spot (ME) 'moral stain': SPOT.

sprædan (4-2) (OE) 'to spread' (*sper-4): SPREAD.

spray (ME) 'small twigs, fine brushwood': SPRAY.

spreawlian (OE) 'to sprawl, kick convulsively' (*sper-4): SPRAWL.

sprengan (OE) 'to sprinkle' (*spergh-): BESPRENT.

sprenge, springe (ME) 'snare used to catch small game' (*spergh-): SPRINGE.

sprenklen (ME) 'to sprinkle': SPRINKLE.

sprêot (OE) 'pole' (*sper-4): SPRIT.

springan (OE) 'to bound, leap, issue forth, grow' (*spergh-): SPRING.

sprott (OE), kind of seafish, 'sprat': SPRAT.

sprûtan (ME) 'to sprout' (*sper-4): SPROUT. Cf. G sprießen, Sproß, Sprosse.

spryttan (OE) 'to spring, come forth' (*sper-4): SPURT.

spudde (ME) 'short or poor knife or dagger': SPUD.

spurnan, spornan (OE) 'to kick, reject contemptuously' (*sperª-): SPURN.

spyk (ME) 'large nail': SPIKE.

squirten, swirten (ME) 'to squirt': SQUIRT.

stacca (OE) 'stout stick or post' (*steg-1): STAKE.

stæf (OE) 'stick, rod, pole, letter' (*stebh-): STAFF, STAVE. Cf. G Stab.

stæg (OE) 'large rope used to support a mast' (*stâk-): STAY. Cf. G Stag.

stæger (3-2) (OE) 'flight of steps' (*steigh-): STAIR.

stæl (3-2) (OE) 'place': STALWART.

stæpe (OE) 'step' (*stebh-): STEP. Cf. G Stafette, Stapfe, stapfen.

stær (OE) 'starling': STARLING.

stagga (ME) 'male (red) deer' (*stegh-): STAG.

stale (ME) 'having stood long enough to clear (of liquor),' hence (OE) 'old, strong': STALE.

stale (ME) 'having stood long enough to clear (of liquor),' hence 'old, strong': STALE.

stale (ME) 'position in chess, stalemate': STALEMATE.

stalen (ME) 'to urinate (esp. of a horse)': STALE.

stalke (ME) 'slender stem of a plant' (*stel-): STALK.

stalu (OE) 'wooden upright, long lhandle, side of a ladder, stave': STALE.

stamerian (OE) 'to stammer' (*stam-): STAMMER. Cf. G stammeln.

stampen (ME) 'to bray, pound' (*stebh-): STAMP. Cf. G stampfen, Stempel.

stân (OE) 'stone' (*stei-): STONE.

standan (OE) 'to stand, stand up, be upright, be set or placed' (*stâ-): STAND, UNDERSTAND. Cf. G Anstand, stehen, verstehen.

stapol (OE) 'post, pillar' (*stebh-): STAPLE.

starian (OE) 'to stare' (*ster-1): STARE. Cf. G Star, starr, starren.

stath (ME) 'landing stage, wharf' (*stâ-): STAITHE.

stathol (OE) 'foundation, base, support, tree trunk, fixed position' (*stâ-): STADDLE, STALWART.

-stealcian (OE) 'to walk cautiously' (*ster-4): STALK.

steall (OE) 'position, place, place in a stable or shed' (*stel-): FORESTALL, STALL. Cf. G Gestell, Stall.

stêam (OE) 'vapor, fume': STEAM.

stêap (OE) 'high, towering, prominent or glaring (or eyes)' (*steu-): STEEP.

stearc (OE) 'hard, severe, unyielding, violent' (*ster-1): STARK. Cf. G stark.

steartlian (OE) 'to kick, struggle' (*ster-1): STARTLE.

stêda, gestêdhors (OE) 'stallion, studhorse' (*stâ-): STEED.

stede (OE) 'place' (*stâ-): STEAD, STEADFAST, STEADY. Cf. G ausstatten, bestatten, gestatten, Stadt, Statt, statthaft.

stelan (OE) 'to steal, rob' (*ster-4): STEAL, STEALTH, STEALTHY. Cf. G Diebstahl, stehlen.

stem, stefn (OE) 'trunk of a tree or other plant, timber at either end of a vessel' (*stâ-): STEM. Cf. G Stamm.

stêop- (OE) 'step-' (*steu-): STEP- (as in STEPFATHER).

stêor (OE) 'guidance, steering paddle, rudder' (*stâ-): STARBOARD.

stêor (OE) 'young (esp. castrated) ox' (*stâ-): STEER. Cf. G Stier.

steorfan (OE) 'to die' (*ster-1): STARVE. Cf. G sterben.

steorra (OE) 'star' (*ster-3): STAR. Cf. G Gestirn, gestirnt, Stern.

steort (OE) 'tail' (*ster-1): REDSTART, START, STARK_NAKED. Cf. G Sterz.

stêpel (OE), WS stypel (3-2) 'tall tower' (*steu-): STEEPLE.

steppan (OE) 'to step': STEP.

sterced (OE) 'stiffened': STARCH.

sterchen (ME) 'to stiffen (with starch)' (*ster-1): STARCH.

sterten, starten (ME), from unattested OE verb meaning 'to leap, jump' (*ster-1): START.

stî (OE) 'pig pen': STY.

stibourne (ME) 'stubborn': STUBBORN.

sticca (OE) 'stick, peg, rod, staff, spoon' (*steig-): STICK.

stice (OE) 'prick, puncture, sharp sudden local pain' (*steig-): STITCH, STITCHWORT. Cf. G Stich, sticken, Sticker.

sticels (OE) 'sting, goad, thorn' (*steig-): STICKLEBACK. Cf. G Stachel, Stichel.

stician (OE) 'to pierce, stab, thrust, remain fixed': STICK, STICKY.

stîeran (OE) 'to steer, guide' (*stâ-): STEER.

stierne (OE), WS styrne 'firm, severe, rigorous' (*ster-1): STERN.

stîf (OE) 'rigid, stiff' (*steip-): STIFF. Cf. G steif, Stift.

