ER Day 42

Today we will:

Learn about types of teeth

Learn more about story settings

Take a timed math facts test (Set the timer for 1 min and work until it rings. You should be able to do 36 problems with zero mistakes in one minute to move up to the next test)

Play a math facts game (this should be the same set of facts you are testing on tomorrow)

Learn about synonyms and antonyms (note: Synonyms are not actually words that mean the same thing--no two words mean exactly the same thing. Synonyms are words that have very similar meanings.)

Learn about metal

Listen to Mozart's "Variations"

Practice naming patterns

Compare and contrast cooks 700 years ago with cooks now

Learn about Mondrian (note: this downloads a .ppt file; if you don't want it to download, use the Google Chrome browser and set it up so it automatically opens files in its file viewer)

You will need:

Printer and paper

Pen or pencil