
University of Tokyo (2010.4~)

Microeconomics for Public Policy (GraSPP), Link to Lecture Materials

Case Studies (GrasPP)

Emprical Studies on the Healthcare Market (Graduate School of Economics)

KEIO University (2009.4-2012.3)

Empirical Industrial Organization (Undergrad, Grad)

Aoyama Gakuin University (2005.6-2009.3)

Managerial Economics (MBA, EMBA), Economics of Strategy (MBA),

Game Theory and Management (MBA), Pricing Strategy (MBA)

(Winner, "The Best Teacher of the Year Award," 2009.3)

Vanderbilt University (2001.7~2005.5)

Corporate Strategy (MBA), Managing the Global Enterprise (EMBA), Global Strategy (MBA),

Economics of Organizations (MBA)