stifle (ME) 'joint of the hind leg and body of a horse': STIFLE.

stig (OE) prob. 'hall, house': STEWARD.

stîgan (OE) 'to go up, rise' (*steigh-): STIRRUP, STY. Cf. G Steg, Stegreif, steigen, steigern, versteigen.

stigel (OE) 'barrier of steps or rails allowing passage through a fence' (*steigh-): STILE. Cf. G steil.

stihtan, stihtian (OE) 'to arrange' (*steigh-): STICKLE, STICKLER.

stille (OE) 'quiet, fixed' (*stel-): STILL. Cf. G still.

stilte (ME) 'crutch, handle of a plow' (*stel-): STILT. Cf. G Bachstelze, Stelze, stolz.

stincan (OE) 'to stink': STINK.

stingan (OE) 'to sting': STING.

stirc, styric, styrc (OE) 'young bullock or heifer' (prob. *stâ-): STIRK.

stocc, stoc (OE) 'trunk, stem' (*steu-): STOCK.

stôd (OE) 'establishment for breeding horses' (*stâ-): STUD. Cf. G Gestüt, Stute.

stôl (OE) 'stool, wooden seat for one person' (*stâ-): STOOL. Cf. G Stuhl.

-stoppian (OE) in forstoppian 'to plug (the ear)': STOP.

storc (OE) 'stork' (*ster-1): STORK. Cf. G Storch.

storm (OE) 'storm' (*twer-1): STORM. Cf. G Sturm.

stote (ME), kind of animal, 'stoat': STOAT.

stow (OE) 'to place' (*stâ-): BESTOW, STOW. Cf. G stauen.

strâcian (OE) 'to rub softly' (*streig-): STROKE. Cf. G Streich, streicheln.

strand (OE) 'shore': STRAND.

strêam (OE) 'stream' (*sreu-): STREAM. Cf. G Strom.

strêaw (OE) 'straw, stems or stalks of cereals' (*ster-2): STRAW. Cf. G Stroh.

streccan (OE) 'to lay out fully, extend': STRETCH.

strene, stren, streen (ME), from unattested OE noun meaning 'gain, treasure' (*ster-2): STRAIN.

streng (OE) 'string, line, cord' (*strenk-): STRING. Cf. G Strang.

strengthu (OE) 'strength' (*strenk-): STRENGTH.

streowian (OE) 'to scatter, sprinkle' (*ster-2): STREW.

strica (OE) 'stroke of the pen, mark, line of motion, orbit' (*streig-): STREAK. Cf. G Beistrich, Strich.

strîcan (OE) 'to move, go, stroke, smooth' (*streig-): STRIKE. Cf. G streichen, Streik.

stricel (OE) 'rod used to level a heaped measure' (*streig-): STRICKLE.

strîdan (OE) 'to straddle': STRIDE.

stripe, strepe, strupe (ME) 'to unclothe, denude, doff, tear or peel of': STRIP. Prob. rel. to STRIPE, STRIPLING. Cf. G streifen, Streif.

strôk, strâk (ME) 'act of striking' (*streig-): STROKE.

strompet (ME) 'harlot, prostitute': STRUMPET.

strond (ME) 'one of the strings forming a rope': STRAND.

strong, strang (OE) 'strong, powerful, vigorous' (*strenk-): STRONG. Cf. G streng.

struglen (ME) 'to struggle': STRUGGLE.

strûtian (OE), perhaps 'to be rigid,' in ME 'to bulge, swell, protrude stiffly, stand out' (*ster-1): STRUT.

stubb, stub (OE) 'stump' (*steu-): STUB.

studu, stuthu (OE) 'post, prop' (*stâ-): STUD. Cf. G stützen.

stuffle, stufle (ME) 'to cause to choke, suffocate, kill by suffocation': STIFLE.

stumblen (ME) 'to stumble, trip' ((prob. < Scan < *stam-): STUMBLE.

stund (OE) 'space of time, a while' (*stâ-): STOUND. Cf. G Stunde.

stunt (OE) 'dull, foolish': STUNT.

stûpian (OE) 'to stoop, bend down' (*steu-): STOOP.

stutten (ME) 'to stutter' (*steu-): STUTTER. Cf. G stottern.

styntan (OE) 'to dull, blunt' (*steu-): STINT.

styrian (OE) 'to move, agitate' (*twer-1): STIR. Cf. G stören.

sugu (OE) 'female pig, sow' (*sû-): SOW. Cf. G Sau.

sum (OE) 'a certain, one or other, a certain amount or number of' (*sem-1): SOME. Cf. G Gesamt, sammeln, samt, Sintflut.

-sum (OE), adj.-forming suffix denoting quality, condition, etc. (*sem-1): -SOME (as in HANDSOME, WHOLESOME). Cf. G -sam.

sumor (OE) 'summer': GOSSAMER, SUMMER. Cf. G Altweibersommer.

sund (OE) 'swimming, sea, water' (*swem-): SONDE, SOUND.

sundor (OE) 'apart' (*sen-2): ASUNDER, SUNDER, SUNDRY. Cf. G besonder, sonder, sondern.

sunu (OE) 'son': SON.

sûr (OE) 'sour, tart, acid (in taste)' (*sûro-): SOUR.

sûtherne (OE) 'southern': SOUTHERN.

swâ (3-2) (OE) 'in such a manner, to such an extent' (*swo-): ALSO, SO. Cf. Du alzoo. G also, so, sofort, sogar.

swætan (3-2) (OE) 'to sweat, work hard' (*sweid-2): SWEAT, SWEATER. Cf. G Schwieß, schweißen, schwitzen.

swæth (OE) 'track, trace': SWATH.

swag (EModE) 'swaying movement' (> Scan < *swengw-): SWAG.

swale (ME) 'cool, shady, wet place' (*swel-2): SWALE.

swamp (EModE) 'swamp' (< LG < *swombho-): SWAMP.

swan (OE) 'swan' (*swen-): SWAN. Cf. G Schwan.

swâpan (OE) 'to sweep, drive, swing' (*swei-2): SWEEP, SWOOP. Cf. G schweben, Schweif, schweifen.

