Published in April 2016

"En finir avec la migraine"

Translation into French of Dr Josh Turknett's book, "The Migraine Miracle" with recipes created by Jenny Turknett.


(published in June 2014)

"Pourquoi je ne guéris pas ? Soigner Lyme et les maladies chroniques inexpliquées"

Translation into French of "Why can't I get better? Solving the Mystery of Lyme and Chronic Disease", by Richard Horowitz MD: a novel approach to chronic diseases.


Published in February 2014

Translation into English of "Cholestérol, mensonges et propagande", by Michel de Lorgeril MD, French cardiologist.

RANDALL ÉDITIONS(published in October 2009)"La Charrue, la peste et le climat"Translation into French of "Plows, Plagues & Petroleum", by American paleoclimatologist W.F. Ruddiman : This translation benefited from a grant by the

ÉDITIONS DU ROCHERPublished in October 2008"La Saison du serpent"Translation into French of Claire Davis' thriller: "Season of the Snake".

ÉDITIONS DU PALÉMONPublished in June 2007"Drizzly Days in Lanester"Translation from the French of "Les bruines de Lanester" by Jean Failler, the first volume in the best-selling detective series relating the highly addictive adventures in Brittany of Detective Constable Mary Lester. The author is currently looking for an English publisher interested in publishing the 33 other volumes. As he does not speak English, Jean Failler has asked me to be his go-between so please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.

More info. about Mary Lester's investigations here

Or download our "Mary Lester Press File" here

To buy "Drizzly Days in Lanester", click here

INTER-EDITIONSPublished in August 1995"Relations interpersonnelles et soins infirmiers"Translation into French of Hildegard E. Peplau's book: "Interpersonal relations in nursing, a conceptual frame of reference for psychodynamic nursing".

ÉDITIONS LAMARREPublished in December 1991"1001 trucs pour mieux soigner" Translation & adaptation into French of the american book: 1000 Nursing Tips & Timesavers"

ÉDITIONS LAMARREPublished in December 1990"Démarche de soins, mode d'emploi"Translation & adaptation into French of Ms Rosalinda Alfaro's book: "Application of the Nursing Process, a step-by-step guide"