Our Youth Program

Scouting is for everybody.

Scouting is a journey built on an engaging youth program that is generally based on age, but tailored to each individual.

Each step in the journey is adventurous, fun, challenging and inclusive.

Our Scouts ‘learn by doing.

Weekly schedule

Our trained leaders deliver a weekly program of activities during the state school term at the Kurilpa Scout Group. Inclusive, active and fun activities are offered to boys and girls across four sections.

Section # Age Day/time Focus

Joeys 5 - 7 yrs * Wednesdays 5.45 - 6.45 pm Discover Adventure

Cubs 8 - 10 yrs Wednesdays 6:15 - 8:00 pm Adventure and teamwork

Scouts 11 - 14 yrs Mondays 6.15 - 8.15 pm Action packed activities

Venturers 15 - 17 yrs Mondays 7.00 - 9.00 pm Challenges and leadership

Rovers 18 - 25 yrs Sundays 6.00 - 8.00 pm Socialising and adventure

* Children must have had their 5th birthday and be eligible to start year 1 to become a Joey Scout.

# Youth members have 6 months to transition into the next section - this flexibility ensures each individual is ready to take the next step in their journey.

Special activities

In addition to the weekly program, we offer special activities and weekend events.

Participation in these events is optional and may involve a small additional fee to cover costs.

Scouts learn

    • Self-confidence

    • Initiative & problem solving

    • To achieve

    • Leadership

    • Planning & to be prepared

    • To be risk takers

    • The importance of community

    • Teamwork