swappen (ME) 'to strike, hit, move quickly, strike hands on a bargain' (*swei-2): SWAP.

swathian (OE) 'to wrap up': SWADDLE, SWADDLING, SWATHE.

swealwe (OE), kind of bird, 'swallow': SWALLOW. Cf. G Schwalbe.

sweard, swearth (OE) 'skin of the body, rind of pork': SWARD.

swearm (OE) 'swarm (of bees)' (*swer-2): SWARM. Cf. G Schwarm, schwärmen.

sweart (OE) 'dark-colored' (*swordo-): SWART. Cf. G schwarz. Norw svart. Sw svart. Da sort.

swelgan (OE) 'to swallow' (*swel-1): SWALLOW.

swellan (OE) 'to get bigger': SWELL, SWOLLEN. Cf. G Geschwülst, schwellen, Schwiele, Schwulst.

sweltan (OE) 'to die, perish' (*swel-2): SULTRY, SWELTER.

swengan (OE) 'to shake, shatter' (*swengw-): SWINGE.

sweorfan (OE) 'to file away, scour, polish' (*swerbh-): SWERVE.

swerian (OE) 'to take a solemn oath' (*swer-1): SWEAR. Cf. G Gschworene, schwören, Schwur.

swête (OE) 'pleasing to the mind or senses, beloved, highly esteemed, kindly, gracious' (*swâd-): SWEET. Cf. G süß.

swîfan (OE) 'to revolve, sweep': SWIFT.

swift (OE) 'swift, quick' (*swei-2): SWIFT.

swilc, swelc, swylc (OE) 'such' (*swo- + *lîk-): SUCH. Cf. G solch.

swillan, swilian (OE) 'to wash or rinse out': SWILL.

swimman (OE) 'to swim' (*swem-): SWIM. Cf. G schwemmen, schwimmen.

swîn (OE) 'swine, pig' (*sû-): SWINE. Cf. G Schwein.

swingan (OE) 'to whip, strike, move impetuously' (*swengw-): SWING. Cf. G schwanken, schwenken, schwingen, Schwung.

swôgan (OE) 'to resound' (*swâgh-): SOUGH.

sword, sweard, swyrd (OE) 'sword': SWORD.

swylc (OE) 'such' (*swo- + *lîk-): SUCH. Cf. G solch.

swyrl (ME) 'eddy, whirlpool' (< LG *swer-2): SWIRL. Cf. G schwirren.

swyvel (ME) 'a swivel' (*swei-2): SWIVEL.

syll, sylle (OE) 'beam forming the foundation of a wall': SILL.

syndrian, sundrian (OE) 'to put apart' (*sen-2): SUNDER. Cf. G sondern.

syndrig (OE) 'apart, separated' (*sen-2): SUNDRY.

synn, syn (OE) 'sin, transgression of divine law' (*es-): SIN.

tâ (OE) 'toe': TOE. Cf. G Zehe.

tâcen, tâcn (OE) 'sign, symbol, signal' (*deik-): TOKEN. Cf. G Zeichen, zeichnen.

tâdige, tâdie (OE) 'toad': TOAD, TOADSTOAL.

tæcan (2-2) (OE) 'to show, instruct' (*deik-): TEACH.

tægel, tagl (OE) 'tail of an animal': TAIL.

tæppa (OE) 'spigot' (*tap-): TAP.

tæppe, tæppa (OE) 'narrow strip of cloth' (*tap-): TAPE.

tæsan (OE) 'to separate the fibers (of wool, etc.)': TEASE.

tæsel (2-2), tæsl (2-2) (OE), kind of plant, 'easel': TEASEL.

tagge (ME) 'pendent piece (orig. on a garment)' (*tag-): TAG.

tagilen, tangelen (ME) 'to involve a person in embarassment': TANGLE.

talkien, talken (ME) 'to talk, converse' (prob. *del-2): TALK.

talu (OE) 'talk, discourse, story' (*del-2): TALE. Cf. G Einzahl, Mehrzahl, Zahl.

tam (OE) 'domesticated' (*demª-2): TAME. Cf. G zahm, zähmen.

tân (OE) 'twig': MISTLETOE.

tang, tange (OE) 'pincers, tongs' (*denk-): TONGS. Cf. G Zange.

tankard (ME) 'large tub': TANKARD.

tare (ME) 'seed of the vetch': TARE.

tarien (ME) 'to delay, retard': TARRY.

tawian (OE) 'to prepare (esp. in the process of converting skins into leather)' (*taw-): TAW.

têah, têg (OE) 'that with which anything is fastened': TIE.

têam (OE) 'descendant, family, race, brood, offspring, family, set of draught animals' (*deuk-): TEAM. G Zaum.

têar, tehher (OE) 'tear (of the eye)' (*dakru-): TEAR. Cf. G Zähre.

teart (OE) 'sharp (to the taste)' (*der-2): TART.

tek (ME) 'to touch or tap lightly': TICK.

teld (OE) 'awning, tent' (*del-3): TILT.

tele (ME), kind of freshwater fowl, 'teal': TEAL.

telgor, telgra (OE) 'twig, branch, shoot' (*del-3): TILLER.

tellan (OE) 'to count, mention in order, recount, narrate, tell' (*del-2): TELL. Cf. G erzählen, zählen.

têman (OE), WS tîeman 'to bring forth' (*deuk-): TEEM.

teogotha, têotha (OE) 'tenth' (*dekm): TENTH, TITHE.

têon (OE) 'to pull, draw, lead' (*deuk-): TUG, WANTON. Cf. G Herzog, ziehen, Zögling, Zug, Zügel.

têona (OE) 'injury': TEEN.

têorian (OE) 'to fail, tire': TIRE.

teran (OE) 'to tear, pull apart' (*der-2): TEAR. Cf. G zehren, trennen, abtrünnig.

teru, teoru (OE) 'resin, pitch' (*deru): TAR. Cf. G Teer.

teter (OE) 'pustular eruption of the skin' (*der-2): TETTER.

thâ (OE) 'they' (*to-): THEY.

thæder (OE) 'thither' (*to-): THITHER.

thæm (3-2) (OE) 'them' (*to-): THEM.

