ER Day 102

Today we will:

Watch a movie about someone who is missing a limb

Reach chapter 19 of "The Wizard of Oz"

Take a timed math facts test (Set the timer for 1 min and work until it rings. You should be able to do 36 problems with zero mistakes in one minute to move up to the next test)

Play a math facts game (this should be the same set of facts you are testing on tomorrow)

Learn about the difference between fantasy and reality

Make a yo-yo

Look at what was in a house in the 1600s

Learn about comparative and superlative adjectives

Practice reading a Fahrenheit thermometer

Learn about screen printing

You will need:

Printer and paper

Pen or pencil

Two discs--Try empty yogurt containers, cardboard circles cut from cereal boxes, or even plastic or metal lids

Axle--Look for a corndog stick, small plastic tube, or wooden dowel pin

String--You’ll need about three feet