
Copy of Content [Cryp*to*gra*phica/Distillate]

cryptic, a. Secret, mystical. Cryptograph, nn. Thing written in cipher.


What to do about 2-1?


"The first movie star" was born here

The Piper at the Gates

Calculating Truth & Beauty

The Romantic Grotesque: the work of Lauren Mikols & Elaine Cameron-Weir

Muriel Rukeyser: In each word, a storm

Pantless Percy and the Good Life

Featured Portfolio

An Introduction to the Sculpture of George Wallace

Gore Park as Urban Artifact

A Statue Misconstrued

For Richard

Cryptaesthesia, that supernormal knowledge gained through telepathic or clairvoyant means, might also be gained by clicking on the titles above. You may click on them in the order of your choosing. Their order remains constant, but yours need not.

Michael Allgoewer

David Cohen

Mark Mavrinac

Sara Knelman

Caroline Moran

Kåthe Nagy

Kim Neudorf

J. S. Porter

Samuel Isaac Robinson

Peter Stevens

Robert Clark Yates

John Weaver

Paul Lisson, Editor

Art Director: Peter Stevens

cryptic, a. Secret, mystical. Cryptograph, nn. Thing written in cipher.