thær (3-2), thêr (OE) 'there' (*to-): THERE. Cf. G da, Dasein.

thæt (OE) 'that' (*to-): THAT, THOSE.

thanc (OE) 'thought, kindly thought, favor, gratitude, expression of gratitude' (*tong-): THANK. Cf. G Dank.

thanne, thonne, thænne (OE) 'than, then' (*to-): THAN, THEN. Cf. G dann, denn.

thanone, thanon (OE) 'thence' (*to-): THENCE.

thawian (OE) 'thaw' (*tâ-): THAW. Cf. G tauen, verdauen.

thê, thy (3-2) (OE) 'by the' (*to-): THE, NATHELESS. Cf. G der, die, das.

thêaw (OE) 'usage, conduct, custom' (*teu-): THEW.

theccan (OE) 'to cover, make a roof (esp. with straw)' (*steg-2): THATCH. Cf. G Dach.

thegen, thegn (OE) 'freeman, nobleman, military vassal, warrior' (*tek-): THANE. Cf. G Degen.

thencan (OE) 'to think' (*tong-): THINK, THOUGHT. G Andacht, denken, dünken, Gedächtnis, Gedanke.

therscan (OE) 'to thresh' (*terª-1): THRASH, THRESH, THRESHOLD. Cf. G dreschen.

therscold, threscold (OE) 'sill of a door' (*terª-1): THRESHOLD.

thes (OE), fem. thêos, neuter acc. this, nom. and acc. pl. thâs (*to-): THIS, THESE, THOSE.

thicce (OE) 'thick': THICK. Cf. G dick.

thîefth (WS), later thyfth (3-2), thyft (3-2), thyft (3-2) (OE) 'theft': THEFT.

thille (ME) 'shaft': THILL.

thîn (OE) 'thine' (*tu-): THINE, THY. Cf. G dein.

thing (OE) 'assembly, (legal) case, thing, affair' (*tenk-1): THING.

thîof, thêof (OE) 'thief': THIEF. Cf. Du dief. G Dieb. Norw tjov, tjuv. Sw tjuv. Da tyv.

thistel (OE), kind of plant, 'thistle': THISTLE. Cf. G Distel.

tholian (OE) 'to suffer' (*telª-): THOLE. Cf. G dulden, Geduld.

tholl, thol (OE) 'peg, pin, esp. oar pin, oarlock' (prob. *teuª-): THOLE. Cf. G Dolle.

thorn (OE) 'thorn': THORN. Cf. G Dorn.

thræd (4-2) (OE) 'thread' (*terª-1): THREAD. Cf. G Draht.

thrâwan (OE) 'to turn, twist' (*terª-1): THROW. Cf. G drehen.

thrêat (OE) 'throng, troop, oppression, affliction' (*treud-): THREAT, THREATEN. Cf. G verdrießen.

thrêotîene (OE) 'thirteen': THIRTEEN.

thrî, thrîe, fem. thrîo, thrêo (OE) 'three' (*trei-): THREE. Cf. G drei, Drillich, Drilling.

thridda (OE) 'third' (*trei-): THIRD. Cf.G dritte.

thrîtig (OE) 'thirty' (*trei-): THIRTY. Cf. G dreissig.

thrîtigotha, thritteogotha (OE) 'thirtieth' (*trei-): THIRTIETH.

thrîwa, thrîga (OE) 'three times' (*trei-): THRICE.

throbben (ME) 'to beat strongly (of the heart)': THROB.

throp, thorp (OE) 'village, hamlet' (*treb-): THORP. Cf. G Dorf, Tölpel.

throstle (OE) 'thrush, mavis' (*trozdo-): THROSTLE.

throte, throtu (OE) 'throat': THROAT.

throtel, throtil (ME) 'to strangle, suffocate': THROTTLE. Cf. G Drossel.

throwe (ME) 'paroxysm': THROE.

thrum (OE) 'broken-off end' (*ter-): THRUM.

thrysce (OE) 'thrush' (*trozdo-): THRUSH. Cf. G Drossel.

thryth (4-2) (OE) 'strength, power': MILDRED.

thu (OE) 'thou' (*tu-): THOU. Cf. G du, dir, dich.

thu (OE) 'thou': THEE, THINE, THY.

thûma (OE) 'thumb' (*teuª-): THIMBLE, THUMB. Cf. G Daumen.

thunor (OE) 'thunder' (*stenª-): THUNDER, THURSDAY. Cf. G Donner, Donnerstag.

thurh (OE) 'through' (*terª-2): NOSTRIL, THOROUGH, THRILL, THROUGH. Cf. G durch.

thurst (OE) 'thirst' (*ters-): THIRST. Cf. G Durst.

thus (OE) 'thus' (*to-): THUS.

thûsend (OE) 'thousand' (*teuª- + *dekm): THOUSAND. Cf. G tausend.

thûsend (OE) 'thousand' (*teuª- + *dekm): THOUSAND. Cf. G tausend.

thwang, thwong (OE) 'thong, band' (*twengh-): THONG.

thwîtan (OE) 'to strike, whittle down, shave off' (*twei-): WHITTLE.

thyddan (OE) 'to thrust, push': THUD.

thyncan (OE) 'to seem' (*tong-): METHINKS.

thynne (OE) 'thin, shallow' (*ten-): THIN. Cf. G dünn.

thyrel, thyrl (OE) 'hole' (*terª-2): NOSTRIL, THRILL.

ticia (OE) 'tick': TICK.

tîd (OE) 'portion of time, season, age, point of time (of day or year' (*dâ-): BETIDE, EVENTIDE.

tîdan (OE) 'to happen' (*dâ-): TIDE. Cf. G Zeit, Zeitung.

tîen (OE) 'ten' (*dekm): TEN.

