League Policies

Board of Directors and Policy Adoption

Board of Directors - by unanimous vote of Junta present at the meeting, as of Summer 2009

Brian Amer

Pat Reed

Dave Morris

Vicki Chan


Official Junta Board of Directors Decision Policy: Any member can call for a vote to make a decision. Majority rules.

Members can be evicted via sufficient whining by the other board members or the Junta.

New members can be elected by majority vote of the Junta present at any meeting, as long as the resulting number of board members remains odd.

Other League Policies Here

Captain Compensation

Spring, Summer & Fall - Season Fee or 5 discs or a jersey

Late Fall & Winter - $25 or 5 discs or a jersey

Disc Donations

As part of the Ann Arbor Ultimate Leagues mission objective to spread ultimate, we will donate discs to support the spread of ultimate locally and globally. The policy for this is as follows.

Qualifying organizations include:

a) places with need, like villages in Africa, that some ultimate player is visiting

b) high school ultimate programs, or similar programs, trying to get new players involved

To qualify as needing discs, a representative of the organization must request the discs.

We will donate up to 5 discs for free, and sell as many discs as are currently available for $5/disc. (once per year per organization)

In exchange the organization must provide pictures of their members using the discs, for us to put on our web page or to use in PR material.

For now Dave is in charge of this program and of logging disc donations here, though if someone wants to take over, please let me know. :-)

Also refer requesting organizations to Discraft's practice disc program, though currently these are $5.50 each plus shipping.


Organizations/Locations where we have donated discs donated so far that I can remember are listed below. In the future please include contact info & date if possible.

Operation Iraqi Freedom



Belleville Elementary School

and some others I can't remember right now