*Directors of Advertising

Tentative Plans: (possible timelines?)

1. Distribute 15 flyers each to 6 other high schools (through their contacts at the HS ultimate teams and harry)

2. Make at least 50 more copies to distribute around UM (asking captains to distribute to their players in different departments) and downtown Ann Arbor before Summer League.

3. organize at least 2 pick-up games/clinics at high schools before the end of june to attract more players


Press Release Info; Lunch with Rebecca Kriss Lopez 6/9/2009

Possible Media Sources

Ann Arbor Courant?

Detroit News

Student Papers - Michigan/WCC/EMU

Student Papers - Michigan/WCC/EMU


Metro Detroit

Real Detroit

Michigan Chronicle

Ann Arbor Update


Ann Arbor Observer

Lindsay White or John Hilton?

Guides Researcher


(734)769-3175 ext. 320

Ann Arbor News; Regional Police, Nonprofits

Amalie Nash, at anash@annarbornews.com

Ann Arbor rec and ed

Casey Hans <hansc@aaps.k12.mi.us>,

Sally Searls <searls@aaps.k12.mi.us>

Sara Aeschbach (Executive Director) <aeschbac@aaps.k12.mi.us>

Casey writes the Ann Arbor Public Schools' news and Sally Searls who writes the Rec&Ed e-newsletter.

Timeline: Do it as soon as possible after the event and for upcoming events. If you're submitting after a little while, you can 'massage' the data to make it as relevant and seemingly timely as possible.

Follow the templates. Usually you have your ocntact info, first paragraph (who, what, where, when, why's, include good stats if you have them), 2nd paragraph (with a great quote from a participant), and finally end with a boilerplate summary of who you are. Press Releases should be no more than 500 words, and the boilerplate should be less than 300 words

We should be doing press releases for every registration, clinic, every event we have! It's free and people are always looking for content.

12/17 Press Release ($2500 Donation)

-Sent email to Ann Arbor Rec & Ed (Casey, Sally, and Sara)

-Submitted content to Detroit Free Press

-Sent email to Ann Arbor news (Amalie)

-Sent update to 'Arbor Update'

-Submitted content to Metro Times

6/10 Press Release (Charity Tournament)

-Sent to Ann Arbor News

-Sent email to Ann Arbor Rec & Ed

-sent content to Ann Arbor Update

-sent inquiry to Detroit Free Press


Director of advertising should solicit and submit fliers for the different leagues and events for posting around key locations, which include but are not limited to:

1. The U-M campus - student union, CCRB, medical center, library, anywhere where fliers may be posted

2. The greater Ann Arbor area - Tortoise & Hare, Running Fit, grocery store bulletin boards, coffee shop bulletin boards, etc.

3. Eastern Michigan/Washtenaw Community College - wherever fliers may be posted.

4. Local sporting/recreation facilities, wherever fliers may be posted - Wide World Sports, Ice Cube, Washtenaw rec building, etc.

5. Handed out personally to people throwing Frisbees around town (we haven't tried this before but it sounds like a good idea to me).

6. Create 2 or 3 different possible proposals for sponsorship (using the UPA conference notes http://www.upa.org/outreach/conference2009/seminars/#gbreaux and http://www.upa.org/files/V_2_Obtaining%20League%20Sponsorships-%20Handout.pdf) as a guide.

Director of advertising should also maintain communication with key media outlets as needed, typically the Ann Arbor News and Ann Arbor Observer. Key times will be before leagues begin and before events occur. Person will occasionally need to direct media professionals to others involved in the league to field questions or to be interviewed for news stories.

Some key items of interest to media outlets which may warrant e-mail communications or press releases sent via e-mail, fax or mail:

1. Start/end dates of leagues, including cost, deadline, location of games

2. Major tournaments, such as Motown Throwdown, or UPA championships, with emphasis on local players/teams involved

3. Local people/players involved in big Ultimate to-do (example - Lillian Berla, daughter of Tim Berla of Ann Arbor, plays in World Ultimate and Guts Championships in Finland in 2004).

4. Anytime the league does something different for the first time (first women's league, first all married couples league, first master's league, first indoor winter league).

5. Youth ultimate-related events and happenings

Other Notes: May want to contact Dan Schafer about advertising on A3. Note that this position is currently not filled, so these are all tentative ideas! Also, check out existing materials: http://thecathouse.homeftp.net/Filez/PR_Graphics/