-tig (OE) 'ten' (*dekm): -TY. Cf. G -zig.

tîgan (OE) 'to bind' (*deuk-): TIE.

tiken, ticken (ME) 'to be thrilled, excite agreeably': TICKLE.

til (OE) 'to' (*tilam): TILL, UNTIL.

tilian (OE) 'to work at, attempt, obtain, treat, cure,' later 'cultivate' (*tilam): TILL, TILLAGE, TILTH. Cf. G Ziel.

tilten, tylten (ME) 'to throw down or over, cause to fall, overthrow': TILT.

tîma (OE) 'period or point of time' (*dâ-): TIME.

timber (OE) 'building, building material, lumber' (prob. *demª-1): TIMBER. Cf. G Zimmer.

tin, tinn (OE) 'tin': TIN.

tind (OE) 'sharp projecting point (esp. of an antler)': TINE.

tine (ME) 'very small': TINY.

tinekere (ME) 'mender of pots, kettles, etc.': TINKER.

tinglen (ME) 'to be affected with a ringing or thrilling sound': TINGLE.

tîpen (ME) 'to overturn, be overturned': TIP, TIPPLE, TIPSY.

tipet (ME) 'long narrow piece of cloth as part of a dress': TIPPET.

tipler (ME) 'seller of drink': TIPPLE, TIPPLER.

titt (OE) 'teat': TIT, TITTY.

Tîw, Tig (OE) 'god of war and sky' (*deiw-): TIU, TUESDAY.

tô (OE) 'to' (*de-): TO, TOO. Cf. G bis, zu.

todde, todd (ME) unit of weight: TOD.

tôgædere (OE) 'together' (tô + *ghedh-): ALTOGETHER, TOGETHER.

toggen (ME) 'to pull forcibly': TUG.

togian (OE) 'to draw, drag' (*deuk-): TOW. Cf. G zögern.

tôh (OE) 'tenacious, sticky' (*denk-): TOUGH. Cf. G zäh.

tôhaccian, haccian (OE) 'to hack, cut to pieces' (*keg-): HACK. Cf. G hacken, Häcksel.

tôl (OE) 'tool' (*taw-): TOOL.

tollen (ME) 'to entice, lure': TOLL.

top (OE) 'child's plaything (perhaps a spinning top)' (*tap-): TOP.

topp (OE) 'summit, tuft (of hair, etc.), crest' (*tap-): TOP.

tord (OE) 'turd' (*der-2): TURD.

tôslâf (OE) 'split up': SLIVER.

tôth (OE) 'tooth' (*dent-): TOOTH. Cf. G Zahn.

tougt (ME) 'tense, distended': TAUT.

toupe, tope, tuppe, tupe (ME) 'ram, male sheep': TUP.

tow- (OE) 'spinning' (*taw-): TOW.

toye (ME) 'dallying, amorous sport': TOY.

træppe, treppe (OE) 'snare' (*der-1): TRAP.

trampen (ME) 'to walk firmly, heavily, tramp' (*der-1): TRAMP, TRAMPLE.

tredan (OE) 'to step' (*der-1): TREAD, TREADLE. Cf. G treten, Tritt.

trêg, trîg (OE) 'shallow open vessel' (*deru): TRAY.

trendan (OE) 'to revolve, roll': TREND.

trêow (OE) 'pledge, truce' (*deru): TROW, TRUCE.

trêow, trêo (OE) 'tree' (*deru): TREE.

trêowe, getrîewe, later trywe (3-2) (OE) 'firm, true' (*deru): TRUE. Cf. G treu.

trêowian, trêowan (OE) 'to trust' (*deru): TROW. Cf. G trauen.

trêowth (OE) 'faith, loyalty, truth' (*deru): BETROTH, TRUTH, TROTH.

triklen (ME) 'to flow in successive drops': TRICKLE.

trim (EModE) 'well-equipped, neatly made: TRIM.

trog (OE) 'wooden vessel' (*deru): TROUGH. Cf. G Trog.

trollen (ME) 'to move around or back and forth': TROLL, TROLLEY.

trum (OE) 'firm, strong' (*deru): TRIM.

tûcian (OE) 'to punish, torment': TUCK.

tumbian (OE) 'to tumble': TUMBLE.

tûn (OE) 'enclosed place, homsestead, village': TOWN.

tunge (OE) 'tongue' (*dnghû-): TONGUE. Cf. G Zunge.

turven (ME) 'to wallow': TOPSY-TURVY.

tusc, tûx, tux (OE) 'long-pointed tooth' (*denk-): TUSK.

tusen, tousen (ME) 'to pull about roughly, dishevel': TOUSLE.

tussch (ME) exclamation of impatience or contempt: TUSH.

tussillen (ME) 'to pull or push roughly': TUSSLE.

tûten (ME) 'to peep, peer': TOUT.

twâ (OE) 'two' (*dwo-): TWO. Cf. G zwei.

twêgen (OE) 'two' (*dwo-): TWAIN.

twelf (OE) 'twelve' (*dwo- + leikw-): TWELVE. Cf. G zwölf.

twengan (OE) 'to pinch, squeeze' (*twengh-): TWINGE.

twentig (OE) 'twenty' (*dwo- + *dekm): TWENTY. Cf. G zwanzig.

twi-, twy- (OE) 'two, twice, double' (*dwo-): TWILIGHT, TWIBIL. Cf. G Zwillicht.

twicchen (ME) 'to twitch' (< LG < *twik-): TWITCH.

twiccian (OE) 'to pinch, pluck' (*twik-): TWEAK.

twigea, twiga, twige (OE) 'twice': TWICE.

twigge (OE) 'twig' (*dwo-): TWIG. Cf. G Zweck, Zweig.

twilic (OE) 'two-threaded' (*dwo-): TWILL.

twîn, twigin (OE) 'double thread' (*dwo-): TWINE. Cf. G Zwirn.

twinclian (OE) 'to twinkle': TWINKLE.

twinken (ME) 'to wink, blink': TWINK.

-twist (OE) 'branched or twisted object (such as a rope)' (*dwo-): TWIST. Cf. G Zwist.

twiteren (ME) 'to twitter (as a bird)': TWITTER.

tynclen (ME) 'to ring, tingle (of the ears)': TINKLE.

tynder, tyndre (OE) 'dry, easily flammable material': TINDER.

tyngen (ME) 'to produce a ringing sound': TING.

ûder (OE) 'udder' (*euªdh-): UDDER.

ufan (OE) 'from above, above' (*upo): ABOVE. Cf. Du boven. G oben.

