About the LEGUTK- project!

I hope you will join me in my quest to connect all the Legutka, Legutke, Legutki, Legutko, Legutky (and any other variant) people who are listed here on Facebook.

I have been collecting information on Legutko and Legutki for well over 20 years (and my mother’s Skinner line for over 35 years). In the Polish records for Siemiechów, my ancestral line began as Legutko but for some unknown reason the records changed to Legutki about 1840. There are probably less than 2,000 people with the name of Legutki/Legutko in the world; about 1,200 are in Poland. About 200 are currently on Facebook!

I have been able to collect information from over 300 people from records that are available online and at the Mormon Genealogy Library in Salt Lake City. I would very much like to connect these records, and add your family line to the database. I am sure that everyone with the Legutko / Legutki surname are connected within the last 300 years.

I plan to make this information available to anyone who contributes their information and is interested in their ancestors. Information on living people will NOT be posted to the Internet in any public form. GENERAL information about LEGUTK- variants will be posted at: http://sites.google.com/site/legutk/home

How you can help:

I would like to have your LEGUTKO ancestry starting with you going back for as many generations as you have information. To make it easy to enter, I would like to have it in the following format. (I have created the listing below based on my ancestry for 5 generations).

1. (Me) Gregg Legutki (1951-L) (L indicates still living)

2. (Father) Walter John Legutki (1918-1981) married Dolorose Skinner

3. (Grand Father) Wojciech Legutki (1894-1961) married Anna Lagowska

4. (Great Grand Father) Jozef Legutki (1862-1901) married Wiktoria Maniak

5. (GG Grand Father) Mathiae Legutki (1827-1877) married Marian Gucfa

And so forth for as far back as you can go.

If you only know about three or four generations, that’s fine. Whatever information you have going back will be helpful. As information is sent in, I’ll be in contact for other details that you might be able to furnish. Right now I’m looking for some basics to connect to what I already have. Also, if you already know someone on Facebook who is your relative, sibling, cousin, etc., please let me know so I can tie families together and not tell you something you might already know!

I hope that you’ll be interested in joining this quest and will share your family information. Who knows, all those Legutko / Legutki people on Facebook might be long-lost cousins!

Lastly, if you’re interested in what they’re selling at those family crest kiosks at the mall or the fair, I’ve published one of their “family history” reports. Absolutely NOT worth the money they are printed on!


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, either through Facebook or at gregg "at sign" skinnerkinsmen.org