ûle (OE) 'owl': OWL. Cf. G Eule.

un- (OE) 'no,' prefix expressing negation or contradition (*ne): UN- (as in UNCLEAN, UNEVEN).

uncûth (OE) 'unknown, unfamiliar' (un- + *gnô-): UNCOUTH.

under (OE) 'under' (*ndher-): UNDER, UNDER-. Cf. G unten, unter.

-ung, -ing (OE), orig. verbal suffix forming nouns of action: -ING.

untill (ME) 'till, until': UNTIL.

unto (ME) 'unto': UNTO.

up-, upp- (OE), prefix meaning 'up' (*upo): UP- (as in UPLAND).

up, uppe (OE) 'up' (*upo): OOF, UP. Cf. G auf, auftischen.

ûre (OE), ûsser, ûser, orig. gen. pl. of wê (*nes-2): OUR, OURS. Cf. G unser.

ûs (OE), orig. acc. and dat. of wê (*nes-2): US. Cf. G uns.

ût (OE) 'out' (*ud-): OUT, UTMOST.

ûtan (OE) 'from without,' hence bûtan (with first element < *ambhi), adverb and prep. 'outside,' prep. 'except,' conj. 'unless' (*ud-): ABOUT, BUT, OUT, WITHOUT.

wâ, wæ (2-2) (OE), interjection and exclamation of distress (*wai): WELLADAY, WELLAWAY, WOE, WOEFUL.

wacian (OE) 'to be awake' (*weg-2): WAKE. Cf. G wach, Wache, wachen.

-wacu (OE) 'watching, watch, vigil': WAKE.

wâd (OE) 'blue dye stuff, woad': WOAD.

wadan (OE) 'to go' (*wadh-2): WADE. Cf. G waten, Watt.

wæccan (OE) 'to be awake' (*weg-2): WATCH.

wæcnian, wæcnan (OE) 'to awake' (*weg-2): WAKEN.

wæd (OE) 'garment, cloth': WEED.

wæde, gewæde (4-2) (OE) 'garment' (*au-4): WEED.

wæg (2-2) (OE) 'wave': WAVE.

wæge (OE) 'weight, unit of weight' (*wegh-): WEE.

wægen, wægn, wæn (2-2) (OE) 'wagon' (*wegh-): WAIN. Cf. G Wagen.

wæpan (2-2) (OE) 'weapon' (*wêpnam): WEAPON. Cf. G Waffe, Wappen.

wær (2-2) (OE) 'faith, pledge, covenant' (*wêro-): WARLOCK. Cf. wahr, gewähren, albern.

wær, gewær (OE) 'watchful, aware, wary' (*wer-4): AWARE, BEWARE, WARE, WARY. Cf. G gewahr, Gewahrsam.

wæron (2-2) (OE) 'were' (*wes-3): WERE. Cf. G war, waren.

wæs (OE) 'was' (*wes-3): WAS. Cf. G Wesen, abwesend, Anwesen.

wæscan, wascan, waxan (OE) 'to wash, clean with or as with water' (*wed-1): WASH. Cf. G waschen.

wæsp, wæps, wæfs (OE) 'wasp' (*wopsâ): WASP. Cf. G Wespe.

wæt (2-2), wêt (OE) 'wet' (*wed-1): WET.

wæter (OE) 'water' (*wed-1): WATER. Cf. G Wasser.

wæx, weax (OE) 'wax': WAX.

wage, wawe (ME) 'wave (of water)': wave.

wagian (OE) 'to totter, sway': WAG, WAGGLE. Cf. G Wiege, wiegen.

wailen (ME) 'to wail' (< Scan < *wai): WAIL.

wake (EModE) 'wake (of a ship)': WAKE.

walet (ME) 'provisions bag (esp. of a pilgrim or peddler)': WALLET.

walu (OE) 'ridge of land, weal on the skin': WALE.

walwian (OE), WS wealwian 'to roll about or from side to side' (*wel-3): WALLOW.

wamb, womb (OE) 'belly, uterus': WOMB.

wamelen, wamlen (ME) 'to feel nausea, stagger' (< Scan, prob. < *wemª-): WAMBLE.

wan- (OE) 'lacking, not': WANTON.

wana (OE) 'lack': WANE.

wancol (OE) 'inconstant, unsteady' (*weng-): WANGLE, WONKY.

wandrian (OE) 'to wander' (*wendh-): WANDER.

wanian (OE) 'to lessen' (*eu-2): WANE.

wann, wan (OE) 'dusky, dark, livid': WAN.

wappen (ME) 'to cast or pull violently': WHOP, WHOPPER, WHOPPING.

wâr (OE) 'seaweed' (prob. *wei-1): SEAWARE.

warble (EModE) 'small tumor': WARBLE.

-ware (OE) 'inhabitant': CANTERBURY.

warenian, warnian, wearnian (OE) 'to put on guard, caution' (*wer-5): WARN. Cf. G warnen.

warian (OE) 'to beware' (*wer-4): WARE. Cf. G verwahrlosen, wahren, wahrnehmen.

waru (OE) 'goods sold or manufactured' (*wer-4): FIELDFARE, WARE, WAREHOUSE. Cf. G Warenhaus.

wâse (OE) 'mire, mud, slime': OOZE.

wâsend (OE) 'gullet': WEASAND.

wast, waast (ME) 'waist': WAIST, WAISTCOAT.

watul (OE) 'intertwined stakes and twigs (used as fencing)' (*au-4): WATTLE.

we (OE) 'we': WE.

wealcan (OE) 'to roll, toss, move about, go': WALK.

weald (OE) 'force': REGINALD.

wealdan (OE) 'to rule, direct, command' (*wal-): WIELD. Cf. G Anwalt, Gewalt, walten.

-weard (OE) 'toward' (*wer-3): -WARD. Cf. G -wärts.

weard (OE) 'watching, guarding, custody' (*wer-4): EDWARD, STEWARD, WARD. Cf. G Anwärter, Anwartschaft, Steward (

wearte (OE) 'wart' (*wer-1): WART. Cf. G Warze.

weaxan (OE) 'to grow, become' (*aug-1): WAX.

webb, web (OE) 'woven fabric' (*webh-): WEB, WEBSTER, WEBB. Cf. G Wabe.

wecg (OE) 'wedge, ingot' (*wogwh-ni-): WEDGE. Cf. G Weck.

wedd (OE) 'pledge, marriage' (*wadh-1): WEDLOCK.

weddian (OE) 'to pledge, marry' (*wadh-1): WED.

weder (OE) 'weather, storm, wind' (*wê-): WEATHER. Cf. G Gewitter, Wetter, wittern.

wefan (OE) 'to weave' (*webh-): WEAVE, WOOF. Cf. G weben.

wefta, weft (OE) 'cross threads of a web' (*webh-): WEFT.

weg (OE) 'way, road, path' (*wegh-): ALWAYS, AWAY, WAY. Cf. G Weg, Wegerich.

wêg, wêge (Anglian), WS wæg (2-2), wæge (2-2) (OE) 'weight': WEE.

wegan (OE) 'to bear, carry, lift, balance on the scales, have weight' (*wegh-): WEIGH, WEIGHT. Cf. G bewegen, Waage, wägen, wiegen.

wela (OE) 'well-being, wealth, riches' (*wel-2): WEAL, WEALTH. Cf. G wohl.

welde, wolde (ME), kind of plant, 'weld' (*welt-): WELD.

welig (OE) 'willow': WILLOW.

welkin (ME) 'to wilt' (*welg-): WILT.

well, wel (OE) 'well' (*wel-2): WELCOME, WELL. Cf. G willkommen.

welte, walt (ME) 'welt': WELT.

wênan (OE) 'to expect, suppose, think' (*wen-1): WEEN.

wencel (OE) 'young woman, girl' (*weng-): WENCH.

wendan (OE) 'to turn, go' (*wendh-): WEND. Cf. G bewenden, Gewand, gewandt, verwandt, Vorwand, wenden.

wenge (ME) 'wing' (< Scan < *wê-): WING.

wenian (OE) 'to accustom, train' (*wen-1): WEAN. Cf. G gewöhnen, Gewohnheit, gewöhnlich, gewohnt, entwöhnen.

wenn, wen, wæn (OE) 'wen' (*wen-2): WEN.

wêoc, wêoce (OE) 'wick (of a candle)': WICK.

weolcen, wolcen, wolcn (OE) 'cloud, sky' (*welg-): WELKIN. Cf. G Wolke.

weoluc, wioloc (OE) 'mollusk, whelk' (*wel-3): WHELK.

weorc, werc, worc, wurc (OE) 'work, what is done or produced' (*werg-): WORK. Cf. G wirken, wirklich.

weorold, worold, world (OE) 'world' (*wî-ro- + *al-3): WORLD. Cf. Du wereld. G Welt. Norw verd. Sw värld. Da verden.

weorpan (OE) 'to cast, throw' (*wer-3): WARP. Cf. G entwerfen, werfen, Wurf, Würfel.

weorthan, wurthan (OE) 'to come to be, become' (*wer-3): WORTH. Cf. G werden, Wirtel.

wêpan, wöpan (2-2) (OE) 'to weep': WEEP.

wer (OE) 'man' (*wî-ro-): WEREWOLF, WERGELD. Cf. G Werwolf.

wer (OE) 'river dam, fish trap' (*wer-5): WEIR.

werian (OE) 'to wear, carry on the body' (*wes-4): WEAR.

wêrig, wörig (2-2) (OE) 'tired, weak': WEARY.

wermôd (OE) 'wormwood': WORMWOOD.

west (OE) 'west' in westerne 'western' in westra 'more westerly' (*wes-pero-): WEST, WESTERN, WESTERLY. Cf. G Westen.

wesule, wesle, weosule (OE) 'weasel' (*wis-): WEASEL. Cf. G Wiesel.

wether (OE) 'male sheep, ram' (*wet-2): WETHER. Cf. G Widder.

wevyl (ME) 'weevil': WEEVIL.

whelmen (ME) 'to turn over' (*kwelp-): OVERWHELM, WHELM. Cf. G Gewölbe, wölben.

whery (ME) 'light rowboat': WHERRY.

whewe (ME) exclamation of astonishment, etc.: WHEW.

whirren (ME) 'to whir,fling, hurl, whirl' ((< Scan < *kwerp-): WHIR.


whynne (ME) 'furze, gorse': WHIN, WHINCHAT.

wicce (fem.), masc. wicca (OE) 'magician, wizard' (*weik-2): WITCH.

wiccian (OE) 'to cast a spell' (*weik-2): BEWITCH.

wice, wic (OE) 'wych elm, witch hazel' (*weik-4): WITCH_HAZEL, WYCH_ELM.

wice, wicu (OE) 'week' (*weik-4): WEEK. Cf. G Woche.

wicga (OE) 'earwig' (*wegh-): EARWIG.

wîd (OE) 'wide' (*wi-): WIDE. Cf. G weit.

widewe (OE) 'widow' (*weidh-): WIDOW. Cf. G Witwe (< OHG wituwa = OE).

widu, wiodu, later wudu (OE) 'tree, wood': WOOD, WOODBINE, WOODCHUCK, WOODRUFF.

wiersa, wyrsa (OE) 'worse' (*wers-1): WORSE.

wîf (OE) 'woman, wife': WIFE, WOMAN.

wifel (OE) 'weevil' (*webh-): WEEVIL.

wiht (OE) 'person, living thing': AUGHT, OUGHT, NAUGHT, NOT, NOUGHT, WHIT, WIGHT. Cf. G nicht, Wicht.

wiker (ME) 'wicker' (< Scan < *weik-4): WICKER.

wîl (ME) 'trickery, cunning': WILE, WILY.

wilde (OE) 'wild' (*welt-): WILD, WILDER, WILDERNESS. Cf. G wild, Wild, Wildnis.

willa (OE) 'desire, will power' (*wel-2): WILFUL, WILL. Cf. G Wille, Willkür.

wimpel (OE) 'covering for the neck and head': WIMPLE.

wince (OE) 'reel, roller' (*weng-): WINCH.

-wincel (OE) 'spiral shell' (*weng-): PERIWINKLE.

wincen (ME) 'to kick, wince' (< AN < Gmc < *weng-): WINCE.

wincian (OE) 'to close the eyes' (*weng-): WINK. Cf. G Winkel, winken.

wind (OE) 'wind' (*wê-): WIND, WINDFALL. Cf. G Wind.

windan (OE) 'to wind' (*wendh-): WIND. Cf. G Gewinde, Wand, Wimper, Windel, winden, windschief.

wine (OE) 'friend, protector': EDWIN, MELVIN.

winnan, gewinnan (OE) 'to win, work' (*wen-1): WIN. Cf. G gewinnen.

winter (OE) 'winter' (*wed-1): WINTER. Cf. G Winter.

wîpian (OE) 'to wipe' (*weip-): WIPE.

wîr (OE) 'wire' (*wei-1): WIRE, WIRY.

wîs (OE) 'wise' (*weid-): WISDOM, WISE. Cf. G weise.

wîsdôm (OE) 'learning, wisdom' (*weid- + -dom): WISDOM.

wîse, wîs (OE) 'mode, condition, thing, cause, manner' (*weid-): WISE. Cf. G Weise.

wisnian (OE) 'to wither, shrivel, dry up': WIZEN, WIZENED.

wisp, wips (ME) 'handful, bunch, twisted band (of hay, etc.)': WISP.

wita (OE) 'wise man, councilor' (*weid-): WITAN, WITENAGEMOT.

witan (OE) 'to know' (*weid-): UNWITTING, WIT. Cf. G bewußt, Gewissen, wissen (< OHG wiƒƒan = OE).

wîtan (OE) 'to reproach' (*weid-): TWIT. Cf. G verweisen.

wîte (OE) 'fine, penalty' (*weid-): WITE.

wither (OE) 'against' (*wi-): WITH, WITHERS.

wîthig (OE) 'wiry' (*wei-1): WITHY. Cf. G Weide.

withthe (OE) 'supple twig' (*wei-1): WITHE.

witt, wit (OE) 'knowledge, intelligence' (*weid-): WIT. Cf. G Witz.

wlisp (OE) 'a lisping': LISP.

wôd (OE) 'insane, mad': WOOD.

Wôden (OE) 'Woden,' hence Wôdnesdæg 'Woden's day' (*wed-1): WEDNESDAY.

wôgian (OE) 'to sue in love': WOO.

word (OE) 'word' (*wer-6): WORD. Cf. Du woord. G Wort. Norw ord. Sw ord. Da ord.

worth, weorth, wurth (OE) 'money, value, worth': STALWART, WORTH. Cf. G unwirsch, wert, Würde.

wôs (OE) 'juice, sap': OOZE.

wræc (OE) 'exile, punishment' (*wreg-): WRACK. Cf. G Wrack.

wræstan (3-2) (OE) 'to twist, turn' (*wer-3): WREST, WRESTLE.

wranglen (ME) 'to wrangle, argue' (< LG < *wer-3): WRANGLE.

wrapen (ME) 'to cover or enfold, wrap' (< Scan < *wer-3): WRAP.

wrâth (OE) 'angry' (*wer-3): WRATH, WROTH.

wrecan (OE) 'to drive away, expel, avenge, revenge' (*wreg-): WREAK. Cf. G Rache, rächen.

wrecca (OE) 'exile, miserable being, despicable person' (*wreg-): WRETCH. Cf. G Reck.

wrêgan (OE) 'to accuse': BEWRAY.

wrencan (OE) 'to twist, turn' (*wer-3): WRENCH. Cf. G Ränke, renken.

wrenna, wrænna (OE) 'wren': WREN.

wrîgian (OE) 'to turn, bend, go' (*wer-3): WRY, WRYNECK.

wringan (OE) 'to twist, squeeze, wrench, wrest' (*wer-3): WRING. Cf. G wringen.

wrist (OE) 'wrist' (*wer-3): WRIST. Cf. G Rist.

wrîtan (OE) 'to engrave, draw, depict, write': WRITE.

writha (OE) 'band, coil' (*wer-3): WREATH.

wrîthan (OE) 'to twist, torture' (*wer-3): WRITHE.

wrong (ME) 'wrong' (< Scan < *wer-3): WRONG.

wrôtan (OE) 'to dig': ROOT.

wudurofe (OE) 'woodruff': WOODRUFF.

wulf (OE) 'wolf' (*wlkwo-): WOLF.

wull (OE) 'wool' (*welª-1): WOOL. Cf. G Wolle.

wund (OE) 'wound, bodily injury' (*wen-2): WOUND. Cf. G wund, Wunde.

wundor (OE) 'astonishing thing, marvel': WONDER. Cf. G Wunder.

wunian (OE) 'to become accustomed to, dwell, continue' (*wen-1): WON, WONT.

wyllan (OE) 'to desire, wish, intend, be determined to' (*wel-2): NILL, WILL. Cf. G wollen.

wynn (OE) 'pleasure, joy' (*wen-1): WINSOME, WYN.

wynsum (OE) 'pleasant': WINSOME.

wyrcan (OE) 'to work' (*werg-): WROUGHT.

wyrd (OE) 'fate, lot, destiny' (*wer-3): WEIRD.

wyrgan (OE) 'to strangle' (*wer-3): WORRY. Cf. G würgen.

wyrhta (OE) 'maker, handicraftsman' (*werg-): WRIGHT.

wyrm, later wurm (OE) 'serpent, dragon, reptile, insect larva, maggot' (*wer-3): WORM. Cf. G Wurm.

wyrsta (OE) 'worst' (*wers-1): WORST.

wyrt (OE) 'plant, herb, vegetable root' (*wrâd-): WORT.

wyscan (2-2) (OE) 'to desire, wish' (*wen-1): WISH. Cf. G Wunsch, wünschen.

yfel (ME) 'evil': EVIL. Cf. G übel.

yfesdrype (OE) 'water from the eaves' (*upo + dhreu-): EAVESDROP.

ymb (OE) 'around, about' (*ambhi): EMBER_DAY.

youlen (ME) 'to cry loudly in pain': YAWL, YOWL. Cf. G jaulen.